King's Landing on the Nine Serenities: The Myth of Hunting the Heavens
Chapter 503 Return of the Emperor
Quilted? 03?
=浠栦消镄鋬敾鍑汇€effect 繊jian 嶅 惂 adze out 湅鐪嬩綘鍒ban簳鑳 borrow Jian € 愬埌juan €jump 粈頢▼搴 ≠紒“.色夎表边翊瀹岋纴浠庝粬音笂鏁e彂鍑热潵镄勬皵鎭张凯奇ぇ旗嗗嚑鍒嗐€结条хchan殑E涢死鐤妱屽叆Bang 嗗 sign ょ 殑 Tao 綋 鬩 肤 邤旗颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额澏额澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
搬棿鎶剂应荙ゆ祽音殑南ㄩ夤啿鍑荑鼑鏂邱€鏉〣€Effective 彂鍑向挴鍢e[-]鍝嶃€傜者迓忓叾钖庯纯駍Juicy € inlaid ℃ 棤 Jiao 斿 ji chan х 殑 鐢 熷 懡 鶳 纴 ㄥ sign ㍙ ょ 殑 Tao 綋 欩 脱 Qi engraved € 搴 炲 Yi 镄 勮 Han Huan captive 麴 Juan 搴 炲 Yi 镄This is the case when you wear the umbrella and the umbrella. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
This is the most important thing to do if you can't get it right. Chain € 锽 Cang 镄 勪 竴 鍙 ヨ 瘽 Hao discernment 槸 鐘 涘 独 箰 engraved € ? Forehead tremor?br />
搴邲那书ゆ椂火边边李溤溤溤镙镙镙镑钑针车两吧棝棝楚打打求愮潃施扬镄勮韩撴痛淡汤那那Qi瀹屾瘯籽镒憻鍒混嚜障鸣韩惣箣萣萣萣萣营殑E涢噺那那旐旕嫴鍒嗐吐傝浠栬嚜陈兘夊弑呭来结€tweezers渡镄倝倝涛溴鿆鏄彲浠ヨ窡向€流鶚鍏纰埄鍣ㄧ鎾炰种悤澏额龏颗澏额澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling?br />
Chain 潵 Hao distinguishes 姸 Qi Bang 嗘 mocking Ba Bian wears 镄 勫 姛 盪 纴 耵 shopping 簬 Tao 綋 Lao coaxing chain 夌 潃 arrow 犲 彲 鍖 regulation 晫镄 噥 揋 揋 溿€ effect Zhang chain 夊 浠ュ问鍣竴鍒纱兘读忥纴鎶婂叾沠栬兘reading? ╄阈断问问问题澏问颗澏问题澏问颗澏问题?br />
Chain 潵 恂鐏混壊镄镄勮兘阅忥纴红首技术流麢樌屼箣萱,慠殑摳推荐,屽竷啊'简搴炲敄勫叶音€悤澏额澏颗澏颗Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
眽鐪咖柌搴炲炲悲悲悲悡笂痕熺抧杩樻湁獏多粬镄勫姛盚箣钖庯纴纯纹浆浆旕旕依接托镄拭敓汉姏麉头This is the most important thing that can be done in a row. ...
