Chapter 327

Wan Li had been to Bincheng University of Technology once in his previous life. At that time, he felt was such a big campus.

He revisited his old place in this life, and he had a different feeling—where the hell am I?

After searching several students for directions, and wandering around for half an hour, Wan Li finally found the location of the Martial Arts Club of Bincheng University of Technology, and discovered two very important things.

First, the few students he asked for directions, regardless of gender, did not recognize him. Is it because he is not well-known enough or his face recognition is not high enough?

Second, someone else's martial arts club has a resident, and Director Liao must approve one when they go back.

Today, the Martial Arts Club of Bencheng University of Technology is very lively, because it is the time for the club to recruit people.

The Bincheng Polytechnic Martial Arts Club has been established for three full years, and it is considered to be on the right track. It recruits people every six months, one time recruits potential new students, and the other time recruits old students who are catching up from behind.

When Wan Li arrived, two boys were fighting back and forth in a large open space near the Martial Arts Club's residence. You made a lion wagging your tail and I made a dragon with regrets. It was so lively...

"Tsk, the level of this E-level peak is much worse than I imagined, oh no, one of them seems to be D-level?" Wan Li frowned, and quietly joined the crowd, "Is it an exception, or is it like this in general? If the whole situation is like this, I have to raise the admission standard of the Martial Arts Club a little bit."

After watching the crowd for a few more seconds, Wan Li lightly touched a girl with a ponytail and a big face with his elbow: "Senior sister, which of them is a tester for the Martial Arts Club, and which one wants to join the Martial Arts Club?" student?"

"You don't know this? You didn't come to the Martial Arts Club to recruit new students at the beginning of last semester?" The big-faced girl turned her head and was startled suddenly: "Huh? You seem...I seem are..."

Finally someone recognized me!Wan Li's eyes lit up, and suddenly he felt that the other party's big face was beautiful, "It's me, senior sister, don't rush to sign, keep a low profile, low profile."

The big-faced plate was full of surprises: "Is it really Wanli Yang? Ah! Everyone, take a look, Wanli Yang from Wuhan University is here! He's alive!"

Wanli: "..."

Countless gazes came over, Wan Li's face was as black as iron, and he suddenly frowned and looked away.

Among the two fighting against each other, Wanli sensed a ray of flames suddenly intermingled with the waved attack of the boy who seemed to be a D-level boy, while his opponent was distracted by Wanli's appearance... The hot flames were burning, and they were about to burn out. Big face.

Snapped! !

Wan Li waved his hand, and with a slight sonic boom, the wind and waves gushed out, instantly extinguishing the flame, and even driving the crowd in that direction to take two steps back in an orderly manner.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and the pot exploded.

"Has Yu Pengxin awakened to super powers?"

"Sneak attack, it's too much..."

"It's really Senior Wanli Yang..."

"It's amazing, calling the wind and calling the rain."

"Wake up, don't be an idiot, where is the rain?"

Amidst the noise, Wan Li roughly understood the situation of the two boys.Both of them are freshmen, and they both wanted to join the martial arts club when they entered school last year. After the competition, one of them lost, and the one who lost was the boy who had just released the flame.

He probably came here today with a plan for a counterattack, concealing his awakening of fire magic, maybe his intention was not to avenge his opponent into a serious injury, but Wan Li came suddenly, and the opponent's distraction made him either a "plot" or a "plot". up.

Wan Li looked at him standing awkwardly in the center of the field, thought for a while, and helped him out, "I don't think Junior Yu Pengxin has intentions. I came here suddenly and distracted this junior. It's my fault."

"Don't blame Wanli Yang, I'm too excited." The big-faced girl said shyly.

In a few sentences, a group of students quickly surrounded Wan Li, asking questions about this and that, but few people paid attention to the two people who had just fought.

The boy who had awakened the fire magic breathed a sigh of relief, facing the direction of Wanli, he clasped his fists heavily, then turned around and walked away quickly, seeing Wanli from the corner of his eye felt a little funny.

It's just a casual word of help, he doesn't care about the gratitude of a boy who has just entered D-level...even if the other party has awakened fire magic.At this time, Wan Li had no idea that he would get a lot of rewards for this casual rescue in the future.

He dealt with the men and women in front of him, answered many questions, barely understood their curiosity and admiration for him, and asked, "Who is in charge of recruiting people in your martial arts club today?"

When he asked this question, he was still a little puzzled, why did the person in charge of the Martial Arts Club not say hello to him after coming here for so long.Unexpectedly, after asking the question, the people around him looked around, and they were also puzzled.

"Where is Shi Yu-senpai?"

"I didn't see it, it was still there before..."

"When did you leave?"

"Shiyu, Lin Shiyu?" Wan Li frowned slightly, a dark-skinned, self-willed and ignorant rich little princess flashed in his mind, is it her?
No wonder she didn't see anyone, so she slipped away when she saw her coming, counting her as smarter.

"Lin Shiyu is your vice president?"

"No, the vice president has something to do."

"What about the president?"

"The president didn't have time to come during his senior year internship, and now the vice president is in charge of everything in the club. Student Wanli Yang, do you have something to do with them?" asked the girl with a big face.

"Yeah." Wanli nodded: "Who can help me contact your vice president? Or is there anyone in charge of your martial arts club?"

"The person in charge..."

"Is Master Roe here?"

"Don't make trouble."

"Who? Surnamed Pao? Where is he?"


One minute later, Wan Li saw 'Master Roe' in the residence of Bincheng Polytechnic Martial Arts Club.

It's really Mr. Roe deer.

A gray-white roe deer is wrapped with a white silk scarf, squinting and lying comfortably on a chair, looking out from time to time to take a sip of the tea on the table.

"Hehe!" Wan Li sighed, this is... that silly roe deer that he slept with?

Hearing the sound, the roe deer poked his head towards the door, blinked innocently, and closed his eyes.

"That's right, that's it." Wan Li shook his head and laughed: "It's a good job, and you even got the title of Master Roe. Hmm... A-level? Cong Cistan is enough to be willing to give up Lingshi. Wait, you Martial Arts Club vice president The president can't be Cong Qi?" He turned his head and asked.

"Student Wanli Yang knows the vice president? And...knows Lord Roe?"

"Of course, I never said that I gave this silly roe deer to her? Silly roe deer, get up and take me to find Cong zhi!"

Did you send it to the vice president?The eyes of the girls immediately burst into gossip, but the faces of some boys became quite unnatural...

At the same time, Lin Shiyu, who sneaked away, hid in a place where no one was around, patted her heaving little chest, and muttered, "Lin Shiyu, you are really useless, really, why did you run away!"

After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone, and put it down after a few seconds: "No, no, no one can avenge me, no one can beat him... Eh, he came today... to find Cong Cun, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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