Restart the world

Chapter 285 Origin

Chapter 285 Origin
Three days later, in a hospital in Yanjing.

"You are welcome, go slowly. Well, I will consider what you said." Wan Li respectfully sent a middle-aged man with a square face covered in bandages and limping while walking out of the ward.

After closing the door of the ward, he shook his head, walked quickly back to the edge of the bed and sat down, picked up an oversized plastic bag full of bread, and filled his mouth with small bread one by one.

"Wanli, you don't want to join the army, do you?" Wen Jing couldn't help asking on the bed next to her.

Wan Li swallowed the bread in his mouth, squinted at her, and said, "It's all about being polite, life in the army is not suitable for me...the bread is good, very fragrant."

Have you chewed it, can you taste it?Wen Jing rolled her eyes, and said again: "In the past two days, many people have invited you to join the army. Forget about the navy and army, but there is also the air force, and all of them are generals. Is it okay to refuse all of them?"

"It's okay, I saved their lives." Wan Li said inarticulately: "I didn't see how kind General Wang was just now. If I hadn't feared life and death to block the bullet hole three days ago, he..."

"I know, I know, you've said it countless times in the past two days." Wen Jing muttered, "Don't be a hero next time. This is the first time you've been in the hospital, and you scared me to death."

Wan Li chuckled, ignored Wen Jing's complaints, and went back to the moment three days ago when the black ball condensed by a huge amount of oxygen exploded.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and Wan Li, who was worried that the deputy director general would sacrifice himself to transfer the black ball, started to double without much thought.When the two red threads began to fuse and burn, he actually felt a little guilty.

With 100% power unlocked, I look like a monster, and if I double it at this time... Will I become a non-human?Can the guts handle it?Won't the injuries on your body collapse?
Fortunately the result is good.

As if breaking a certain boundary, his height actually shrunk by two meters from 2.3 meters, and the sarcoma-like muscles on his body also tightened and contracted, transforming into a muscular man in an instant.

It's a pity it's Liu Miao.

Before he had time to rejoice at the existence of back to basics, he saw Heidanyan flickering next to the black ball, and resolutely grabbed the black ball with one hand, which made Wan Li's heart skip a beat.

Then he didn't know why he moved over, grabbing Hei Danyan's arm and throwing her out before he touched the black ball, and then he held the black ball with both hands.

The black ball immediately exploded.

The dazzling light obscured the sight, and the roar of the shock wave interfered with the hearing. Wan Li, who was at the center of the explosion, could not see or hear clearly, and only focused on suppressing the explosion.At the moment when the explosion subsided, the red thread in his body happened to burn out, and the loss of strength aggravated his injuries, causing him to fall into a coma, and he was already in the hospital when he woke up.

After waking up, scattered news let him know that the result of the explosion was three minor injuries and twelve serious injuries. Only Hei Danyan, who was thrown out by Wanli, and the two people she took away were unscathed.The point is that no one died in this explosion that was more than three times more powerful than the hurricane explosion!

Everyone present knew in their hearts that without Wanli's move, the twelve seriously injured would die!
Rescuing 12 high-ranking S-levels at one time, although Wanli suffered a heavy loss, there are only two simulation magics left in his body, and he can no longer use three or more abilities at the same time. His strength is a little discounted, but the favor is worth it .

And his injury is not serious, one of the three lightly wounded.The center of the explosion at that level unexpectedly didn't suffer many injuries, and the main reason for the coma was... fainted from hunger.

At that time, it was too late to realize. During the past two days, when recalling the doubling state, Wanli had some other gains. Some ideas about controlling the muscles to exert strength perfectly, after being discharged from the hospital, the strength may be slightly improved and can be tested without A-level. Slightly restrained the monster-like figure.

"It would be great if the gravity field can be more powerful, so that I can practice double the physical strength that can directly return to the basics...

Can't break the limit of the body, wait for the physique to grow slowly, at least have to practice to the S level to double the strength, my B level peak has 5 to 60 times more aura than the ordinary B level peak, and if the A level is higher than the ordinary A level There are so many, if you think about S-class, you will need a lot of spirit stones next year... It would be shameful not to give [-] to [-] spirit stones to save so many people this time, but this is not enough.Oh yes, the priest can go back to Saier to get it. "

Thinking about it, Wan Li stuffed the last bun into his mouth, got up and took two steps: "Both the Director General and the Director Zeng of the Secret Military Bureau were discharged from the hospital this morning, right? Wen Jing, I'm almost injured, let Ban Guide me through the discharge procedures."

Wen Jing hesitated for a moment: "If you don't stay in the hospital for observation for two days, be on the safe side."

"I'm about to throw up after eating the buns. I'm going out for a big meal."

"Just now you said that the bread is delicious."

"..." Wan Li sighed: "Wen Jing, with such an excellent boyfriend as me, why don't you feel any sense of crisis at all? That female hooligan has come to see me every day these two days, don't you know?"

Wen Jing was stunned for a moment: "You mean...Deputy Chief Hei? Stop being narcissistic!"

"What is Hei Deputy Chief... eh?" Wan Li blinked. Hei Danyan had indeed come to see him every day for the past two days. Thinking about how he saved her life three days ago, maybe he wanted to promise him with his body?

God, I'm so good.

This temptation may not necessarily be resisted!
"Wanli, why are you smirking?"

"Hey...cough, the hospital can't stay anymore, hurry up and get out of the hospital, I'm going to cheat if I don't get out of the hospital."

"You dare to roast you!"

"Don't make trouble, quickly contact the class teacher."

The two were laughing, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. They looked at each other, and Wen Jing mumbled "here it is again", and went to open the door.Standing outside the door was a heroic female soldier, Wen Jing froze for a moment: "Hello, are you looking for Wanli?"

"Well, hello, I'm looking for Xiao Wan."

"Sister Liu? I'm here, Wen Jing don't block the door, let Sister Liu in." Wan Li said hastily.

"Xiao Wan, how's the injury?"

"It's almost fine, and I'm preparing to be discharged from the hospital." Wan Li smiled: "Thank you, Sister Liu, for your concern."

Sister Liu nodded, then showed some hesitation, and glanced at Wen Jing: "Can we chat alone for a while?"

Wan Li was startled: "Uh... this... okay, Wen Jing, you go out first? Contact the class teacher."

"Oh." Wen Jing pouted, thinking about what Wan Li said before, and looking at the heroic Sister Liu, she really felt a little bit of crisis, and reluctantly went out.

"What's the matter, Miss Liu?"

"Is the name of the first envoy of the Red Organization... Liu Runquan?"

"It seems to be the name." Wan Li nodded: "He was arrested, but I heard that the injury was very serious, and he hasn't regained consciousness until now. Whether he can recover is another matter. A lunatic, he deserves it... What's the matter, Liu sister?"

"I know him." Sister Liu sighed, with a sad look on her face: "At the engagement banquet between Lang Bing and I, he was one of the guests invited."

 Something happened, the next chapter will be late.

(End of this chapter)

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