“It’s a good idea to use it to get the best of both worlds.抵殑音綋浼犺犭疶箣E嶳纴犵犵幇荦ㄥ彲祀she鍏ㄦ妸湖犺汉拜斗箣箣讣营殑滆兘chan€荙戝嚭鏉〣€effect␢ㄤ涘力斗湖涩欩蕄勭敓汉姏风汾潵璁╀綘镄勮 Han Huan fluttering╂簝湪鎴戜洶杏揿姛爷殑门打打任镄镄镄拪嶇测测镄勮兘读忥纴璁╀綘绐佺牬转改揮镄苫鐣岋崒“濐澏领澏领澏颗澏颗澏颏澏颗澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
Borrowing the mace and borrowing it Ning azz The forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling?br />
It's a good idea Is there any reason for this to happen?br />
浠栧埄鐢 ㄨ ㄨ 嚜障鸣 Han Huanpu Juan 殑鐏 Mixing 壊 葳 鑳 呰 [-] Bang 嚜 Chen debate 殑 鍏 ㄨ Han adze涢発鍦ㄤ粬镄勮韩拂浼ゅ潛頬韩殣驄殑浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛铏庝股笂浼ゅ彛鏉ョ殑阵都都浈鍦ㄦ椂闂刑殑油疼Adz屼反鍙婂签鍙ょ殑杩愮敤推欩育装口床汾杩愮敤您头脱节肠欎感愮啛座冧布锵潵汤辏额题澏额澏颗澏颗澏trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
QiˉBi crazy braids Han Huan撶殑浼ゅ彛镄勬椂欙麴鐭ラ死错麝箞鍒╃敤铝€昝忕殑浠d环风缑鍒版渶葩莎荒设计Is there any reason for this to happen?br />
This is the most important thing to do in the future. This is the most important thing to do in the future. Han Huan fluttered and swayed, swayed, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, and swollen Trembling forehead trembling?br />
The mace borrows the citrus and the tweezers to tweeze the tweezers and the tweezers. Rainbow song, song, fear, chain, chain, adze, adze, pu Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
Carve an inch and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half of it. This is the most important thing to do in the future. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
杩欐牱抩悛毚镄勭伒姘斿叏閮ㄥ啿鍏ヨ嚜陈议殑殑殑殑顾綋溶欩肱节鏄Han Huan’s disease chain is very cold € Qi 搏 pad 皵 starling 红 毚 鬩 fu adze 鲃 Han Huan 揿 ammonia 氱 洿 鎺 ュ wear Jing 冦 € 傝 惤 huan 餾 kettle Tao lang 秷 镄 勅 鍦 constant € 悤 澏 trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
❖ The key to this is the key Qian Duo's work is done in a timely manner. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” This is the most important thing to do. Hooked chains ?
It is easy to see if there is any problem, and it will be difficult to prevent it from breaking down. What is the reason for the trembling?br />
"The effect of Ammonia ㄥ 嚑 ╁ effect?邜抧键籾病病杂夌瓑鍒板。 The effect of the evacuation will be reduced.ュ瓙褰打脚草风岃嚜陈蒲彲浠ョ洿鎺ヨ打鍒板ぉ鍦列箣闂始殑黑锋富富富锋富色澏问领澏颗颗澏额澏额澏颗澏颗澏颗澏trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"Read the simple, easy to read, easy to read, easy to read, easy to use, easy to use Kun ゜゜㹅 engrave € 搴炲目鹾憞流旘旘醞大纴麴锴风断落接杀氼澏摇领澏领澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额澏额澏额Trembling forehead trembling?br />
“It’s easy to see if it’s going to work.镄勯棬阿涘憿风佲€濐澏领澏领澏颗澏门澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏?br />
闽佽畄镄勮鍗冨通钖矌选选敄镄勮嘽悗风屽交搴曡秘嗗埌旗旕粈潨门犺旐闐€傤摇额澏额澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”纴犱篃球托敤敤敤敤镤镤镤镤错风雾垜果混篃鏄风抱湡晨鑭摩镄勪拉槢駢駢鹘綘欐垜浼犺緭汽默益駛座纴This is the most important thing that can be done in this way. It's hard to get rid of it The forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling?br />
” Effects Birch ? Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
璁首崈凡村拉节节贈者重纴釴重重重额澏领颏澏颗澏额澏颗澏颗龏颗龏颗澏额澏额澏额澏颗澏额澏额trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
” Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”溴悛灉鐜睡湪鹪鹪湪锋椌殑滆兘鍖栬В卫€鏉ワ纴纴议畻鏄潗闀囧洓鏂素ぉ鐣鐣鲁e嚑朱嶏纴鍦ㄥ崟瀵紟镄勬儏鍐荐笅锅锅篃砥毦鐣鬅浠栵崒 "濈槠铏麡鷢鏄缑镒忥纴Ba呴珮纴雅鬅阿芺旕竴鐪渿镄苮鍗醨拉问问题笉鍐嶈翄€傤问额澏颗澏颗澏颏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” €?
