Restart the world

Chapter 305 Reasonable Tax Avoidance

Chapter 305 Reasonable Tax Avoidance
Staring at the four opponents lying on the ground for a few seconds, and confirming that they were all unconscious, Wan Li raised his arms and then lowered them heavily, piercing the air and making two explosions, causing the muscles on his body to tremble dozens of times. Dropped the floating ash on his body.

He hadn't simulated water magic before, so he could only clean up his body in this simple way, and then inspected several new injuries on his body, simulating the light of healing for treatment.

Not far in front of him, Heidanyan flashed twice in succession, took the four of them away, and announced that the final winner of this duel was Wan Li.

The foreign guests gave applause representing politeness and friendliness, but it's hard to say whether they are sincere... In the end, the strength exposed is a bit too much. Combo skills are one of Wanli's trump cards, and few people should be able to ignore its power.

After he healed his injuries, Wen Jing from a distance also rushed up to him, and she didn't dislike his dirty body, she swooped directly on his waist.

"Wan Liyang, let's get rich! A total of 5.2 million bets, 15.6 billion!"

"Don't be too happy. Aunt Dao's 4.5 million belongs to Auntie Dao. The profit is divided into half, and 9 million has to be returned to her. In this way, we only have 6.6 million left."

Wen Jing pouted slightly: "That's a lot, but it's a pity that this Wucai only allowed half of the total assets to bet, so I lost a lot of money."

"Be content, if you lose, you will lose everything."

Wen Jing grinned, and leaned forward to kiss Wan Li: "You played well, I will reward you. are so embarrassing when you run around."

"It's no shame to win." Wan Li put his hands on Wen Jing's legs, and said with a smile: "Just a kiss, this reward is not enough, hehe."

Wen Jing was startled, and the figure of Hei Danyan flickered again, and said coldly: "Irrelevant personnel leave as soon as possible, we need to clean up the venue."

Why am I an irrelevant person?Wan Li looked at Hei Danyan who looked business-like, put Wen Jing down helplessly, and dragged her back.

The scope of the previous shock wave happened to end at the front end of the audience area, so the audience is looking at the 'inside the bowl' from the 'side of the bowl', which is very clear.

Of course, it is also very clear from the inside of the bowl to the outside of the bowl.

So Wan Li looked at the expressions of the foreign guests as he walked, especially the five men and one woman who were about his age.Three of them had indifferent expressions, as if they didn't take the battle just now seriously, a sturdy young man was expressionless, as if his face was paralyzed, and the guy from America had a disdainful smile on his lips...

"This angel wing is a little swollen."

Wan Li muttered, and glanced at the only girl among the six, was startled for a moment, and then took another look.Pausing for a moment, he took another look... Ugh!

Wen Jing next to him pinched him hard.

"Wanli, can you be a little promising!"

Wan Li smiled awkwardly: "Isn't this the first time I've seen a foreign beauty? From Soviet Russia?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at the other party again.Slender jade legs, blond hair and blue eyes, tender white complexion exudes a trace of coolness, somewhat similar to Hei Danyan's temperament, and a baby face that reveals a bit of cuteness.

"95 points." Wan Li pondered, scoring the highest score ever.

Wen Jing pinched him hard again.

Wan Li smiled, and stopped looking at the other party. He is not a person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, and it would be a bit embarrassing to look at it any longer.

Instead of joining Guo Zhan and the foreign guests, Wan Li and Wen Jing returned to Liu Miao and the other three.

"It's time to call it a day, and I'm going to watch your performance next, Nier. Come on, don't be nervous."

"Yes." Ni Qinyu replied: "We still have to wait for a while, the third place will be held first."

Wanli nodded.After the staff of the Martial Arts Bureau finished cleaning up the venue, the duel between Jiang Baihui and Wang Haiyang took place first.The outcome of this duel can't be judged for a long time. In terms of strength, Jiang Baihui is better, but her recent state may not be very good... Maybe it will become a protracted battle?
"Hey, Wanli, is it alright to spread the news of your victory?" Wen Jing asked suddenly.

"Send it out?" Wan Li was startled, looking at the phone Wen Jing was holding, "Is there a signal here? It's okay to pass it on, let Uncle Wen and the others feel at ease."

"Hmm." Wen Jing quickly sent a message.

So the news of Wanli's victory was spread like this to ten, ten to hundreds, and when someone posted it on the martial arts forum, not to mention everyone knew it.Of course, because it was not an official announcement, many people expressed disbelief, especially those who are more gambling.

Half of the family property has been bet, and you tell me that Wan Liyang won?

The young man who had fought against Wan Li and Wang Yanzhao while making an analysis on the Martial Arts Forum even swore that this was a rumor, and that Wan Li would probably be able to defeat three of them, not more.

When Wan Li saw this post on Wen Jing's phone, he felt that this kid was going to die, and he had better keep a low profile for a while...

"Wow, what a fat man!" Wen Jing exclaimed suddenly, startling Wan Li.

"Jianchao must have bet a lot, and just sent a 2000 yuan red envelope in the group!" She explained.

"Chaochao, I remember that his family is rich, and the second uncle is also A-level, maybe he bet more than your family. This fat man, the opponent almost used his ability to kill me, but he took the opportunity to make a fortune " Wan Li smiled: "Ask him how much he bet in a private chat, and ask him to treat us to dinner when we go back."

Having said that, he turned his head and said, "Teacher, Sister Yu, you two have been silent all this time, have you bet a lot, are you afraid that I will ask you two to treat you to dinner?"

The two looked at each other, and Yu Qianqian said with a smile: "It's a bet, but we don't have a lot of money, we haven't made much money, and after paying the taxes, there will be not much left. Would you mind asking Sister Yu to invite you?"

"I still have to pay taxes?" Wanli Wenjing stared at the same time, gambling with his strength, why should he pay taxes.

"Of course you have to pay taxes, 20%."

"It's really black." Wan Li spit out two words slowly, and Wen Jing looked at each other in blank dismay, "6.6 million, 5.28 million left after paying taxes? Just over 1 million gone?"

"No, no, Auntie Dao should also share the tax." Wen Jing said.

"Share it?" Wan Li was a little uncertain, how should this account be settled?Wen Jing turned on the calculator on her mobile phone, and the two money fans snapped up their accounts.

When the final result was calculated, Wan Li sighed leisurely: "I should be shameless. Face is worth a few dollars. If I knew it earlier, I would have asked Xiaowei to ask Aunt Dao not to share it. Now I won't be so distressed."

Wen Jing blinked: "Is it still too late to find sister Xiaowei? Wanli."

"I think it's too bad." Wan Li shook his head, "Let's think about it, there seems to be another way."

He glanced at Guo Zhan, and then at Hei Danyan, who was in command of the general bureau to clean up the venue... With my face, can I do a reasonable tax avoidance?


Yesterday, I climbed the highest mountain on the Sichuan-Tibet line——Mount Dongda, with an altitude of 5130 meters.

The altitude sickness was severe and I had a splitting headache. It's getting better now.So only one change in two days, cough...

I'm asleep, I will try to write more tomorrow.


(End of this chapter)

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