Restart the world

Chapter 321 Data Analysis

Chapter 321 Data Analysis
It was the bearded uncle who opened the door for them earlier who said that Wanli blindly analyzed superpowers in 78 on the martial arts forum.Because the voice was somewhat familiar, Wan Li's eyes quickly locked on to him.

Wan Li was embarrassed to stare at his slumped face and dark circles under his eyes. According to his visual strength, he was no more than E-rank.

So Wan Li calmly said: "I'm blind to 78 analysis? All right, hehe. ()"

Uncle: "╭(°A°`)╮"


"Oh what?" Guo Zhan said helplessly, "This is Meng Zichao and Meng Wujian."

He stretched out his hand to falsely lead to the man with glasses in front of him.

A thousand-mile meal, the military supervisor of the Military Supervision Bureau?
He has long learned from Hei Danyan that the highest martial arts organization in China is the Martial Arts Supervision Bureau, which consists of ten people, five principals and five deputies. Guo Zhan and Zeng Jiangeng are ranked sixth and seventh respectively. Where is the male?
"Hello Meng Wujian." He greeted.

"Hello." Meng Wujian smiled: "I've wanted to see you for a long time. Your superpowers have brought us a lot of trouble. Oh, so does the superpower of this pretty little girl."

He looked at Ni Er with a smile, was startled for a moment, pushed his glasses and said, "Couple tattoos? You didn't have them in the finals, but you got them during the celebration last night? Did you have a good time?"

"No... no, it's not a couple tattoo." Ni Er blushed and said, "This is..."

Why is this military supervisor a bit wretched?Wan Li blinked and looked at Guo Zhan.Guo Zhan explained with a smile in his eyes: "It's a black crystal. I just discovered its correct usage in the crystal laboratory. We have to hold a martial arts meeting later."

"Oh?" Meng Wujian said with a slightly stern expression, "It seems that the effect is not small. Then let's talk about the business first, and finish the work here quickly.

You have seen Wanli Yang, Yue Heng's lightning super power, Peters' feather super power, and the little girl's spiritual super power. If you were asked to rank them, how would you rank them? "

Wan Li was stunned, ranking?I arranged this when I set it up... He pretended to hesitate for two seconds before saying: "Peters' is the strongest, Deputy Director General Yue is second, and Nier is the last."

"Okay, Lao Jiang, record. Feather Super Energy is ranked third, Thunderbolt is fourth, and Spirit is fifth."

"This is too hasty, Meng Wujian." The bearded uncle questioned: "Although I also think that Americans have a little bit stronger superpowers, but it has not been scientifically verified, only his one-sided words..."

"Okay, Lao Jiang, remember this first, if there are any mistakes or omissions, we will modify it."

"...Okay." The uncle reluctantly nodded.

Angel Wings came in third?Wanli was stunned for a moment, then what is in front of it, the world is reversed?Do you know the identity of the awakened person who reversed the universe?

He tentatively asked, "Meng Wujian, what are the first and second superpowers?"

As soon as he said this, he found that Meng Wujian and Guo Zhan looked at him strangely.

"Just now Yingying said you were lucky and you didn't hear it? The number one is your stamina power, and the second is your simulation power."

Tsk, it's dark under the lights.The inexhaustible body is ranked first, and it is still ahead of the simulated magic. It is a combination of breaking the limit and doubling the effect...

'The owner of the first and second super powers is me, so I have to keep a low profile.After the next apparition, I will be the first, second and third. I am too lucky, so it will definitely attract suspicion, right? 'Thousands of dark lining.

But if you think about it, it's not necessary. Next time you have a "strongest ability", you will basically be invincible, and even revealing the identity of the father of superpowers can be put on the agenda.

"Wan Liyang, catch the punch." At this moment, Meng Wujian said suddenly.

what?Wan Li was bewildered, and was surprised to find that Meng Wujian raised his hand in front of him and punched him.The punch was not fast, but straight, Wan Li raised his hand subconsciously and caught it.

The punch was so light that he didn't even shake it.

"Meng Wujian, who is this?"

"The attack just now is the peak strength of a normal B-rank. Take it as one degree, and the attack strength of the first S-rank is about ten degrees. How many degrees is the attack of Peters shooting feathers at you?"

"...28, nine?" Wan Li scratched his head.

"Okay, Yingying, record." Meng Wujian said, fumbled out a remote control from nowhere, and pressed pause on the big screen.Then he pointed to the picture in the middle and said, "What is the approximate speed of your attack to smash him to the ground with [-] times the gravity?"

"About sixty."

"Sixty?" Meng Wujian paused, frowned and looked at Guo Zhan: "Are you sure?"

"It should be about the same."

"The defense is stronger than we imagined. The [-]-degree attack is equivalent to a full-strength blow of the S-level third level. Did it just break through the defense? No wonder you think it is stronger than Yue Heng's ability." Meng Wujian took a deep breath Tone: "Continue."


From angel wings to other superpowers that Wanli had simulated, Meng Wujian asked them one by one.

Unlike Wan Li, they clearly know the characteristics and strengths of each ability.However, by digitizing these abilities, they can still analyze all kinds of abilities in close proximity.

Wanli also saw the super power ranking table, there are not many places where he can use it, and the mistakes and omissions are just some small mistakes and omissions, which makes him can't help feeling the power of these real experts...

"I think King Kong is stronger than superpower (special). The reference objects here are Yu Xi and that German boy. They have an A-level peak and an S-level. The comparison is not accurate.

The light-type super power is not necessarily weaker than the wind-type ability, it has more changes, and the single-point strike ability is strong, and the flying effect is better.

Ba Song's super power is not as strong as Zhang Bing's. This is what I have personally experienced. The difference is not big, but I can still feel it. "

Wan Li put forward a lot of suggestions. Only the Fist of Explosion and the Lord of Fire were changed in ranking, and the others were classified as tentative.At least on the face of it, the current rankings are correct.

Martial arts level has a great influence on the superpower system, and Uncle Huzi said that Wanli Blind 78's analysis of superpowers is mostly due to this.Just like the following 36 abilities hair manipulation, in the aura system, combined with magic, it can be ranked in the top 30.

But at the beginning Wanli analyzed it on the martial arts forum as "a superpower used to perform acrobatics".

After staying in the super power research room for the whole noon, Wanli was still a little bit unwilling when he left... There were a lot of small mistakes and omissions, but he didn't make any great achievements. How could he ask the chief director for space teleportation crystals like this.

Outside the Lingqi Research Institute, Heidanyan, who hadn't arrived for a long time, stood quietly, holding something in his hands.When I got closer, it was a stack of tickets.

"Tickets for the Spring Festival Gala, let's go to the scene with your classmates to watch at night." Guo Zhan said, "Just these rewards, don't worry about the crystal."

This made it difficult for Wan Li to speak, so he could only nod his head.Space teleportation crystal, let's figure out a way later...

(End of this chapter)

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