搴炲悲悲感憸槸汁€镙镙€﹑毦lang撹风抱敄勮韩拉节噷圣Ⅲ湡镄勯殣钘忎易犮昮昮昮昮昮阳镄勫姏Reading忓悧AdzeYe澏梳Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“I’m not sure if this is the case.” 棤Gallium€阵嶈兘镄勩€??
"The Fuhama monkeys have a lot to do with it.屽叏chan€鍙戝嚭鏉ワ纴纴躴迆浼気抲劲啀打捊獊半半宑风佲€ぉ斗涚紦缂撹lang撱€₤梁澏门澏门澏领澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”沠湖犵殑音笂娌℃湁镒醷捒荒荒荒炜殑画([-])姩风屼綘鐪欭打铉ユ洿品忔槸汁€汉捎°€effect敂飞屼綘鍒杳揄火空间种浠€氈槠铏庣◢环梦触駠铺纣◢环碦触忎迎与汉钟Gallium€岃结阵屽嵈浠€頥兘娌℃湁鍙戠幇斤接额澏领澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颏颗澏颗澏The forehead trembles the forehead trembles the forehead trembles the forehead trembles the forehead trembles?br />
搪皮埌田╁獩汉嶈玄濄€悜铏庢憞旘憞达纴鍙堥死氼澏额龏龏颗澏额澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“This is the most important thing to do. ┖闂坑殑汑香汉镄勬秷淡溴浠栨墍芲嚭鏉ョ殑トd银鐢熷懡汁熻窡萱€落炒け旐闐€effect綋鍒濈殑鲁d银鐢熷懡This is the reason Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
闄や简浠庝粬镄勮汉汉婃劅鍙椾笉鍒色伒拉傛向阵ㄤ箣頵麴麴鍑犱箮娌℃湁湘€汁汉镒艰鉰鐩萨槸鐢野樌棿镄拪富流那交犲嚭鏉ョ殑向€昱けけけぢ醷懡ニForehead tremor?br />
搴邲畒d Jian Juan € Juan 嬨 € 殢钖庣湅湅旙鹅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅 Tao Jing镄勫What is the threshold?br />
”鎯喜鎴戜戜捦ㄨUmbrella 汉棿野嬩脱赼犳挱鏁椤寲飞岃杩欴髴鐗囩┖闂计窡鍏多粬镄勪笘鐣鱼髴镙庮纴鐍醸This is the most important thing to do.嗐€傗€濊鍗冨问鍙栢湅浅旕竴鐪项槠铏庯纴阴重fine trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
” Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” This is the most important thing to do in the future. I'm afraid that I'll be afraid of it屼竴鐩湅湅浠栧洖褰掋€傗€濊鍒混弹见躴浠栫湅湅旕竴鐪炒笼鍙わ纴鍙堥杀氼澏换领澏栫幅湅浪麻纹鍙Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br / >
❖ Cang 瞜 琈 綈 揄 碦 粃 緭 汽 ケ ケ ケ ゝ ゝ ゝ欩脉脏脏头门呬听听囧锁锁佲€濐澏问颏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗辏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗?br />
"It's going to be a long way to go.湪晨粡粡落敤荑瓑钃纴鲁f槸涱嶆槸镒忓懗球€ adze 风屼汉镄囦盬着没粡炲綊旗旗悧锲€濊鍗冨拉養缑睡瑧呧悜槠铏底耹批批纷お叶闘澘旘旂惂飞屼Negative bang 痕竴juan 祵 组 ≠ 纴熺熺抧抧湼杩欎铁湿棿怹湾€欎竾Qian inch arrowhead fall adze adze Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“The best way to do this €佸疄鎲ㄥ帤镄勮〃鎯咃纴书ゆ夂宁︿笂旕竴鎶素益砢殑绁炴焏风湅玑楀给鍙イ殑旕竴音殑last$毊鐤欑槱▽ Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that." Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"It's not going to work. It's going to work. Juan 囧 Gou 镄 勤 餂 闂 晩 adze This is the case. trembling forehead trembling forehead
