Restart the world

Chapter 301 The Battle Begins

Chapter 301 The Battle Begins

The expressions of the six people on the opposite side were not very friendly. Wan Li didn't realize what was going on. He just thought that they were putting on a hostile posture because of the upcoming battle, and walked towards them with a smile.

"Yu Xi, we are already old acquaintances, and we will be discussing each other in a while, don't pay too much attention, introduce them to me?"

Yu Xi was silent for a moment: "Wan Liyang, before you met me...didn't you know that I was the opponent?"

Wan Li blinked, and understood why the six of them were unhappy.He thought for half a second, and said: "Of course not, I have known you, but I forgot that Yu Xi is you."

As soon as these words came out, except for Yu Xi, the faces of the other five people looked better by two points. This wave of one for five, Wan Li felt that it was not a loss.

Yu Xi obviously wasn't interested in introducing his teammates to him. Wan Li wanted to ask him one by one, so that he could match the names and abilities Ni Er said, but at this moment, a figure appeared among them, raised his hand and then fell down. , a cold voice came out: "The battle begins!"

"Uh, Deputy Director-General Hei?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and saw Hei Danyan's figure disappear again.

The six people on the opposite side reacted quickly and scattered in all directions. One of the thin teenagers stuck out an ice blade with a biting chill in his hands, and a tall and strong boy like Shao Laofa stuck out a high-speed spinning blade with his hands. The sharp-sounding wind knives rushed towards thousands of miles in unison!

"This is the start of the fight? Ice magic Ning Hang and wind magic king Yanzhao?" Wan Li narrowed his eyes, and his mouth slightly curled up: "Oh, that's right."

The sound of the sharp blade entering the body came out. Facing the ice blade and the wind knife, Wan Li did not dodge or dodge. He didn't even do basic defense. He was pierced instantly and blood spattered, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

The faces of the two attacking him were shocked and flustered. Ning Hang let go of the ice blade, Wang Yanzhao released the wind blade, and dodged away.

Wan Li looked down at the ice blade that stabbed his waist, pulled it out and threw it aside, the blood was gurgling like a small river, Wan Li covered it with his hands, but couldn't stop it.He raised his hand with a smile, and wiped his face heavily, making his face bloody.

"It hurts."

As he muttered, cracks suddenly appeared in the air in front of him, the scene shattered and dissipated, Wan Li's wounds and blood stains disappeared like an illusion, and the battle had not yet started.

The six opponents stood opposite him as before.Wan Li smiled, and looked at one of the delicate girls with a single ponytail.Her face was a little pale, and her breathing was a little heavy.

"Miss Zheng Jie, you don't pay attention if you don't say hello." Wan Li said with a smile: "Then this long-haired lady is Zhang Huiya? And these three veterans, Ning Hang, Wang Yanzhao, Yu Jingzhe, and I It's on the right number."

"Old Zheng, are you alright?" Zhang Huiya patted Zheng Jie's shoulder worriedly.

Zheng Jie took two deep breaths, shook her head to indicate that she was fine, and asked hesitantly, "You, won't you hurt? Why don't you hide?"

"It's quite painful, the illusion is very real. I haven't suffered piercing injury before, so I just take advantage of your illusion, Miss Sister, to experience it." Wan Li smiled: "Otherwise, if you get this kind of injury in the future, you won't even have the strength to fight back. It’s a rare opportunity to experience.”

"You..." Are you sick?Zheng Jie didn't ask this sentence, but the meaning was on his face.

"What's wrong, Zheng Jie?"

Zheng Jie explained to the others in a low voice, while Wan Li smiled and nodded, then turned and went back to Wen Jing.As soon as he turned his head, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Hiss~ It hurts!
This pretense is a bit expensive.

But looking at the heavy expressions on the faces of his opponents, Wan Li felt that this was not in vain, and his winning percentage was at least increased by [-]%.After confirming the opponent's situation with Ni Er for a while, he smiled: "It's stable, this time it will earn one billion yuan!"


A few moments later, the Martial Arts Administration and foreign guests finally arrived. There were six to seventy people in great momentum, including more than 70 foreign guests from thirteen countries.

Not every country brought their own geniuses here. Only six of the thirteen national teams had teenagers who were not much different from Wan Li's age, five men and one woman, including the guy with angel wings.

"They all look quite strong." Wan Li muttered.These people stayed on the periphery of the field, so he couldn't make an accurate judgment. He only felt that the six people had the same strength as Zhang Bing at the very least.

As for other people's strength, they are even stronger. The leaders of various countries may have the strength of the third or even the fourth realm.The weakest of them is probably Malcolm in the American team. As an editor of Forbes magazine, he only has an A grade.

Seeing Wan Li's gaze, he smiled at Wan Li in a friendly manner. The smile was rather stiff and a bit perfunctory, so Wan Li smiled back perfunctorily.

The figure beside her flashed, this time it was the real Hei Danyan, and she raised her voice: "The first thing to do is the warm-up exhibition match, five to ten winners of the Wan Liyang vs. Martial Artist Competition, and the others retreat to the Chief Director to avoid being fought spread."

That's right, warm up exhibition games.Wanli's upcoming battle is nominally a warm-up exhibition match for the finals of the martial arts competition. Whether the foreign guests believe it or not, Huaxia believes it.

Hearing Hei Danyan's words, Wen Jing and the others immediately gave Wan Li a hug or words of encouragement, and left with the other three top four teams.

"Wen Jing, hold it!" Wan Li took off his shirt and threw it to Wen Jing. His upper body muscles twitched a few times, and he turned to face the six opponents.

Discussions in various languages ​​were faintly heard in the distance, several of which he could understand thousands of miles away, but he didn't listen carefully. He took a deep breath and let his mind go blank. For a moment, only six opponents and the black man standing between them were left in his sight. Dan Yan.

The same goes for the top five to top ten, they are all ages to save face, six to one, they don't want to lose!

Half a minute passed, and 1 minute passed.

When there was a shout belonging to the director general in the distance, Heidanyan's raised hand fell down instantly, and at the same time his figure disappeared, a cold word came out: "Preheat the exhibition game, start!"

Power unlocked, 99%!

The muscles swelled and became sharp-edged, reflecting the light in the sun, and the strength multiplied. Thousands of miles raised his arms and made a sonic boom.

The opponents spread out and surrounded thousands of miles in a hexagonal shape.Two of them were the first to attack him—Ning Hang stretched out his ice blades, and Wang Yanzhao rushed forward with wind knives in his hands.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "This time it's true, and I'm playing with fiction."

He stretched his arms sideways, and two light blades protruded from the palms of his hands, cutting out at the same time.

Ping!The ice blade shattered instantly, and Ning Hang quickly stepped back.After the wind knife rubbed against Wanli's lightsaber for a while, it staggered away with its owner.

The two were repelled with one blow, and a dazzling light shone around Wan Li's body, forming six pairs of light wings that vibrated at the same time, and he rushed towards Zheng Jie at top speed!
Get rid of those with psychic abilities first!
 On the Luding Bridge, through Kangding, the scenery is so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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