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Chapter 294 Discuss Tactics

Chapter 294 Discuss Tactics
After chatting with the cheap mother-in-law for a while, Wanli returned to the room thoughtfully.He mentioned Yan Jin'er's identification, and Dao Li's answer was...very likely, Zeng Jiangeng might really be the second envoy.

"The problem is serious."

Compared with Yan Jin'er, Wan Li believed in Dao Li even more.Of course, she didn't have any proof, she just felt that Zeng Jiangeng could indeed do such a thing, so Wan Li still couldn't say for sure.

It's just that he was more determined to go to investigate Liu Runquan's situation.

Before entering the room, Wen Jing giggled and laughed.Wan Li was stunned, looked at Dao Li, walked back to the room quickly, and saw Wen Jing and Yu Wei chatting shoulder to shoulder, looking like good sisters.

Wan Li was stunned and rubbed his eyes.

In his imagination, although Wen Jing is usually headstrong, she is quite sensible, and when she gets along with Yu Wei, she won't be able to bully her, and she can even take care of her a little, but she won't show any good looks.

But what's going on here?

Seeing Wan Li, Wen Jing laughed and said to Yu Wei, "Sister Xiaowei, Wan Li is back."

"Oh... oh, my boy is back, hehe."

"Wen Jing, what are you..." Wan Li's lips moved slightly, he hesitated to speak.

Wen Jing rolled her eyes: "Wan Liyang, what is your expression? Am I such a stingy person? Since Sister Xiaowei calls you a good boy, then we are a family, come and sit down."

Are you generous or not?Wan Li grunted, and looked at Wen Jing carefully, his expression was calm and normal, not like pretending to be false.

His face darkened, and he looked at Dao Li.

Dao Li's face also turned dark, and he glared at Yu Wei: "Xiao Wei, follow me back to the room."

"Wait...wait a while, my dear..."

"Go back to the room."

"Oh." Yu Wei stood up reluctantly.

"Sister Xiaowei, let's go have dinner together later, you don't know, Wan Liyang's eating looks are getting worse and worse." Wen Jingzhui shouted.

"Oh, good, sister Wenjing."

Wan Li was stunned for a while, what do you mean, looking at the cheap mother-in-law, she didn't use her ability on Wen Jing, but... Yu Wei used it?
Yu Wei also has a spiritual superpower?But she is only B-level, and if she wants to influence Wen Jing to such an extent, only soul rule can do it?
Soul Dominion has another one besides Nier?
"Damn it." Wan Li hesitantly walked over to Wen Jing and sat down next to him, imitating his brainwashing ability*2, and touched Wen Jing's forehead with his hand, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Oh, Wanli, I don't have a fever. I just wanted to open it. Sister Xiaowei is very pitiful. She still likes you so much. It's not good for me to force you." Wen Jing said: "You are so good and find several It's normal to have a girlfriend, and I won't be jealous any more in the future."

Wan Li blinked, his face turned serious, this problem is a bit serious.He frowned, recalled all the mental abilities in the 36 abilities, and simulated them one by one, but none of them succeeded.

"What the hell."

"Okay, Wanli, I'll give you a try, and you're actually starting to think about the possibility of finding multiple girlfriends?!" Wen Jing suddenly said.

"Uh..." Wan Li's face froze, "What about playing?"

"But one thing is true. Sister Xiaowei is really pitiful, which makes people feel distressed. I won't be jealous if you meet her again."

Wanli is speechless, look at Wen Jing, who is 'angry' and 'sympathetic' for a while, why did she become schizophrenic after chatting with Yu Wei alone for a while?

Are silly couples contagious?

He was a little distressed.


At the same time, a private room in a certain hotel.

Yu Xi was also very distressed, holding the chopsticks and eating the twice-cooked pork in front of him bit by bit.

Sitting at the same table with him were three men and two women. They were not too old to be called handsome or beautiful, but everyone was full of energy.

At this moment they were arguing fiercely.

"You don't need me, Lao Zheng and I are enough." One of the girls put his hand on the shoulder of the other girl and said loudly.

"You can't underestimate him. I called you out to discuss tactics, not to decide who will make a move and who will not. We have to make a move together."

"Ning Hang, you are too ambitious for others, right? The six of us are together, and two Zhang Bing can win! I don't know why the Chief Director arranges this kind of competition." Another girl dissatisfied.

"Zhang Bing is Zhang Bing, and the Director General must have his reasons for making such an arrangement." Ning Hang replied: "I was reluctant when I first got the news, but when I asked the teacher, she actually said... If we cooperate well, there will be A chance to win."


"What did Teacher Li Zhiying say?"

"Did she say otherwise?"

The private room was noisy again, Yu Xi sullenly picked up the teacup and drank it down.

Finally a boy noticed him: "Yu Xi, Ning Hang didn't ask us to come out for dinner, you bastard just ate up the twice-cooked pork, you're such a thief."

"Yu Xi, don't just eat, you are the only one of the six of us who has fought against Wan Liyang, and we all know him from the Internet. Do you think we have a chance of winning... No, how many people are needed to defeat him?" Another humane.

The six of them are the fifth to tenth place in this martial arts competition. After receiving the news from the general director, Ning Hang took the lead and gathered here to discuss tactics.

It's called discussing tactics, but in fact, apart from Ning Hang and Yu Xi, the other four people think that they are here to discuss which two or three people will make a move.

They didn't have much confidence in defeating Wanli alone. After all, Wanli's 99-game winning streak had caused a lot of uproar half a year ago, and there were some rumors that Wanli had beaten Jiang Baihui.And the director general made them six against one, there must be some reason.

But they are all the same age, Wan Li is younger than them, how strong can he be?Randomly draw two of them can win against Jiang Baihui, three can win against Zhang Bing, and six... This is more than doubling the combat power, 3+3 is far greater than 6!

Facing the question, Yu Xi remained silent for a while, then hesitated and said, "I think... ten people are about the same."

"Where are the ten people? We have a total of... You mean we can't win? Yu Xi, did you let him break his nerve, but in the media report, you were the only one among the 99 people who dealt with him for more than ten minutes Humans are just a small disadvantage, right?"

Yu Xi smiled wryly and shook his head: "At that time, he was useless at all abilities. In order to break my defense, he actually hit the same part of me more than a dozen times. You know my fighting level. In terms of fighting...Which one of you can hit me? One punch? Let alone more than a dozen punches in the same place."

The other five were startled and looked at each other.

After a long time, one of them gritted his teeth and said, "That's just fighting. Among the six of us, there are superpowers for long-range attacks, superpowers for controlling actions, superpowers for mental interference, and Yu Xi, you as a human shield. A-level has unlocked the big move, and can an assassin cut it all?"

"Yes, yes, let's discuss tactics."

The others echoed, stopped arguing, and concentrated on studying the upcoming battle.

(End of this chapter)

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