Bang Hong 殗 炲綊 Bang 闭 纻 Juan 囧 Gou Cen 悗镄 汉敄 囧洖褰掞纴熺抧浼阿齉鍖栨鐪油墠杩欎铁汗悗镄汉镄囧洖褰掞纴熺抧浼阿齉鍖栨鐪油梠杩欎锅汗氕槠鑴麻麻麻领澏领Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
"It's not easy to use it. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
It's time to go back and forth. Attached... >
” Kuang Yu Juan 浠 ヤ Negative 鏄 ⁶ 涘 梠 颠 佽 浠 竴 鵠 栦 竴 Wei [-] 鍗冨通镄勮偐鑶€﹑aaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaatt Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
Manuscripts and records of the village are read, awarded, and awarded. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"It's the same thing, it's the same thing. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“I’m not sure if this is the case.” Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
璁选洈贈萈节雨零剰痗埌头荙敊旐闐邜瑧碧香饭重额澏颏龏颗颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
“This is the most important thing to do. This is the most important thing to do in the future.珄竴雴雴镇底縉鎶穅鍗冨通结鬐欐荒笑着约反噷依悗风屾墠鎱II参考申雀消涱澏领澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” ┖闂摇噷座([-]) She鍏ㄥwan is full of simplicity埌璺熼偅样涗綅吧☺⁆⁆ Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
鍦ㄤ竴门澊搴麴炲镒熷埌柌柌阴麻敒憷埌柌柌阴那暜陈毦狴打珄珄汉敄囩殑松笘风醷叄鏄纴晨鸗鍙姸駸There are many reasons for this
It is possible to prevent the accidents of the evacuation.撹嚜都淡阿鏄粬镄拮汗栵麻领栵麻领澏颏澏澏颗澏颗澏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏
汶笉瀵百险阵鲄偅阅阵阵麻镄盷纴麴麢麢騉着那揄櫘都汉漃简风屾€庝箞鍙兘浼槸槸结吧萪熻€呭憿风侇澏问领澏问龏颗澏颗澏颗澏门澏颗澏问题?br />
“This is the most important thing to do. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
=殣吱纴鍑鸡鹇流旕竴零掶镙镙镙馑绁为闈风嫴闂€岄€濄€傤领澏颗澏龏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏Frontal trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
香悗风屽ス鐪脚搴炲敄勭鎯咃纴宁宁吱€营濆皧见嶃€傤澏领龏颏颗澏颗澏额澏颗澏颗澏额澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"I'm not sure if this is the case. The village tweezers slapped the cumbersome scorpion ご ご ご ご ご ご ご ご ご イ イ イ 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 风?
”颤鍦ㄤ綘镄勬接见豼篃裘趘鬉鍒约盚綔鐢ㄤ简阵豼綘碧打杩樼粰鎴戝惂风潲€濊鍗冨拉笉瀹标槗浠庡This is the most important thing to do. Trembling forehead trembling?br />
"It's just like that. Chong 珛鍗 Chong 搷 鐷 齵 adze 氼 澏 quivering forehead 澏 trembling forehead 澏 trembling forehead 澏 trembling forehead trembling?br />
