Restart the world

Chapter 260 Reunion

Chapter 260 Reunion

Gold-sprayed walls, bright red carpets, deep purple sofas, crystal chandeliers reflecting light...

Wan Li, who had entered the villa, was shaken, shook his head and clicked his tongue lightly. His eyes scanned, no one?Simulating supernormal hearing, listening with erect ears, vague voices came from the second floor.

It was a man's voice, which made Wan Li frowned, and walked upstairs lightly.

"The flower was thrown back by Ni Qinyu's little follower again?" A voice became clear.

"Yes, I saw flowers on the steps when I came in, and I didn't dare to pick them up for you."

"What are you picking up? I'll buy another handful tomorrow and give it away!" The man's voice was interrupted for a few seconds, and then reappeared: "Uncle Song, do you think... I have a chance to pursue Ni Qinyu?"

"Yes... no no no, it will definitely succeed."

"Stop perfunctoring me, I'm afraid she can tell what I'm thinking just by looking at her ability. I'm just not reconciled. If I hadn't met her when 32 entered 32, I would definitely be able to enter the top ten. The status of the top ten is as weak as this The top [-] are different."

"You... still have a chance next year."

"I can't wait for next year. I will be cultivated for a year. I will not be her opponent next year. I will chase her down and kill her!" the man growled.

Walking to the door of the room on the second floor, Wan Li squinted his eyes. The world is so big that there are all kinds of scum. This is the son of the hotel owner in the villa area who broke into the top 32?
"If you can't swallow this breath, how about I arrange a quick cleaning and secretly install a... pinhole camera in the bathroom of her bedroom?"

"Fart, she's stronger than me, and she's still the top four in the spotlight, do you want me to be caught in?!" The man's voice paused for a few seconds, and then came out again: "She seems to have a good relationship with her little follower. , think of a way from this aspect.”

Wan Li blinked, Ni Qinyu's follower?

"Speaking of... her little follower seems to be no worse than Ni Qinyu in other aspects except for her poor figure. She is addicted to throwing flowers at me. Uncle Song, find a way to get her to vent my anger first!"

This description...Wen Jing is there?Wan Li's expression brightened for a moment, and then turned dark again, "The mentally handicapped second generation ancestor is really annoying!"

"Who's at the door?!"

"Your father!"

boom! !

With a loud bang, sirens sounded immediately in the villa area, all the security forces were at full strength, and the villa whose walls were blasted out with two human-shaped potholes was immediately surrounded.

Wan Li hid himself, squatting in a corner, watching the chaos here.He wanted to leave for the time being, but he thought that he would not be helping the first envoy by causing this mess, so that the first envoy had a chance to sneak attack Zhang Bing, so he didn't leave.

When the black danyan flickering appeared, he felt a little regretful... He quickly held his breath, controlled his body to remain still with a powerful force, and looked in other directions.Even so, Hei Danyan still glanced at him as if aware of it.

The search went on all afternoon, probably because he didn't expect the murderer to be invisible, so he squatted nearby, and there were too many people, and the level-testing equipment equipped by Ms. Doubled again.

Wan Li was anxious for the first envoy.

Residents of other villas would of course come out to check on such a big turmoil, and Wen Jing and Ni Qinyu also came out to check it out, so Wan Li finally knew which villa they lived in this time.

Wan Li's mood fluctuates when he sees Wen Jing, almost revealing his figure.Eight months have passed, and Wen Jing has grown about two centimeters taller, and her figure has... improved a little bit. Wan Li expressed his satisfaction.

After confirming that Hei Danyan had left, Wan Li couldn't wait to use the wall-penetrating technique to enter their villa.The two girls were chatting about the good news that 'the toad who wanted to eat swan meat was beaten up by some good man'.

This time Wanli didn't try to hide it, Ni Qinyu immediately noticed it, hesitantly turned her gaze to Wanli, her big eyes were rippling, two seconds later, she exclaimed: "Brother Yang?"

"Huh?" Wen Jing was taken aback.

"The improvement in strength is not small, Nier." Wan Li's figure appeared, wiped his face, turned back to his original appearance, and opened his arms to Wen Jing with a smile: "Bian Bian, I'm back!"

Wen Jing blinked her eyes, bit her lower lip with her teeth, and threw herself towards Wanli...a small fist!

"Small your head! You still know how to come back, you 250, you haven't heard from me for 250 days!"

"Uh, is it such a coincidence?"

"You went too far, Wan Liyang, to save Jiang Baihui, that yellow-haired girl, to join the Red Organization!"

"No, you can also eat this vinegar, not only Jiang Baihui, but Director Cui and others in Jicheng? The situation is forcing, the situation is forcing..."

"I don't care, 250, I'm angry!"

"The kind that can't be coaxed well?" Wan Li smiled and hugged Wen Jing in her arms. She struggled twice, but found that it was useless, and gradually stopped struggling.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong. Under special circumstances, I also want to come back early, but I'm afraid I'll run into trouble if I come back early. I'm also in trouble now, but I can handle it. Wen Jing, Ni Er, please don't bring me back Get the word out."

"Trouble? Wan Liyang, you beat that annoying Wang Xiaodong, right?"

"The second generation ancestor in villa No. 3? He didn't have good intentions for Nier, and he even planned on you. After hearing it, he was a little impulsive. He was so impulsive that he didn't even use his full strength to punch him, so he didn't necessarily hit him badly..." Wan Li smiled. : "Next time I will keep my focus and use all my strength."

Wen Jing poked her head out of his arms, rolled her eyes, didn't ask any more questions, and quietly hugged Wan Li, the hall fell into silence.Ni Er, who was standing aside, felt the atmosphere was awkward, her face flushed, and she said softly, "Brother Yang, Wen Jing's room is upstairs."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, gave her a sensible look, swung his backpack, picked up Wen Jing and went upstairs.

"Ah! Wan Liyang, what are you doing, put me down, dinner is almost here!"

"What's for dinner? I've been holding back for eight months!"

Wen Jing's face turned red, and she muttered softly: "It's agreed to meet A-level again, I've been A-level for seven months and I'm about to reach the peak of A-level, hum!"

"Only at the peak of A-level? I wish you could be at S-level. You still don't know my strength?"

"Cut... bragging."

"Oh, you're done!"



The next evening.

"Dad...Dad, I...was wrong."

"Hey, you can lie down, I'll take a shower, and then let Ni'er make some dinner, and I'll bring it to you later."

Downstairs, Ni Er was half leaning on the deep purple sofa, her face was ruddy, her eyes were averted.Wan Li coughed twice in embarrassment, and held it back for more than eight months. Jia Wenjing provoked her a bit too much...

"Hey, well, Nier, nothing happened in the villa area today, right?"

"...Fortunately, it's nothing serious."

Wan Li scratched his head: "That's good, I haven't eaten for two days, so get me and Wen Jing some dinner?"

"Yeah." Ni Er got up, and suddenly gritted his teeth lightly, and looked at Wan Li: "Brother Yang, is the goal of the Red Organization to save a man named Fang Lu?"

"Huh? You... secretly read my memory?"

"Really... I didn't read your memory, Brother Yang, there is something that maybe I should have told you earlier..."

(End of this chapter)

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