Restart the world

Chapter 297 Bet

Chapter 297 Bet
While the four of Wanli were eating barbecue, at six o'clock in the evening, the news spread that Wanli would be playing one-on-six before the final.The first news to appear was In addition to the various bets on the champion and the third place, a new betting option was added.

Wan Liyang vs five to ten teams:

1 pay 1.1 for defeating one person;

1 pays 1.3 for defeating two people;

1 pays 1.5 for defeating three people;

1 pay 2 for defeating four players;

1 to 2.5 for defeating five players;

Win 1 lose 3;

As soon as the odds were announced, the martial arts forum became lively.Netizens are one of the groups that like to join in the fun the most, and they are also the most forgetful group.Wanli's 99-game winning streak more than nine months ago made a lot of noise on the Internet, but this time after his name appeared, half of the people were asking around for who he was.

After someone explained it, everyone recalled him, the young genius who was the first to become famous.

Immediately, someone made a detailed analysis, and even a genius who had fought against Wanli and the top five to ten made predictions.

The final conclusion is: Wan Liyang is very strong, but definitely not as strong as one-on-six.However, since has given such odds, it proves that he still has a good chance of beating two or three players.

For a while, gamblers bet on two, three, and four people one after another, and only a few people bet on others.

In the self-service barbecue restaurant, a group of Aites in the WeChat group let Wen Jing know the news. She glanced at it twice, and then said in surprise: "Wan Liyang, you want to fight against the five to ten teams? What's going on?"

Wan Li chewed for a while, and said vaguely: "Didn't I tell you about the task given by the chief?"

"Where did you say it! Really, you can't have snacks on such an important matter?"

Wan Li swallowed the barbecue, and said, "You don't know my strength? Why bother? If you add Ni Er and the others, I may not be able to win against ten, one against's just too much water."

Wen Jing blinked: "Are you sure you can win?"


"Then get rich!"

Wan Li was stunned, and Wen Jing said again: "Wu Caiwang, Wu Caiwang, I will let my dad buy you to win. After the asset review, I can probably buy 4000 to [-] million yuan. If you lose three times, you will get [-] million yuan!"

"... Is there such a good thing? God, how much money do I have now?"

"Yes, you also have a lot of money." Wen Jing immediately beamed with joy: "Your manga has been serialized a long time ago, but because you, the creator, haven't shown up for a while, it's not as popular as you imagined, but the income of 3000 to 1000 million is Yes, quickly check your assets, and you can suppress more than [-] million!"

"Asset review, asset review." Wan Li muttered: "Buy a mobile phone first... such a good opportunity of more than 1000 million is a bit small, can you make it a little bit more? Wen Jing, can't your family get a loan?"

"The loan must have collateral, and the total assets of the asset review will not change." Wen Jing shook her head.

Wan Li frowned when he heard that, how much of the 1000 yuan spirit stones approved by the chief executive hadn't been used yet, so sell it?But isn't that too good...he pondered, and slowly turned his gaze to Dao Li.

Dao Li was startled: "I have no money."

Wan Li chuckled: "Don't be modest, with your strength and your special superpower, you won't abide by laws and regulations abroad, right? You can't just get three to five billion?"

He has a reason for saying so.In the eight months of Purcell, he got nearly 10 yuan of Guanglingshi, half of which was sucked, and the remaining half was left. Unfortunately, he didn't bring it back, and this asset is a bit shady.

"Why should I lend it to you?"

"You are indeed rich." Wan Li said with a hippie smile: "Let me borrow some money, and you will get half of the winnings. You will have trouble with asset verification. I am different. I can ask someone to help!"

Chi Zhao has not been discharged from the hospital yet, and the person in charge of is probably Hei Danyan.

Dao Li pondered for a moment: "I seven you three."

Wan Li blinked, and just about to open his mouth to bargain, Yu Wei interjected: "Mom, half... split it."

Dao Li's face darkened, thank you silly girl for not saying to borrow it for free.

"Xiaowei, how about I seven you three?" Wan Li raised his nose and asked.

"Hey, all right, sweetheart."

"Forget it." Wan Li looked at Dao Li's expression of wanting to make a move, and quickly waved his hand and said, "It's half a point. The game the day after tomorrow, time is tight, I'll eat it quickly. The barbecue is too slow, Wen Jing, Xiao Wei, go get it Move everything from the deli area back to me!"


At the same time, the Martial Arts Headquarters conference room.

Guo Zhan welcomed five groups of visitors from Britain, France, Germany, the United States and Italy.As agreed, they arrived almost at the same time.

At this time, Guo Zhan was frowning, thinking about the words of the five state leaders.


A strong man from Germany nodded, and said in stumbling Chinese: "Back then, we didn't know the way forward, and the grades were rough. From K to SSS, the distinction is not obvious. Now there are two bottlenecks, divided into three. Each level is subdivided, which is more convenient."

"Divided into three levels..." Guo Zhan pondered, and said in a deep voice: "You have never seen a colorless crystal with a measurable level. That thing recognizes our existing level system."

"That's why we need to change. Aliens, perhaps, are watching in secret!"

Guo Zhan was taken aback and frowned deeply.

After the colorless crystal appeared, no one doubted that it was a means of aliens. After all, the existing hierarchy is divided by them. It is too strange that one level corresponds to one color... Could it be that aliens happen to be classified in this way?
Now it seems that these people have to try it out by resetting the level.

"Maybe there are other purposes." Guo Zhan said secretly in his heart, "I have no objection to this matter. But re-ranking... the proportion of warriors above D-level in the world today is more than a quarter. In the third rank, whether it is the second rank or the third rank, the number of warriors who can speak Chinese must exceed the number of people who can speak English. So if you want to redefine the ranks, you must use Chinese!"

The five groups of foreign guests looked at each other with no surprise on their faces.After a while, the American said: "We have considered this matter, but people who are accustomed to expressing grades in English may find it difficult to accept Chinese, which is difficult to learn. We suggest that each country set its own grade system, and then put one of them The species selection is the world's common ranking system."

Guo Zhan glanced at them thoughtfully, but did not speak.The British interjected: "In the era of practice, the strong are respected, and we will inevitably suffer damage when we do it ourselves. It just so happens that you, Huaxia, are holding a martial artist competition? We brought a few young people who are fairly good, and let them decide what to do?"

Although it was a question, after finishing the words, the other four nodded in agreement.

Come prepared!

This idea flashed through Guo Zhan's mind for the first time, and then his brain was running fast.Two seconds later, he nodded slightly: "If the level is re-set, I can agree to this first."

Seeing Guo Zhan so happy, the faces of the guests from the five countries became a little cloudy...

(End of this chapter)

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