Restart the world

Chapter 351 She Flew Down

Chapter 351 She Flew Down

Wan Li flew very fast, but the night made it difficult for him to discern the direction.When he returned to Bencheng, it was already early morning the next day.

But when Wan Li took out his mobile phone, the class WeChat group was still very lively, everyone was talking about Wang Bo and Lin Yuling's wedding after dawn.

Lao Wang is the oldest in the super class, and is now 23 and a half years old.The youngest ones, such as Wan Li, who was only four days away from turning 20, and the younger Yu Shuang who just turned 19... At this age, it is very novel for classmates to get married.

Several people molested Lao Wang in the group, saying that Lin Yuling was anxious to eat him as a tender grass... Lin Yuling was one year older than Lao Wang.

Lao Wang staggered to respond, he was bullied so badly that he stuttered while typing.

Wan Li couldn't see it, so he sent a sentence: "Everyone, don't rush to bully Lao Wang, there will be opportunities at the wedding after dawn, and we will be together when the time comes." '

'Wan, Wanli, have you arrived yet? ' Pharaoh immediately replied to him.

Wan Li: "Here we are, I told you about your wedding, and you have to catch up when you fly back." '

'That's good.Now the students are, only Ni Qinyu can't come to my wedding. '

Ok?Wan Li was startled, but before he could ask, a classmate explained to him.The day before yesterday, the Martial Arts Administration had ordered Ni Qinyu to go to Yanjing to gather with the other top ten players for special training.

Ni Er left by plane yesterday, so she definitely won't be able to attend the wedding.

"Ten special training, none of my business?" Wan Li pursed his lips: "That's right, there is no teacher who can train me now, and participating in that wastes time."

I chatted with my classmates a few more times, and privately chatted with Wen Jing to tell her that it was too late now, so I wouldn't bother Uncle Wen and the others to rest, and I'd find a place for myself to deal with for the night, and see you at the wedding tomorrow.

After chatting, Wan Li put his phone back into his pocket, staring at the lake in front of him, dazed for a while.

At this time, he was in front of the artificial lake in Bowang Community, and behind it was a large square, the square where the red-haired turtle grandson danced the demon dance.

In addition, Bowang Community is also the community where Lin Xiaoqi's family of four lives. Lin Yuling, who is about to become Lao Wang's wife, lives here.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, but the name of Bowang Community fits well with Lao Wang...

With the white light of spiritual energy attached to his feet, he leaped thousands of miles to the surface of the lake, circled the lake once, twice and three times... his eyes were always fixed in one direction.

As he walked, the ripples caused by his footsteps suddenly grew bigger and bigger.

Snapped! !

In a certain second, water splashes exploded, and Wanli's figure suddenly disappeared.When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the downstairs of the No. 59 residential building in Bowang Community.

He looked up to a window on the third floor.


Inside the window is a girl's bedroom.

On a double bed, under the moonlight, Lin Xiaoqi, who is 185 tall, hugs Lin Yuling, who is 165 tall, as if she is hugging a child.

The eyes of the two were closed, and they seemed to be asleep.Suddenly, a pair of eyes opened and turned around.Then, another pair of eyes opened.

"Sister, why, you can't sleep either?"

"Also? Are you insomnia?"

"Yeah." Lin Xiaoqi hugged Lin Yuling tightly: "When I think about tomorrow... no, today, sister, you are getting married, this is the last night I will sleep with you in my arms, and I can't sleep. Really, disgusting old king!"

Lin Yuling smiled: "I married a native of Bincheng, and you said that I was going to marry abroad. If you want to cuddle me to sleep, go to Lao Wang and me. I will let Lao Wang sleep on the sofa, how old are you?" thing!"

"That's different." Lin Xiaoqi murmured softly, twisted her body, and said, "After you get married, you will definitely take care of your small family first, and then we all. If there is another child..."

"What about you and me? They are all one family. When you get married, can you still deny my sister?"

"It's different, it's different..."

Lin Yuling smiled: "Yes, it's different, you're good enough to marry."

"...Sister, you are really, I am sensational!"

"There's nothing to incite. Don't blame my sister for nagging. You are 22 years old and haven't had a boyfriend yet. This won't work. Girls need at least two or three relationships to know which boy is really good."

"So Lao Wang is really good?"

"Don't make jokes." The corners of Lin Yuling's lips curled up: "Let's try to fall in love, sister will point you to someone. Among your classmates, Wanli Yang is good, but unfortunately he was snatched away by your roommate. Wang Bo is also good, but unfortunately he will become your brother-in-law." , besides the two of them, isn't there another person in their dormitory?"

"... Recommended super?"

"Yes, it's him."

"But...but he..."

"You don't understand, fat people are potential stocks."

Lin Xiaoqi was in a daze: "But...he has too much potential, right?"

By the moonlight, she saw Lin Yuling's snickering expression clearly, and immediately said angrily: "Okay sister, you are playing with me, see how I... Ah, I was wrong! Don't squeak me, itchy hahahahaha!

Sister, you bullied me again! "

Lin Yuling smiled and said, "Why did I bully you again? When did I bully you?"

"You just bully me, always bully me!" After the magic claw left, Lin Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief: "Aren't you bullying me less often? When I was young, my mother bought us two identical dolls. The next day you put your doll's arm Tore it off, and secretly dropped my doll... and..."

She counted painful memories one by one: "And when the era of cultivation first started, I was afraid of hard work and didn't like to practice. You are obviously very busy, but you always take time to supervise my practice, and my mother is always on your side. Then I became stronger and stronger, but you yourself became a fool by being lazy, asking me, a younger sister, to practice to protect my older sister, are you ashamed?"

Lin Yuling listened with a smile, her eyes were full of memories, she no longer interrupted or refuted.

"Sister, you're getting married." Lin Xiaoqi whispered again: "Brother Fang Lu is gone, Datou and Qiangqiang are in prison, sister Jin'er is far away in Xicheng, and Brother Corn is busy in the Martial Arts Bureau. , now you are getting married too..."

"Don't be sentimental Xiaoqi, sooner or later, the seven of us will be reunited!"

"I hope." Lin Xiaoqi hugged Lin Yuling a little tighter, then loosened it suddenly, and asked nervously: "By the way, sister, last time I slept with my arms around Nier in the dormitory, I accidentally pushed her harder after falling asleep. It hurts. Have I ever hugged you? It must be, why didn't you tell me?"

"No, I haven't had any pain." Lin Yuling shook her head: "Oh, I can't fall asleep because of you. Xiaoqi, go to the bathroom and get my hair, and I'll choose another one."

"Ah? Oh." Lin Xiaoqi responded, opened the door lightly and left the room, and walked to the bathroom.

Lin Yuling sat up, buttoned up all the buttons of her pajamas, and got out of bed wearing slippers.

She walked to the window, opened it, looked down, and saw Wan Li who had been standing there for a while.She smiled, took big strides, and walked up to the window sill.

She flew down.

(End of this chapter)

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