Restart the world

Chapter 329 Additional Conditions

Chapter 329 Additional Conditions
Two days later, in dormitory 202 of Wuhan University.

Holding the phone, Wan Li briefly tested the 'Budaoshe APP'.The things I made in two days are really not bad, and I can register and log in to an account, and there is a primary page, which is very good.

"Forget it, this point system must be done well, the most important thing is to exchange points for various things in the future." Wan Li said: "Chaochao, who do you ask for help, I will see you when I have time. Let this thing not be stuck, at least to accommodate 10,000+ people online at the same time, I don’t know if I have to get a dedicated server or something.”

Jianchao made a pouty face: "I don't understand either."

"Uh...then... Anyway, you can let the other side improve it first. It is enough to spend money and not waste it. What you want is to be easy to use and fast. Then I have two requirements. First, there must be that kind of point exchange. function of various things."

"What do you want to exchange?"

"For the time being, we only need to exchange spirit stones, bottleneck breakthrough agents... add a few drops of spirit stone essence. Then we need to contact the courier company to settle in... Wait for me to contact, and improve the APP first."

"it is good."

"Well, what about the second..." Wan Li took out a piece of paper from his pocket: "This is the login interface I drew, you ask them to do it like this."

Jianchao took it and was stunned: "Wanli, did you spell it wrong? This word and this pinyin..."

'Budo Mutual Aid Society
Wu Dao Fu Zhu She'

"Mutual aid, isn't it huhu?"

Wan Li shook his head: "Chaochao, you didn't listen carefully when you were learning Pinyin in primary school?"

Recommend a super fat face, did I remember wrong?

Old Wang next to him scratched his head and said, "I, I remember Hu Hu, too?"

Wan Li laughed: "Old Wang, he's almost married, why are you so honest, can't you help me fool Chaochao?"

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"Haha, Chaochao, this has something to do with the purpose of our Martial Arts Mutual Aid Club. It's called mutual aid, but I will help you if you pay points, not free help. If you want free help, only your father can give it to you! I Is the explanation correct? Write down this passage and write it on the front page."

"..." Jianchao nodded speechlessly.The society you founded, you can do whatever you like.

"That's all." Wan Li smiled: "I will go out for about seven days, and I hope this app can be perfected when I come back. I have also contacted Lao Wang and the other universities in Bincheng these two days, and at least we can Apply for the accounts of the [-] students who joined the Martial Arts Mutual Aid Club in Bincheng."

Jianchao nodded and said, "I'll urge them to work overtime!"

"Overtime pay is sufficient, we are not short of money!" Wan Li smiled: "What time is it?"

"Eight, 08:30."

"Class is about to start, then I have to go. Chaochao, Lao Wang, see you in a week!"

Wang Bo scratched his head in doubt: "Isn't Wan, Wanli the plane in the afternoon?"

Jian Chao pouted and smiled: "Skipping classes is addictive."


Miles is indeed an afternoon flight.After arriving at Zhoushui Airport by car, he waited in the waiting hall for several hours before boarding the flight from Bincheng to Xicheng. The journey was smooth and took nearly four and a half hours, and he arrived in Xicheng at [-]:[-] in the evening.

At the airport exit, there was a shy girl with dimples on her cheeks waiting for him.

Wan Li glanced at the girl a few times, but after not seeing her for more than a year, Cao Yanan's appearance changed a bit.The face is a little more mature, and the figure has improved a lot.

He was very resentful, why only his family Wen Bianbian's figure remained unchanged...

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Wan Li greeted with a smile, "Have you put all your luggage in the space? It's so convenient, put my backpack in it too."

"Uh, oh!" Cao Yanan hurriedly took the backpack, and it seemed that his shy personality hadn't changed at all.She looked around and whispered, "Then I'll go to the toilet."

"Go, I have to go too."

When the two met again outside the toilet, Wan Li's backpack had disappeared.

"Go, let's eat first."

I found a random restaurant outside the airport, and after ordering a few dishes, Wan Li asked, "Do you understand the details of this mission?"

Cao Yanan was stunned: "I only know it's a transportation mission, and the meeting place is Xicheng Airport."

"Well," Wanli nodded, "How big is your carry-on space now? No, how much can you hold after removing the things you brought?"

"It can still hold...about twenty cubic meters."

"Enough." Wanli was satisfied.One cubic meter can hold about 1 yuan of spiritual stones, and 20 cubic meters can hold [-] spiritual stones. The reserves of spiritual stones dug out by Purcell may not be so much.

"Let me tell you about the task." Wan Li pondered: "Our final destination is the small African country of Xail. What about the itinerary... Let's find a hotel in the west city tonight and have a good rest. Tomorrow will be very hard. Here, go all the way to the East African prairie, stay on the prairie for one night, and you can go to Saier the day after tomorrow, and load the goods into your space.

In this way, go for three days and return for three days, a total of six days is enough. I said seven days for the task, because I am afraid that you will fall behind halfway.If you can't hold it anymore, tell me that we have a day to spare. "

" far?" Cao Yanan murmured blankly, she thought that she was going to Siam or Vientiane at most when she came to Xicheng.

"Of course, 2000 Lingshi is not easy to earn. Is there a problem? It's too late to regret it now."

"……no problem."

"Just kidding." Wan Li smiled: "If you really don't want to go, you can cancel the mission."

"I can go." Cao Yanan nodded vigorously.

"That's the best." Wanli blinked.In case the girl wants to cancel the mission, he can only find a way to touch her all over...

After dinner, the two headed towards the southwest of Xicheng together. On the way, they came across a hotel with a decent size and went in. However, there were no single rooms in this hotel.

Generally speaking, at this time, either a man and a woman look at each other, and the girl reluctantly agrees to only open a standard room, or the two walk out of the hotel and continue to look for other hotels.

But Wan Li is not an ordinary person, he is now... a rich man!

"Give me two standard rooms, luxurious ones."


That night.

Wanli, who put two 1.2-meter single beds together, how to lie down so well, thinking about what to do tomorrow so that Cao Yanan can point in the direction and can't see his sense of direction...

There was a knock on the door, and Wan Li's ears twitched: "The door is unlocked, come in!"

Seeing Cao Yanan walking in in a set of pure white pajamas, he said again: "Repent? Is there something unclear about the mission?"

Cao Yanan shook his head, his body swayed slightly, his beautiful curves looming under his pajamas.She bit her lower lip lightly, her face was very tangled.

Wanli was taken aback, my it that great?But girl, you don't look good. If it was Cong... tsk, why would you think of her?

After thinking wildly, Cao Yanan finally murmured: "Our Director Wu, Director Wu said that there is an additional condition to accept your mission."

"Huh?" Wan Li was stunned, and snorted: "I asked you to regret it this afternoon, but you don't regret it. This is the start of the mission. Additional conditions? What does the unscrupulous director mean? What conditions do you want to add?"

Cao Yanan's face turned red: "I'm sorry. Director Wu said... that he was on the way, and I hope you can find time... to teach me well."

"... Huh?" Wan Li was stunned for a few seconds, and as an honest gentleman, he quickly realized: "Guide you in fighting skills, right?"

He turned his eyes: "This is a trivial matter, you don't have to worry about it. I'll send you another news. In a few days, a martial arts mutual aid club will be established. As long as you have enough points in the martial arts club, you can hire a master like me to give advice at any time. Benefits Duoduo, when you go back, don't forget to tell your classmates the good news..."

(End of this chapter)

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