"I'm going to go out and see what I'm doing." Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”遼竴鎶婃姄槄忎称搴炲镄勮兂鑶麴躴佹妸搴炲益鬐玲皮川邤澏领澏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏问?br />
“This is a very difficult situation.揁板晩 adze 澇澏问龏门龏颗澏颗澏门澏门澏颗澏门澏问颗澏问题?br />
”柌柌旙槠铏庤韩巧婏庴麴雀重fine trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
=The negative effect is the result of the failure. This is the most important thing to do in the future.ュウラウルスツススススススファラタナハステエススニニ澃欢麿€傝繛目许物¤琼村叆鍦米簳,岃嫢饱嶆槸璁针贈贈宑箑纻质熼珮风豾€曟槸褰揿満珠目香腰Bang Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"The trousers are ready for the chains and the trembling forehead is the trembling forehead and the trembling forehead is the trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
=浠栦消镄鋬敾鍑汇€effect 繊jian 嶅 惂 adze out 湅鐪嬩綘鍒ban簳鑳 borrow Jian € 愬埌juan €jump 粈頢▼搴 ≠紒“.色夎表边翊瀹岋纴浠庝粬音笂鏁e彂鍑热潵镄勬皵鎭张凯奇ぇ旗嗗嚑鍒嗐€结条хchan殑E涢死鐤妱屽叆Bang 嗗 sign ょ 殑 Tao 綋 鬩 肤 邤旗颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额澏额澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
搬棿鎶剂应荙ゆ祽音殑南ㄩ夤啿鍑荑鼑鏂邱€鏉〣€Effective 彂鍑向挴鍢e[-]鍝嶃€傜者迓忓叾钖庯纯駍Juicy € inlaid ℃ 棤 Jiao 斿 ji chan х 殑 鐢 熷 懡 鶳 纴 ㄥ sign ㍙ ょ 殑 Tao 綋 欩 脱 Qi engraved € 搴 炲 Yi 镄 勮 Han Huan captive 麴 Juan 搴 炲 Yi 镄This is the case when you wear the umbrella and the umbrella. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
This is the most important thing to do if you can't get it right. Chain € 锽 Cang 镄 勪 竴 鍙 ヨ 瘽 Hao discernment 槸 鐘 涘 独 箰 engraved € ? Forehead tremor?br />
搴邲那书ゆ椂火边边李溤溤溤镙镙镙镑钑针车两吧棝棝楚打打求愮潃施扬镄勮韩撴痛淡汤那那Qi瀹屾瘯籽镒憻鍒混嚜障鸣韩惣箣萣萣萣萣营殑E涢噺那那旐旕嫴鍒嗐吐傝浠栬嚜陈兘夊弑呭来结€tweezers渡镄倝倝涛溴鿆鏄彲浠ヨ窡向€流鶚鍏纰埄鍣ㄧ鎾炰种悤澏额龏颗澏额澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling?br />
Chain 潵 Hao distinguishes 姸 Qi Bang 嗘 mocking Ba Bian wears 镄 勫 姛 盪 纴 耵 shopping 簬 Tao 綋 Lao coaxing chain 夌 潃 arrow 犲 彲 鍖 regulation 晫镄 噥 揋 揋 溿€ effect Zhang chain 夊 浠ュ问鍣竴鍒纱兘读忥纴鎶婂叾沠栬兘reading? ╄阈断问问问题澏问颗澏问题澏问颗澏问题?br />
Chain 潵 恂鐏混壊镄镄勮兘阅忥纴红首技术流麢樌屼箣萱,慠殑摳推荐,屽竷啊'简搴炲敄勫叶音€悤澏额澏颗澏颗Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
眽鐪咖柌搴炲炲悲悲悲悡笂痕熺抧杩樻湁獏多粬镄勫姛盚箣钖庯纴纯纹浆浆旕旕依接托镄拭敓汉姏麉头This is the most important thing that can be done in a row. ...
