Zhanshan is King of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 293 Wei Shu Wu Strategic Retreat

Chapter 293 Wei Shu Wu Strategic Retreat
It seems easy, but... What if the ones fighting Zhuge Liang here are Sima Yi and Guo Jia, two epic strategists who are only one-tier worse than Zhuge Liang?In the end, it is hard to predict who will win the game. Therefore, now the Shu players who know that this place is led by Zhuge Liang don't dare to talk about victory as lightly as they did at the beginning.

Therefore, the Liangzhou battlefield is also an unknown, because no one knows whether Wei or Shu will win, and the negligence of either side can be used by the other side.

The Suzaku Mansion, Baihu Mansion, and Xuanwu Mansion in Qingzhou City sent a total of 300 million troops to the Qinglong Mansion. It was clear that the three families cooperated to clean up the Qinglong Mansion first.

After Li Feng got the news that other player alliances from the three mansions were marching towards him, he still stayed in Qinglong mansion leisurely, just listening to the scouts' reports.

"Assemble the troops, let's retreat." When the scouts reported that the three armies had been integrated fifty miles ahead, Li Feng finally gave the order.

On the border of Qing and Jizhou, Yuan Shaojun also got the information around Qinglong Mansion belatedly. When they learned that Li Fengjun was besieged by the troops of the other three mansions, they almost jumped up happily.

What a godsend!Once Li Feng is besieged by the three heroic armies and leads his troops into Qingzhou, then the time to avenge Jizhou and our Yuan family is just around the corner! .

"Yan Liang, Wen Chou, straighten up your armaments and get ready to go." Yuan Shao's right hand clenched into a fist, and he couldn't wait any longer. There is only one chance. If you miss it, you don't know when the next time will be. Therefore, Yuan Shao ordered directly this time. Ready to prepare for the battle, he didn't intend to wait any longer.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in this small border town became a little weird. Although the banner of the Wei Army was still floating on the surface, unconsciously, the soldiers of the Wei Army who should have been wearing red armor were all on their arms. A white strip was tied on the top, and the players passing by saw this situation and thought that the county magistrate and military officer in this county had been attacked and killed by some player, because the small town was seriously damaged and the geographical location was too sensitive. It belongs to Jizhou and Qingzhou, two no-nonsense areas that have accumulated grievances since the vassals fought for hegemony. There are quite a few players passing by, but most of them are low-level retail players, because the current alliance and legion players are already in Competing for Dazhou City and earning meritorious service in the four major killing maps, who would come here for a walk when they have nothing to do and are full?

It is precisely for this reason that this county has not been regarded as a garrison by any legion and alliance, because no matter whether the players in Jizhou or Qingzhou are uncertain when the other party will send troops to attack the other party, so it is also a place where there is no one. The county was occupied by the legion, so when such a trivial thing happened in the city, it was discussed and passed. There were no good people to post it on the forum, so not many people paid attention.

"Retreat?" Dian Wei and Xu Zhu are a little confused now, why retreat properly?When did our Shepherd Army retreat?Do you just give up the fruits of battle that those brothers sacrificed their lives for?
"Well, let's retreat for the time being and come back when the time is right. Since they have united, I'll have fun with them!" Come out, but the current situation is that the other three are very bad, and for Li Feng, he can only play them to death and become disabled for the bad guys!

That's why Li Feng said it was only "temporarily"!

Once Li Feng withdrew from the four major prefectures of Qingzhou City and arrived at other sites in Qingzhou, how rampant is their player alliance? Don't they all have to obediently follow Li Feng's winks?
If Li Feng withdrew now, wouldn't the three of them turn their heads and fight for Qinglong Mansion?Li Feng thinks that is impossible, because the conditions for occupying Dazhou City are already clear, and the same strategic alliance must occupy the four prefectures at the same time before they can attack Dazhou City!This can be described as very difficult, no, it should be said that it is too difficult, because winning the four prefectures is equivalent to defeating the entire state or even other states. Want to occupy all four prefectures in a state without the support of huge financial resources and manpower?Isn't that YY?

Don't put too much trust in those allies who negotiate peace talks on the basis of interests, especially in the current environment where they can only guarantee their own interests!

Li Feng was not surprised, when the three families were about to attack forcefully, he quietly retreated with 5000 people under him, giving up Qinglong Mansion.

The three leaders of the three major strategic alliances outside the Qinglong Mansion are eternally named, with no trace of wind and frost, and long live the friendship. The three stood at the forefront of the army, looking at the Mufeng Army Flag flying over the Qinglong Mansion, and they would be lying if they said they were not nervous. It is on the territory of Qingzhou to challenge the authority of the overlord of Qingzhou!

For a full half an hour, Fengshuang Wuhen saw that his morale had dropped a little, and he became a little impatient. He looked back and said: "Qiangu, Friendship, Mufengjun is playing big cards and doesn't say hello to us, so let's send someone to Let's say hello, in order to reflect the principle of equality among the three families, I suggest that each family send out a scout to check the situation."

Fengshuang Wuhen's proposal was endorsed by the Ming Dynasty and Long Live Friendship, and the conclusion was quickly passed. After a while, there was a commotion behind the three alliance forces. A player came over with two NPC scouts. The player came to the eternally famous body, and the two senior generals came to Fengshuang Wuhen and Long Live Friendship in turn. This strange trio was handed over to the Mufeng Army by the three major alliances this time. The gauntlet from Qinglong Mansion is not just a gauntlet from outside Qinglong Mansion.

Although the three of them also have historical generals, and they all belong to their own secret weapons, you must know that historical generals are not mere cabbage, and they will not be so stupid as to send historical generals Experiments, after all, even the most fragile ants, if there are enough ants, they can bite people to death.

"After a while, tell the people in the city about the challenge. If there is no one to fight, then go knock on the city gate! If you are sure that there is no one inside, then keep quiet and send me a message secretly." The scout's arm carefully told the precautions for a while, he didn't care about the other two, because the three of them had already agreed that whoever advances, the Azure Dragon Mansion will belong to him, and as for the distribution of interests among the three families that will be faced, that is the highlight , once he takes down the Azure Dragon Mansion first, then he will face the joint threat of the other two!Such a result also needs to be considered for eternity!
(End of this chapter)

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