Chapter 346
Wang Lei's statement was beyond Liu Hui's expectations.

I didn't expect this young man to be so talkative, and at the same time, this made Liu Hui excited.

He nodded hastily, walked in the front, and made a 'please' gesture towards Wang Lei.

"Hey, where did the farmer come from? He went to the general manager's office of the Lantian Publicity Office..."

"No! If he is really a farmer, how could the general manager of the Lantian Publicity Office treat him so politely!"

"I'll be good, this man is amazing..."

The moment Wang Lei walked out of Liu Hui's office, the people who had been sitting on the benches waiting for the reception all exclaimed and discussed.

Everyone cast envious glances at Wang Lei.

On Wang Lei's side, he didn't pay attention to the comments of the people around him.

He acts upright and sits upright, without fear of anyone's comments.

Ignore those people directly, and start to look again in the hall.

Standing by the side, Liu Hui heard the comments from the people around him. Although it was not talking about himself, it still made the general manager of the Lantian Publicity Office sullen.

But when he felt the emotional fluctuations emanating from Wang Lei, the general manager of the Lantian Publicity Office sighed inwardly.

Compared with the young man beside me, my state of mind is really much worse.

The people sitting around were puzzled when they saw the general manager of Lantian Propaganda Office respectful in front of Wang Lei.

After a while, Wang Lei looked back at Liu Hui.

"Mr. Liu, I think I already know the reason why you are in trouble."

Following Wang Lei's words, it was like a thunderbolt, causing the faces of the surrounding people to be in an uproar.

"What? The reason Mr. Liu is being polite to him is because he wants him to find a problem?"

"No way, Liu Hui is a genius in the mall. What is the origin of this young man standing next to him to give Liu Hui advice..."

"God, I didn't hear wrong, I didn't read wrong..."

Hearing the exclamation of the people around him, Liu Hui's face felt dull for a moment.

However, thinking of Wang Lei, the general manager of the Lantian Publicity Office suppressed all the anger in his heart.

"Mr. Wang, tell me directly."

Liu Hui said to Wang Lei very politely.

"There is no problem with you here as a whole, but some small details have been ignored by Mr. Liu." While speaking, Wang Lei glanced around again, and finally fell on Liu Hui, and continued to say: "Just now I When you came out of the office, you saw that some employees dared not look at you directly, and even avoided you, presumably Mr. Liu is a very strong person on weekdays."

When Wang Lei said this, Liu Hui froze for an instant.

He can also tell a fortune teller?
This idea popped up in Liu Hui's mind instantly.

"That's right, Mr. Wang is really accurate." Liu Hui nodded to Wang Lei repeatedly, and at the same time, he was full of anticipation for Wang Lei's next words in his heart.

The other party can see through his strength at a glance, so wouldn't it be easy to see the problems in Lantian's propaganda?
Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Liu Hui's body, he had some understanding of the guesses in his mind, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Mr. Liu, you don't have to look at me that way. I'm just an ordinary person, not someone who can pinch and count. It's just that this vision is a little more vicious than ordinary people."

"The employees of your company are a little timid in front of you. Your office is still set up on the first floor, and you can directly see the outside situation through the windows. This is virtually putting pressure on the employees."

(End of this chapter)

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