Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 341 The biggest discount

Chapter 341 The biggest discount
As the yin and yang tone sounded, Wang Lei looked sideways, only to see Gao Tingting standing beside him at some point.

Sensing the emotional fluctuations emanating from this young lady, Wang Lei shrugged and asked with a smile, "How do you say that?"

"Tch, if you say you're stupid, you still don't believe it. This requires tourism development and external publicity. Have you publicized it?"

"Just because of this?" After hearing Gao Tingting's words, Wang Lei's expression brightened instantly, and he asked him back.

Gao Tingting looked slightly startled, and looked at Wang Lei carefully, wondering why this young man behaved like this.

After a while, he didn't continue to delve into this issue, and nodded at him, "That's right, it's because of this."

"Only through publicity can the outside world know about Huacun's affairs. Otherwise, even if you expose the sky here, it would be useless if people outside don't know about it."

Rough words are not rough.

Guo Yan stood by and nodded slowly.

"That's right, Xiao Wang, there are recreational facilities in the village now, so we must keep up with the publicity..."

In the words of the female village head, Wang Lei looked back at Gao Tingting.

"This kind of thing can make you think of it, do you think I can't think of it?"

"Hehe, let's go, the promotion candidate I'm looking for has arrived."

"Where is it?" Gao Tingting asked subconsciously.

Wang Lei pouted at the middle-aged man who was jumping off the motorboat not far away, and said, "That's him, Zhao Zitian from the Lantian Propaganda Office."

"Haha, Xiao Wang, you have the foresight, and you have found the candidate a long time ago..." Guo Yan's laughter sounded from the side.

"Mr. Guo, it's not good to go with the crowd. Just now you followed Gao Tingting's wishes, but now you have changed your attitude all of a sudden. You are worried about my ability to do things." Wang Lei said to Guo Yan He took a look and laughed aloud.

Guo Yan's face suddenly became embarrassed.

He turned around and glared at Wang Lei, but didn't say anything.

"Mr. Wang, your speed is very fast. I thought I would arrive earlier than you, but I didn't expect you to arrive first." Zhao Zitian was walking towards Wang Lei quickly, and the greetings had already reached Wang Lei's ears first. .

Facing the non-painful words, Wang Lei smiled lightly, and then introduced to him: "This is Guo Yan, the head of Hua Village, and this is Gao Tingting."

"This is Director Zhao from Lantian Propaganda Office."

"Hello, hello." Guo Yan first extended her right hand and greeted Zhao Zitian.

On Wang Lei's side, after saying that, he turned around and walked up to the helper who came to help transport the motorboat, said a few polite words to the leader, and sent him away.

"Director Zhao, do you understand the general situation of Hua Village?"

When Wang Lei returned to Zhao Zitian, he asked directly.

"Yeah, Village Chief Guo just told me about the details of Hua Village. Our Lantian publicity campaign lasts for half a month, three months, and half a year. I don't know which one Mr. Wang plans to choose. ?”

"I had a phone call with the general manager earlier. Mr. Liu appreciated Mr. Wang very much and told him that no matter which promotional content you choose, our Lantian Publicity Office will come up with a high-standard planning plan. As for the cost, we will give Wang a [-]% off sir."

Wang Lei smiled wisely, "It seems that you, Liu, are always interested in meeting me?"

(End of this chapter)

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