Chapter 331 First Battle of S-Class Third Realm
Gan Kai, Yao Yao, Sun Kangxin, and Yan Shen, like Liu Ying and Sister Liu, are disciples of Yu Wei's father, Yu Cheng.However, the four of them disappeared a long time ago, and the upper echelon even once suspected that they were the ones who founded the red organization.

Wanli never thought that when he traveled to Africa, he would meet one of them by such a coincidence, it was still in the third level of S-level, and he didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

When he broke the limit 28 times, his strength was infinitely close to the third level of S-level, and now he has broken through 32 times, plus angel wings, although he has never fought before, he feels that he should be worthy of the third level of S-level, No wave wins more than half.

But he was worried that there was more than one person on the other side.

The world is so big, how could it be so coincidental to meet Gan Kai in this foreign country, Wan Li was more inclined that the other party heard about his itinerary from somewhere, and specially waited for him here.

Gan Kai is in the third realm of S-level, and the strength of the other three is probably not weak!

"Wan Liyang, is he an enemy?"

A weak female voice came from beside Wanli, Cao Yanan had already taken out the silver spear and held it in his hand.The corners of Wanli's eyes couldn't help shaking, he almost forgot that this girl was still there, trouble...

Gan Kai also followed the voice and looked at Cao Yanan, Wan Li's expression tightened slightly, and he took a step to block Cao Yanan, only to find that Gan Kai on the opposite side suddenly flew into the sky and flew deep into the grassland.

"Class S!" Cao Yanan shouted in surprise.

Wan Li frowned slightly, and hesitated for a moment: "You wait for me here, don't run around!" The white and thick wings spread from Wan Li's shoulder blades, and he lifted into the air, chasing after Gan Kai who was going away.

Cao Yanan was stunned for a while, until bursts of shouts from behind woke her up.

"Malarika! Malika (angel)!"

Dozens of black men rushed over, shouting words she could not understand.Cao Yanan couldn't help becoming vigilant, and gripped the silver spear tightly.


On the other side, Wan Li, who was hanging far behind Gan Kai, also raised his vigilance.He turned his head and flew without saying a word, as if he was still controlling the speed, as if he was 'seducing' himself.

There are wires in the body, so I don’t panic.Even if there is an ambush, there is nothing that can't be solved by doubling at once, so Wanli has been following.

Flying at high altitude for a few minutes, after flying a distance of [-] kilometers, Gan Kai stopped in the air, turned around and waited for Wanli to approach.

"Are you there?" Wan Li darkened his wings and hovered a hundred meters in front of Gan Kai.

"Wan Liyang, I heard that you are a road idiot?" At this moment, Gan Kai spoke for the first time.

Sure enough, you know me... eh?Call me a road idiot?Wan Li was stunned for a moment, the opening remarks were quite unexpected, he lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times in the vast prairie.

Gan Kai didn't control his speed, so I might not be able to catch up with him... If I go back the same way, can I still find Cao Yanan?

Thinking about it, Wan Li's face turned black.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly hit him. He frowned slightly, and quickly put a pair of wings together in front of him.

boom! !

A solid spiritual beam of light hit him head-on, and after a few seconds of stalemate with the surging force, Wan Li slid hundreds of meters in the air.

Stabilizing his figure and moving his wings away, Wan Li was really worried that Gan Kai would take the opportunity to leave, but another beam of spiritual energy hit him.

boom! !

"Hey! What do you mean?"

boom! !

"Hey! There must be a reason for doing it, right?"

boom! !

"Wait, stop first..."

"What the hell!" Wan Li's face was as black as iron.

Power unlocked, 100%!

Muscles swelled, strength gushed out, and clothes burst.Facing the beam of light attacking again, Wan Li didn't use his wings to defend, but instead fully spread out a pair of wings, vibrating at a high speed, and went up to meet the beam of light!

At the same time, he inserted his hands full of veins forward, tearing open a passage in the center of the aura beam of light that could allow him to pass through, shortening the distance between himself and Gan Kai in an instant, without retracting his hands, it was as if tearing apart the beam of light Shred dry Kai!
Gan Kai stretched out his hand and made a grasping gesture.

Bang! !

Amidst the crashing sound of heaven and earth, the terrifying impact dissipated around the two of them.The green grass with different heights of a thousand meters below was all overwhelmed, and the clouds in the sky were rolling!
"To be able to take it head-on, it's not a simple S-level third realm." Wan Li took a deep breath, "I'm afraid he's not far from the S-level fourth realm!"

Qian Tan's hands were firmly grasped, and the power after 100% unlocking was unable to break through.

Of course, the sum of the ten third realms of pure power may not reach Wanli, and it is not Gan Kai's hands that grab Wanli.The spiritual energy protruding from his hand condensed into two claws, and these two claws clasped Wan Li's wrist, wrestling with him.

The muscles in both arms bulged a few times, and the pair of claws would push the hand back two centimeters forward. Gradually, Wan Li was surprised to find that he was going to lose in this wrestling!

"Probably have to break the limit three or four times before we can fight this guy with only strength..." Wan Li frowned deeply, and he swung forward with both wings.

The strength is not enough, the quantity is enough.Two wings are equal to two arms to some extent!

However, he still underestimated the S-level third realm.At this level, not only the hands can release aura.Facing the wing slash, Gan Kai shook his arms, and shot out densely packed tiny pillars of spiritual energy from the outside of his arms, supporting the two wings.

A single point of wrestling turned into a multi-point wrestling. After all, the spiritual energy column shot by Gan Kai was not as convenient to control as Wanli's wings. After being distracted, the wrestling between the two returned to balance.

If you fight for endurance, you will definitely win ten thousand miles if you persist in the stalemate.But there is an embarrassing problem when Angel Wings are used to attack, Wanli can't fly...

Now Wanli is completely suspended in the air by Gan Kai's two paws and the tiny aura pillar shot out from his arm. Although he won't fall, it feels awkward and embarrassing... especially when he sees the corners of Gan Kai's mouth curled up , Wan Li was even more annoyed.

'This bastard, who said that I was a road idiot first, and then bombarded me with several beams of light for no reason, refused to communicate with me, how dare you laugh at me? '

angry!So Wan Li opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue at Gan Kai.

make faces?Gan Kai showed astonishment on his face, and then he was startled, shrinking his neck and shortening his body.

Zi... Boom!

A lightsaber protruded from the tip of Wanli's tongue, and a few strands of hair fluttered in the air.

The unexpected attack made Gan Kai's strength slack, and he was able to stabilize his body only after being poked and flew hundreds of meters with Wanli's palms, and coughed a few times while clutching his chest.

Wan Li flapped his wings, raised his hand and looked at his fingertips, "It's not true, but the reaction is quick."

He looked at the opposite side and shouted: "I'll change your hairstyle to the middle part, are you satisfied? Can we have a chat! We don't have any enmity, and I didn't say to arrest you and return to China. How tired you are from fighting and killing, your three It's tiring to hide with a companion, where is it? It should be nearby, let's come out and chat!"

Gan Kai raised his hand and touched his head. There was a groove in the middle of his head, and the two sides were neat and symmetrical. It was perfectly divided in the middle...

But he was not satisfied with this hairstyle, he didn't want to chat with Wan Li, and he attacked again...

 It was raining, and I thought it was dark, so I slept until 11 o'clock, sleeping like a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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