Restart the world

Chapter 109 Shi Yan

Chapter 109 Shi Yan
After the queen bee was knocked into the air by Heidanyan and Director Liao, the bee colony hovered in the air as if they had lost their command, and stopped attacking.

Wan Li and Wang Bo quickly approached Director Liao and Hei Danyan, and Wan Li said, "Director Liao, how does the ice taste?"

"Tooth." Director Liao replied vaguely, then his eyes lit up, and he frowned again: "It's a lot closer to A-level, but it's still a lot worse, why the hell I eat so much and it's not as effective as you take a bite powerful?"

He looked at the huge boulder that Heidanyan moved with his ability in the distance, there were still three pieces under it, if he ate them all, it would be almost A-level...

Hei Danyan remained expressionless: "Let's keep those few drops of psychic liquid, and let the experts of the Lingqi Research Institute study it, maybe there will be something to gain."

Wan Li was stunned. The name Lingye seems to be more pleasant to the ear than Lingshi Essence. The deputy director general chose it now?Good naming talent...

Director Liao grinned and nodded, accepting as soon as he was good.It can be said that I ate it just now to save my life, but if Hei Danyan ate it after he came, he was looking for trouble...

"How many cases of super-intelligent creatures appearing in the mountains at an altitude of [-] meters?"

"The sixth case." Heidanyan said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect super intelligent creatures to appear here."

"This is just the weakest case, right? It's just reached A-level, so we can't let it get away, the two of us can completely kill it!"

Heidanyan showed a little solemnity: "The super intelligent creature is not that simple, it should have been prepared for my appearance."

"...It's fucking capable of backing up?"

Wanli was confused by what he heard, there were a few cases of super intelligent creatures, and they were backing, who has a backing, the queen bee?
" really have a back hand." Wanli's pupils slightly dilated.There are hundreds of bees of various kinds flying towards here from the horizon. Unlike the swarm of bees that besieged them just now, the smallest of these bees is also twice the size of normal bees, and the average size is about the size of a fist!

"Sure enough." Hei Danyan frowned deeply, put his hand on Wang Bo's shoulder, and Wang Bo disappeared instantly. At the same time, several exclamations came from the covered wild boar pit.

"It seems quite crowded inside." Wan Li pursed his lips, "Deputy Chief, you send me too..."

Hei Danyan stared at him with clear eyes, making him take back what he was about to say with a shy smile, and keep alert.

"Super-intelligent creatures, short for intelligent creatures that surpass ordinary humans, can also be called lord-like creatures, because whenever a super-intelligent creature appears, the same kind with a radius of hundreds of kilometers will obey its command."

The queen bee flew out from the forest and joined dozens of bees who came to help. At the same time, Heidanyan quickly explained the super-intelligent biological information to the two.

"After the biological level evolves to A-level, there is a small probability of becoming a super-intelligent creature. It is the sixth case we have discovered in China so far! We are trying to coexist peacefully with super-intelligent creatures, but so far it has achieved little. The presence of the queen bee here is hardly peaceful The possibility of coexistence. So I have sent someone from the General Administration to kill it here!"

Wan Li frowned upon hearing this. In just three and a half years, six other species with similar intelligence to humans appeared. How about in two years?This is only in China...

"Humanity's dominant position should not be shaken..." Wan Li murmured softly.And he still has a hidden worry in his heart. According to Hei Danyan, there should not be super-intelligent creatures in the mountains and forests in Bincheng, which is only a thousand meters above sea level. hell...

"Ask for help from the General Administration?" Director Liao said loudly, "I can hold off the queen bee, but if you kill the others, the three of us will win!"

Hei Danyan shook his head, stretched out his right hand with a white light on it, and Director Liao was taken aback.

hum! ! !
The black geese disappeared in an instant, and collided with a ball of white light, separated, collided, separated, collided...

If he could not hear the noise, Wan Li's eyes could hardly catch her and that ball of white light!
Chief Liao's face turned ugly: "You were saving your energy just now?! Damn, look at me killing all of your men!"

"You are really promising." Wan Li ran, not confronting the bee swarm that was rushing forward.

Human beings can occupy a dominant position in nature, and wisdom is the most important factor.Although super-intelligent creatures have appeared, there are no bee swarms chasing thousands of miles at this time.He will not use brute force like Director Liao, if there is a clever way, of course he must use a clever way!

He ran into the woods in three steps and two steps, chose a tree of suitable size and knocked it down with one fist, held it up with both hands, and swung it!
He swung the huge tree with hundreds of kilograms like a tiger, and every time he hit it, he would take away the life of a group of bees. As he hit and ran, he ran and swung, leaving a piece of bee corpses everywhere he passed!
Chief Liao, who was surrounded by swarms of bees, of course wanted to follow suit, but swinging a tree...would make him tired.

The bee colony died tragically under the Wanli tree at a rate of 50 per second. In just half a minute, the sky in front of me was somewhat clear.A hornet the size of two fists that was attacking Director Liao, second only to the queen bee, didn't know whether it couldn't stand it anymore or got an order from the queen bee, and flew thousands of miles away!
"Wali sheep, watch out, B!"

Director Liao's words were concise and to the point, Wan Li immediately understood, and he had to understand the tree in his hand that was broken in an instant.He leaned up quickly, and the wasp brushed past him, and at the same time, thousands of bees that wanted to get close but couldn't immediately rushed up!
His face changed suddenly, he rolled and rushed to another tree and smashed it with a fist, but just as he picked it up, he was hit by the wasp again.

"What the hell, I can't save it, double it!"

He has advanced to the C level, and the aura flows into every corner of the body, and the eight matches in the limbs and even the two matches in the brain can be felt and pushed.

The previous super doubling has burned the four super aptitudes. Although the organs have been nourished quite strongly, far surpassing the C-level and may even exceed the B-level, and Wan Li has also advanced to the C-level, but he is still very reluctant. The qualifications are not overheated yet...

Now that it is available, two more Inexhaustible Bodies have been burned.The two matches on the left arm, fuse and burn!
The same as four months ago, the surging sense of power filled his whole body. After all, the foundation was different. The doubling at this time has the super doubling power of more than four months ago.

Wan Li leaned over and rushed forward, knocking down a giant tree with one punch. He lifted up the giant tree weighing thousands of kilograms, and smashed the wasp into the soil with one blow!

"Try breaking another one!"

Bang! ! !
The big tree broke, and Wanli's pupils opened slightly. Seeing a ball of white light less than one meter away from him, he hurriedly reached forward to block it, and then bounced his hand on the ass of a figure in black, and was momentarily stunned...

The figure froze, collided with the white light, flew out and hit Wan Li's body, the two flew out tens of meters together, and crashed into the snow.

"Cough!" Wan Li coughed, his face a little awkward, "...Deputy Chief, are you okay?"

Heidanyan pressed on him and paused, then stood beside Wanli in a flash, with a calm expression, looking at the distant sky, "It's finally here."

Wan Li followed her gaze, and saw a helicopter approaching from a distance, at an extremely fast speed, and the sound of the propeller rotating gradually suppressed the beeping.

The cabin door opened, and a young man dressed in unlined clothes jumped down, smashed a small hole in the ground, and shouted at the same time: "Yo, the big black beauty, you are in a mess!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Shi Yan, clean up the bee colony!"


(End of this chapter)

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