Restart the world

Chapter 315 Reiki Institute

Chapter 315 Reiki Institute
The next morning, there was a knock on the door.

Wan Li yawned and opened the door: "Morning, Deputy Director Hei, come to pick me up and Ni Er, please wait for us for 2 minutes."

Hei Danyan opened his mouth slightly, his expression was dull for a moment, then he showed a sweet smile, quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and nodded with a smile.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, not knowing why.

He turned around and walked back into the house, saying: "Go back to your room and sleep, Nier and I have to go out for a while, let's play again when we come back."

Li Meng looked sluggish, drowsy: "Banana, I can't get up, so take me back."

"And me." Jian Chao said while lying on his back.

Banana pretended not to hear, and walked gracefully towards the standard room opened by Li Meng and Jianchao.

Lin Xiaoqi stood up with a smile, holding Li Meng in one hand and Jianchao in the other, and said, "I'll send the two of you back, you two idiots, after staying up all night, they will look like this." She walked out the door with one shoulder high and the other shoulder low, slightly sideways Say hello to Hei Danyan.

"Remember to wash your face." Hei Danyan reminded.

Lin Xiaoqi blushed and quickened her pace.

"Wash your face?" Wan Li murmured, touching his cheek, and saw Wen Jing lying on the bed giggling and rolling, and Ni Er's eyes curved into crescent moons.

Wan Li rolled his eyes, walked quickly into the bathroom, and took a picture in front of the vanity mirror. He had a face of a little bastard, the delicate one was drawn by Ni Er, and the ugly one was drawn by Wen Jing...

"There are so many? Ni Er, you must have cheated just now, and I will be a stick if I play poker with you again!" Wan Li sighed.


5 minute later.

Washed and dressed, Wan Li and Ni Er were led by Hei Danyan, blinking several times, to a low building covering an area of ​​more than ten acres.

This building looks ordinary, like a factory engaged in manufacturing, but the surrounding protection is extremely strong. As soon as Wan Li was brought here by Heidanyan, he felt the gaze, or scrutiny, of several S-levels.Two of them brought him a great sense of threat, and they should be the S-level third realm.

Probably because of Hei Danyan's presence, these gazes were quickly retracted, but Ni Er still took a step behind Wan Li with some discomfort, and asked, "Brother Yang, Deputy Chief Hei, where is this?"

"Reiki Research Institute." Wan Li replied, "As expected of a legendary place, the protection is tighter than I imagined. I'm afraid I won't even be able to break into it."

Hei Danyan is speechless, what are you going to do?
"Spiritual Qi Research Institute?" Ni Er didn't care about Wan Li's joke, and repeated it in surprise.

The Reiki Research Institute is an institution specially established for the study of Reiki after the practice era. There are five in China, and the one in Yanjing is the most famous.

Because only the location of this aura research institute is widely known, it is near the Yanjing Military Region.

There are many inventions here that benefit the people.

The combat training machine, the bottleneck breakthrough agent, and the grade tester that Wanli saw in the hands of the members of Ms. Liu's team were all developed here.

There are also the determination of the concentration of spiritual energy, the classification and research of superpowers, and all new things in the practice era, all of which are explored and studied here.

The Reiki Research Institute has gathered countless high-IQ talents and a group of top scientists in the world. Although it is unknown, everyone knows that it is a great place.

Who didn't want to be a scientist when they were young?
"I really didn't, I just wanted to be a cartoonist at that time." Wan Li replied to himself.

Not far away, Guo Zhan appeared, approached the three quickly, and asked loudly, "Ni Qinyu, do you know the details of the mission?"

Ni Er was startled, and looked innocently at Wan Li.

Wan Li pursed his lips, the students gathered together to play and level up, how could there be time to talk about the task content?
"Didn't say?...Come with me." Guo Zhan frowned, turned his head to lead the way, and said as he walked, "Your task is to read the memory of Liu Runquan, the first envoy of the Red Organization, and learn about the stronghold of the Red Organization and the Information such as the identity of the two envoys.