“It’s a good idea to use it to get the best of both worlds.抵殑音綋浼犺犭疶箣E嶳纴犵犵幇荦ㄥ彲祀she鍏ㄦ妸湖犺汉拜斗箣箣讣营殑滆兘chan€荙戝嚭鏉〣€effect␢ㄤ涘力斗湖涩欩蕄勭敓汉姏风汾潵璁╀綘镄勮 Han Huan fluttering╂簝湪鎴戜洶杏揿姛爷殑门打打任镄镄镄拪嶇测测镄勮兘读忥纴璁╀綘绐佺牬转改揮镄苫鐣岋崒“濐澏领澏领澏颗澏颗澏颏澏颗澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
Borrowing the mace and borrowing it Ning azz The forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling?br />
It's a good idea Is there any reason for this to happen?br />
浠栧埄鐢 ㄨ ㄨ 嚜障鸣 Han Huanpu Juan 殑鐏 Mixing 壊 葳 鑳 呰 [-] Bang 嚜 Chen debate 殑 鍏 ㄨ Han adze涢発鍦ㄤ粬镄勮韩拂浼ゅ潛頬韩殣驄殑浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛浼ゅ彛铏庝股笂浼ゅ彛鏉ョ殑阵都都浈鍦ㄦ椂闂刑殑油疼Adz屼反鍙婂签鍙ょ殑杩愮敤推欩育装口床汾杩愮敤您头脱节肠欎感愮啛座冧布锵潵汤辏额题澏额澏颗澏颗澏trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
QiˉBi crazy braids Han Huan撶殑浼ゅ彛镄勬椂欙麴鐭ラ死错麝箞鍒╃敤铝€昝忕殑浠d环风缑鍒版渶葩莎荒设计Is there any reason for this to happen?br />
This is the most important thing to do in the future. This is the most important thing to do in the future. Han Huan fluttered and swayed, swayed, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, and swollen Trembling forehead trembling?br />
The mace borrows the citrus and the tweezers to tweeze the tweezers and the tweezers. Rainbow song, song, fear, chain, chain, adze, adze, pu Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
Carve an inch and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half and a half of it. This is the most important thing to do in the future. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
杩欐牱抩悛毚镄勭伒姘斿叏閮ㄥ啿鍏ヨ嚜陈议殑殑殑殑顾綋溶欩肱节鏄Han Huan’s disease chain is very cold € Qi 搏 pad 皵 starling 红 毚 鬩 fu adze 鲃 Han Huan 揿 ammonia 氱 洿 鎺 ュ wear Jing 冦 € 傝 惤 huan 餾 kettle Tao lang 秷 镄 勅 鍦 constant € 悤 澏 trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
❖ The key to this is the key Qian Duo's work is done in a timely manner. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” This is the most important thing to do. Hooked chains ?
It is easy to see if there is any problem, and it will be difficult to prevent it from breaking down. What is the reason for the trembling?br />
"The effect of Ammonia ㄥ 嚑 ╁ effect?邜抧键籾病病杂夌瓑鍒板。 The effect of the evacuation will be reduced.ュ瓙褰打脚草风岃嚜陈蒲彲浠ョ洿鎺ヨ打鍒板ぉ鍦列箣闂始殑黑锋富富富锋富色澏问领澏颗颗澏额澏额澏颗澏颗澏颗澏trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"Read the simple, easy to read, easy to read, easy to read, easy to use, easy to use Kun ゜゜㹅 engrave € 搴炲目鹾憞流旘旘醞大纴麴锴风断落接杀氼澏摇领澏领澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额澏额澏额Trembling forehead trembling?br />
“It’s easy to see if it’s going to work.镄勯棬阿涘憿风佲€濐澏领澏领澏颗澏门澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏?br />
闽佽畄镄勮鍗冨通钖矌选选敄镄勮嘽悗风屽交搴曡秘嗗埌旗旕粈潨门犺旐闐€傤摇额澏额澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”纴犱篃球托敤敤敤敤镤镤镤镤错风雾垜果混篃鏄风抱湡晨鑭摩镄勪拉槢駢駢鹘綘欐垜浼犺緭汽默益駛座纴This is the most important thing that can be done in this way. It's hard to get rid of it The forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling, the forehead is trembling?br />
” Effects Birch ? Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
璁首崈凡村拉节节贈者重纴釴重重重额澏领颏澏颗澏额澏颗澏颗龏颗龏颗澏额澏额澏额澏颗澏额澏额trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
” Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”溴悛灉鐜睡湪鹪鹪湪锋椌殑滆兘鍖栬В卫€鏉ワ纴纴议畻鏄潗闀囧洓鏂素ぉ鐣鐣鲁e嚑朱嶏纴鍦ㄥ崟瀵紟镄勬儏鍐荐笅锅锅篃砥毦鐣鬅浠栵崒 "濈槠铏麡鷢鏄缑镒忥纴Ba呴珮纴雅鬅阿芺旕竴鐪渿镄苮鍗醨拉问问题笉鍐嶈翄€傤问额澏颗澏颗澏颏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” €?
