Chapter 308
Wan Li flipped through Ni Qinyu's runner-up certificate, and was a little late in reacting to the change in the atmosphere.It was Wen Jing who felt something was wrong first, and tugged at his arm, signaling to move forward.

Wan Li was startled, and followed her gaze.

"Hehe, a group of old men, what are you doing staring?" He grumbled with a smile, and handed back the certificate to Ni Er.

Guo Zhan and the foreign team leaders looked at each other with serious expressions, and it seemed that the main topic was about to begin.I don't know what the format of the next fight will be, China vs. Six or random PK?

Is there any strong enemy besides the guy from the United States?

Thinking about it, Wan Li looked at the guy again, and found that he had a provocative face, and secretly hooked his fingers.

Wan Li is not angry, because the other party is not ticking fingers at him.

It's against Zhang Bing.

This proved from the side that whether it was the nonsense with Malcolm or the clumsiness in the battle just now, he was very successful.

But... being ignored, how angry!
"Let's start the battle quickly, I'm going to swell this guy's face!" Wan Li said silently in his heart.

He didn't keep him waiting, probably because the details had already been negotiated. Half a minute later, Guo Zhan walked towards Wanli.

"Deputy Headquarters of Hei, lead the team back to the urban area, and announce the final information on the Martial Arts Forum. Wan Liyang and Zhang Bing will stay." He said, paused, and then said: "Ai Hui stays."

"Hey, are we leaving too?" Wen Jing whispered, seeing Guo Zhan looking at her, she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"The next fight doesn't need spectators."


Many people still had a vague understanding of the battle belt that was about to take place, so they were taken away by the stern-mouthed Hei Danyan, explaining to them as they walked...

Wan Li made an OK gesture to Wen Jing, turned his head and met a serious old face.

"Be serious, listen to me. The battle later is very important! It is a surprise for Zhang Bing to break through the S rank, but the situation is still very serious!" Guo Zhan said in a deep voice, "The form of the battle is melee!"


"The six of them plus the two of you form a group. Whoever stands at the end is the winner!"

Wan Li frowned, looked at Zhang Bing beside him, and said puzzledly: "I just finished a one-on-six game, and here is another two-on-six game? This kind of melee is too bad for us, isn't it?"

Zhang Bing nodded in agreement.

Guo Zhan shook his head and said, "Killova from Tsarist Russia can be regarded as an ally for the time being. Besides, only you and Zhang Bing can trust each other completely among the eight people, and you can leave your back to each other!"

"I'm afraid of being accidentally burned by friendly troops..." Wan Li muttered softly.

Guo Zhan glared at him, and continued: "In short, the scuffle is not bad news for you. In this battle, you can only win but not lose!"

Wan Li scratched his head, still feeling more comfortable in duels, but he could roughly guess what Guo Zhan was thinking.When Zhang Bing didn't advance, if he couldn't beat someone by himself, it was impossible for the two of them to win together, because Zhang Bing's strength at that time was a fraction in front of him.Now it's different, the S-level Zhang Bing should be able to withstand dozens of moves he made with all his strength...

"General Director, I promise to complete the task!" Zhang Bing straightened his body and said with a serious face.Wan Li looked sideways slightly, and also became a little serious.

Guo Zhan nodded in satisfaction: "In this battle, Wan Liyang is the main player, and Zhang Bing is your assistant. You can decide the specific tactics yourself. I repeat, this battle is very important! Wan Li Yang, I didn't know that your strength can be turned over in an instant. There is no price for doubling the ability, but it must be used when necessary!"

Wan Li nodded slowly, while Zhang Bing paused for a moment before saying in a deep voice, "Yes!"

When Guo Zhan walked towards the leader of the Tsarist Russian team, Zhang Bing turned his head and asked, "Captain Wan, what is our strategy?"

Wan Li pondered for a moment, then said: "Since I was called the captain, I will arrange it impolitely. The director general said that Krillova of Tsarist Russia is our ally for the time being. For the time being, it proves that this alliance is not too strong. It can only be said that in our She can only be considered a helper until she has gained a clear advantage.

Among the five people, the most difficult to deal with is Peters from the United States. You... pester him for a while, the longer the better, I will deal with the others! "

Zhang Bing frowned and said hesitantly, "One-to-many, I'm better at it."

I'm afraid you'll just gg, none of these seem to be easy to deal with.Wan Li shook his head: "Didn't you see that guy hooking his finger at you just now? How considerate of my arrangement, listen to the captain!"


Obey the order, Brother Bing really saves trouble.


After a few minutes.

The melee is about to start.

Eight contestants stand in a circle around the bowl-shaped pit, almost equidistantly arranged.Zhang Bing is on the left of Wanli, and Krillova is on the right.

Confirming his eyes with Zhang Bing, Wan Li turned to look at Krillova again.She nodded to Wan Li, her blue eyes rolled, and Wan Li suddenly felt a slight pain in her head.

Superpower No. 18, mental impact.

Wan Li raised his eyebrows and took the initiative to reveal the type of ability. He was very sincere, and it happened to be the ability to be a teammate. If they cooperated well, the two of them would have no problem at all.

And the other five were also making eye contact.

No, four people.

Peters has no intention of communicating with the unreliable temporary allies. He is more confident than Wan Li, thinking that he can fight seven with one.

However, the warning from the American team leader prevented him from uttering wild words, and he was staring at Zhang Bing closely at this time... Wan Li felt that Zhang Bing didn't need to pester him, he would take the initiative to find Zhang Bing.

Guo Zhan and the six team leaders gathered in the sky, and their dispersal represented the beginning of the battle.

Wan Li looked up, thought for a while, and unlocked 99% of his power!Simulate thunder magic!
The lightning flashed, and a surging momentum surged out, crushing the five people opposite, and was crushed back in an instant...

"Cough cough." Wan Li coughed twice, muttering in his mouth: "A bunch of face-saving idiots, S-rank, S-rank... eh, A-rank?"

He was stunned for a moment, and looked at the gentleman-headed British boy obliquely in front of him. A-level dare to participate in this kind of battle?

Take your knife!

British teenager David is anxious.

I obviously just came here for a soy sauce, why did I get involved in this kind of melee?

Unlike the arrivals from other countries who are basically the strongest young girls in the country, David is only No.4 in the British Warrior Competition.

He just came to test out the opponent's details for Peters of the United States!

Wan Li's gaze made him very ignorant, is this guy's strength still to be tested?My kind...he can hit six at the same time, and he is rich!
Thinking about what his team leader told him to try to hold him back for a while, David took a breath.Speaking of frustration, his goal is to delay for half a minute.

At this moment, the seven figures in the sky dispersed instantly, and another six figures rushed straight into the sky.

Only him and Wan Liyang were left on the ground.

Half a minute, I can do it!
Then he saw a beam of light mixed with thunder and light coming towards him.

Directly use the strongest attack? ! !

He couldn't even curse out a word.

(End of this chapter)

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