Liu Runquan's strength is the second level of S-level, and he is currently in a coma. You should try to read his memory without damaging his brain.Of course, it doesn't hurt to hurt him if necessary. "

Ni Qinyu paused, his face tensed slightly, he nodded firmly and said: "Yes! Director General."

Walking to a door with a combination of face recognition and fingerprint recognition, Guo Zhan turned his head and asked: "Wan Liyang, don't touch and move after entering."

Wan Li was stunned: "Director General, why are you targeting me? So Nier can mess around?"

Guo Zhan ignored him, and opened the door on his own... Wan Li felt that he had been hurt without words, and it was still a critical blow.

"What's so great, the Reiki Research Institute doesn't necessarily know as much as I do."

Walking into the Reiki Research Institute, there is a deep corridor in front of you.On both sides of the corridor, there is a tightly closed black door every ten meters. After walking for ten steps, Wanli didn't look at anything.

There is no one or anything in the corridor.

The sound insulation effect of the walls is also very good. After passing through two rooms, no sound can be heard at all.

He blinked, simulating supernormal hearing, and pricked up his ears, he could faintly hear the sound of some kind of machine running from the door next to him.

Guo Zhan turned his head to look at Wanli if he felt it, and asked him to smile and cancel his ability.

Guo Zhan shook his head. Seeing that Nier was also curious, he explained helplessly: "This is the spirit stone synthesis room, where the bottleneck breakthrough agent is produced. The efficiency is a bit low. On average, 300 yuan spirit stone can be synthesized for one dose, so the price is high for a long time. No more."

"That's right here..." Wan Li pursed his lips, 300 yuan for a dose of spirit stones, which is extremely inefficient, and he only needs 99 yuan...

"There is also the synthesis of spiritual liquid." Guo Zhan continued: "Ni Qinyu was able to cultivate to the peak of A-level so quickly because of Wan Liyang, you collected a lot of spiritual liquid from abroad and came back. You should know the spiritual liquid very well. Effect. Unfortunately, the synthesis efficiency is even worse, an average of 1000 yuan of spirit stones can be used to synthesize a drop of spirit liquid."

'It's over. Wan Li pouted.

"Also, the room just entered is the superpower research room. Wan Liyang, after Ni Qinyu completes the task, you need to tell the superpower experts about Peters' superpower details."

Super expert?The corner of Wanli's eyes twitched... He was quite looking forward to seeing them.

While talking and walking, Guo Zhan briefly introduced two sentences when passing the third room: "This is the spiritual weapon research room."

"...Spirit weapon?"

Guo Zhan smiled: "Is the name bluffing? Now we use electrical appliances at home..."

"Electrical appliances? This spiritual weapon..." Wan Li's mouth twitched, and he and Ni Er looked at each other in blank dismay.

Soon walking to the fourth room, Guo Zhan explained, "This is a laboratory for researching the use of three kinds of crystals associated with Lingshi ore."

Is the grade detector of Ms. Liu's team the masterpiece here?Wan Li felt dark in his heart, and was startled suddenly: "Three kinds of associated crystals?"

"Green crystals, colorless crystals, and black crystals. There are very few black crystals. Have you ever seen them abroad?" Guo Zhan asked.

"……never seen it."

Wan Li responded slowly, he always thought that only two of the three crystals he set had manifested!

Black crystal, I really want a few pieces...

Guo Zhan continued to walk forward: "Although there are few, there is really nothing unusual. You will have a chance to meet Ni Qinyu when the mission is completed. You need to assist the experts to do an experiment."

nothing unusual?It seems no one has discovered its true use yet!Auxiliary experiment, how can I get a few dollars?

Thinking about it, Wan Li followed Guo Zhan to the deepest room, and saw Liu Runquan lying flat on the bed with various monitoring equipment attached to his body...

(End of this chapter)

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