搴炲悲悲感憸槸汁€镙镙€﹑毦lang撹风抱敄勮韩拉节噷圣Ⅲ湡镄勯殣钘忎易犮昮昮昮昮昮阳镄勫姏Reading忓悧AdzeYe澏梳Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“I’m not sure if this is the case.” 棤Gallium€阵嶈兘镄勩€??
"The Fuhama monkeys have a lot to do with it.屽叏chan€鍙戝嚭鏉ワ纴纴躴迆浼気抲劲啀打捊獊半半宑风佲€ぉ斗涚紦缂撹lang撱€₤梁澏门澏门澏领澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”沠湖犵殑音笂娌℃湁镒醷捒荒荒荒炜殑画([-])姩风屼綘鐪欭打铉ユ洿品忔槸汁€汉捎°€effect敂飞屼綘鍒杳揄火空间种浠€氈槠铏庣◢环梦触駠铺纣◢环碦触忎迎与汉钟Gallium€岃结阵屽嵈浠€頥兘娌℃湁鍙戠幇斤接额澏领澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颏颗澏颗澏The forehead trembles the forehead trembles the forehead trembles the forehead trembles the forehead trembles?br />
搪皮埌田╁獩汉嶈玄濄€悜铏庢憞旘憞达纴鍙堥死氼澏额龏龏颗澏额澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏额Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“This is the most important thing to do. ┖闂坑殑汑香汉镄勬秷淡溴浠栨墍芲嚭鏉ョ殑トd银鐢熷懡汁熻窡萱€落炒け旐闐€effect綋鍒濈殑鲁d银鐢熷懡This is the reason Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
闄や简浠庝粬镄勮汉汉婃劅鍙椾笉鍒色伒拉傛向阵ㄤ箣頵麴麴鍑犱箮娌℃湁湘€汁汉镒艰鉰鐩萨槸鐢野樌棿镄拪富流那交犲嚭鏉ョ殑向€昱けけけぢ醷懡ニForehead tremor?br />
搴邲畒d Jian Juan € Juan 嬨 € 殢钖庣湅湅旙鹅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅湅 Tao Jing镄勫What is the threshold?br />
”鎯喜鎴戜戜捦ㄨUmbrella 汉棿野嬩脱赼犳挱鏁椤寲飞岃杩欴髴鐗囩┖闂计窡鍏多粬镄勪笘鐣鱼髴镙庮纴鐍醸This is the most important thing to do.嗐€傗€濊鍗冨问鍙栢湅浅旕竴鐪项槠铏庯纴阴重fine trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
” Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” This is the most important thing to do in the future. I'm afraid that I'll be afraid of it屼竴鐩湅湅浠栧洖褰掋€傗€濊鍒混弹见躴浠栫湅湅旕竴鐪炒笼鍙わ纴鍙堥杀氼澏换领澏栫幅湅浪麻纹鍙Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br / >
❖ Cang 瞜 琈 綈 揄 碦 粃 緭 汽 ケ ケ ケ ゝ ゝ ゝ欩脉脏脏头门呬听听囧锁锁佲€濐澏问颏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗辏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗?br />
"It's going to be a long way to go.湪晨粡粡落敤荑瓑钃纴鲁f槸涱嶆槸镒忓懗球€ adze 风屼汉镄囦盬着没粡炲綊旗旗悧锲€濊鍗冨拉養缑睡瑧呧悜槠铏底耹批批纷お叶闘澘旘旂惂飞屼Negative bang 痕竴juan 祵 组 ≠ 纴熺熺抧抧湼杩欎铁湿棿怹湾€欎竾Qian inch arrowhead fall adze adze Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“The best way to do this €佸疄鎲ㄥ帤镄勮〃鎯咃纴书ゆ夂宁︿笂旕竴鎶素益砢殑绁炴焏风湅玑楀给鍙イ殑旕竴音殑last$毊鐤欑槱▽ Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that." Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"It's not going to work. It's going to work. Juan 囧 Gou 镄 勤 餂 闂 晩 adze This is the case. trembling forehead trembling forehead
Bang Hong 殗 炲綊 Bang 闭 纻 Juan 囧 Gou Cen 悗镄 汉敄 囧洖褰掞纴熺抧浼阿齉鍖栨鐪油墠杩欎铁汗悗镄汉镄囧洖褰掞纴熺抧浼阿齉鍖栨鐪油梠杩欎锅汗氕槠鑴麻麻麻领澏领Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
"It's not easy to use it. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
It's time to go back and forth. Attached... >
” Kuang Yu Juan 浠 ヤ Negative 鏄 ⁶ 涘 梠 颠 佽 浠 竴 鵠 栦 竴 Wei [-] 鍗冨通镄勮偐鑶€﹑aaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaatt Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
Manuscripts and records of the village are read, awarded, and awarded. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"It's the same thing, it's the same thing. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
“I’m not sure if this is the case.” Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
璁选洈贈萈节雨零剰痗埌头荙敊旐闐邜瑧碧香饭重额澏颏龏颗颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
“This is the most important thing to do. This is the most important thing to do in the future.珄竴雴雴镇底縉鎶穅鍗冨通结鬐欐荒笑着约反噷依悗风屾墠鎱II参考申雀消涱澏领澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
” ┖闂摇噷座([-]) She鍏ㄥwan is full of simplicity埌璺熼偅样涗綅吧☺⁆⁆ Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
鍦ㄤ竴门澊搴麴炲镒熷埌柌柌阴麻敒憷埌柌柌阴那暜陈毦狴打珄珄汉敄囩殑松笘风醷叄鏄纴晨鸗鍙姸駸There are many reasons for this
It is possible to prevent the accidents of the evacuation.撹嚜都淡阿鏄粬镄拮汗栵麻领栵麻领澏颏澏澏颗澏颗澏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏
汶笉瀵百险阵鲄偅阅阵阵麻镄盷纴麴麢麢騉着那揄櫘都汉漃简风屾€庝箞鍙兘浼槸槸结吧萪熻€呭憿风侇澏问领澏问龏颗澏颗澏颗澏门澏颗澏问题?br />
“This is the most important thing to do. Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
=殣吱纴鍑鸡鹇流旕竴零掶镙镙镙馑绁为闈风嫴闂€岄€濄€傤领澏颗澏龏颗澏颗澏颗澏颗澏Frontal trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
香悗风屽ス鐪脚搴炲敄勭鎯咃纴宁宁吱€营濆皧见嶃€傤澏领龏颏颗澏颗澏额澏颗澏颗澏额澏Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"I'm not sure if this is the case. The village tweezers slapped the cumbersome scorpion ご ご ご ご ご ご ご ご ご イ イ イ 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 澏 风?
”颤鍦ㄤ綘镄勬接见豼篃裘趘鬉鍒约盚綔鐢ㄤ简阵豼綘碧打杩樼粰鎴戝惂风潲€濊鍗冨拉笉瀹标槗浠庡This is the most important thing to do. Trembling forehead trembling?br />
"It's just like that. Chong 珛鍗 Chong 搷 鐷 齵 adze 氼 澏 quivering forehead 澏 trembling forehead 澏 trembling forehead 澏 trembling forehead trembling?br />
"I'm going to go out and see what I'm doing." Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
”遼竴鎶婃姄槄忎称搴炲镄勮兂鑶麴躴佹妸搴炲益鬐玲皮川邤澏领澏澏颗澏颗澏颗澏问?br />
“This is a very difficult situation.揁板晩 adze 澇澏问龏门龏颗澏颗澏门澏门澏颗澏门澏问颗澏问题?br />
”柌柌旙槠铏庤韩巧婏庴麴雀重fine trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead
=The negative effect is the result of the failure. This is the most important thing to do in the future.ュウラウルスツススススススファラタナハステエススニニ澃欢麿€傝繛目许物¤琼村叆鍦米簳,岃嫢饱嶆槸璁针贈贈宑箑纻质熼珮风豾€曟槸褰揿満珠目香腰Bang Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
"The trousers are ready for the chains and the trembling forehead is the trembling forehead and the trembling forehead is the trembling forehead Trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling forehead trembling?br />
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