Restart the world

Chapter 356 Chapter 1 Gambling

Chapter 356 Chapter [-] Gambling

"I'm Bian Jiedong, who are you, my classmate?" Bian Jiedong asked doubtfully.

Wan Li blinked, and said, "I'm an ordinary student in an ordinary class. I just sat there and overheard Bian Jiedong's words..."

"Are you eavesdropping?" The girl next to Bian Jiedong interrupted a little unhappy.

"It's okay, Nana." Bian Jiedong looked at the place where Wanli was sitting just now, and said with a smile, "This ordinary classmate has pretty good ears."

Wan Li's simulated magic, not to mention that he is a first-timer at A-level, even if he is at S-level, he will not be able to see through it.It was difficult for outsiders to get in at Bincheng Martial Arts University, so he only thought that Wan Li was a student from another class, and he was a little puzzled as to why he had no impression of him at all.

"Hehe, student Bian Jiedong, you said that Senior Wanli Yang's exchange of spirit stones for accumulation has a deep meaning. Did you guess it yourself, or did someone else guess it?"

"It's me. Classmate, you..."

"Student Bian Jiedong's family is in business?"

Bian Jiedong frowned, didn't answer, and asked, "Student, which class do you belong to, and... what's your name?"

Wan Li thought for a while: "Is it alright if I don't say anything?"

"Crazy." The girl next to Bian Jiedong murmured: "Jiedong, ignore him, eavesdropping on our conversation, and messing around..."

Bian Jiedong paused: "Student, if you want to collect some points as I said, I have nothing to do with losing or earning. But please don't publicize my judgment, thank you."

'He has a good cultivation and a good IQ. Although his strength is barely strong, it is enough to go to those small places. Wan Li thought to himself.

Lao Wang and Ni Er were absent, and Wan Li lacked helpers.Now in his class, only Wen Jing and Lin Xiaoqi are strong enough, followed by Yang Chaofeng, Cao Jinfeng, and Yu Shuang. Most of them are girls, and Wan Li feels uncomfortable when they are asked to run around in various cities and universities.

I was worried about the lack of manpower. I didn't expect to come to take a geography class. I found such a good seedling in my freshman year. I can try it out and see if it's worth cultivating as an assistant.

After Bian Jiedong finished speaking, he saw Wan Li staring at him motionless, and his heart gradually became hairy.The girl next to him tugged at his sleeve, motioning for another place to sit.Just at this time, a geography teacher with a parted hair came in from outside the classroom.

Bian Jiedong coughed softly: "Student, class is about to start, go back to your own seat?"

Wan Li nodded: "Student Bian Jiedong, don't leave after class."

Bian Jiedong:?


A geography class made Wan Li drunk and dreamy. He forced himself to listen carefully, but he remembered something.But what kind of territory, the earth's crust, and the four major plateaus and four basins really help him get lost easily?He has memorized the map in his head, should he get lost or get lost?

On the other side, as soon as the get out of class bell rang, Bian Jiedong pulled the girl beside him out of the classroom and hurried out.

"Jiedong, slow down, walk slowly, why are you in a hurry. Are you still afraid of that strange guy?"

"One thing more is worse than one thing less. I think he might be a sophomore senior." Bian Jiedong shook his head and said, "If there was such a person in freshman year, we should have known about it a long time ago."

"Sophomore senior? Then he..."

"A new round of internal selection for the Huaxia Martial Arts Competition will start soon. At this time, you will be punished for brawling in private..."

"Student Bian Jiedong, don't think so badly about people. Are there any sophomores who play tricks like this? Tell me, and I'll beat him up." Wan Li's voice suddenly echoed in their ears.

Bian Jiedong's face changed slightly, he looked around, but couldn't find Wanli.The girl next to her also became nervous when she saw this: "Where is the other person?"

"The grove behind the main teaching building, I will wait for you there, there is something good, come quickly!"

"Jiedong, are you going? Or sue the teacher?"



2 minutes later, in the grove.

Seeing Wan Li restored to his original appearance, Bian Jiedong let out a sigh of relief: "It really is you, senior."

"You are... Senior Wanli Yang?!!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited." Wan Li raised his hand to stop him, but found that the girl next to Bian Jiedong didn't even want to rush over...

"The one in the previous classroom was also the senior?"

"Yes, you guessed it?" Wan Li smiled and said, "I just wanted to go to a class, but I didn't expect to hear that Bian Jiedong wanted to poach me."

Bian Jiedong smiled wryly: "I didn't expect the senior to be so eager to learn. So... my judgment is right?"

"It's hard to say, because I'm also gambling." Wan Li shook his head and said, "You can gamble as long as you want. Now I want to entrust you to do some things, and the reward is spirit stones or equivalent points."

Bian Jiedong was stunned for a moment: "Is it... to recruit qualified students from surrounding cities into the martial arts club?"

"It's really smart." Wan Li smiled: "Can you hand over all the other cities in Liao Province except Shencheng to you?"

It is not easy to go to other places to promote the martial arts club. Those who are not familiar with the place, in addition to dealing with university students, may also need to communicate with their teachers.Moreover, the smaller the place, the less likely it is to recognize Wanli's name, and it is difficult to do well.

Bian Jiedong hesitated for a moment: "Senior, can I ask how many points you will give me?"

Wan Li smiled: "So confident, I feel that I will definitely be able to complete the task. Want to see if the reward is worth the hard work? If you invite someone to join, you can give the person you join one-tenth of the points."

Bian Jiedong paused, nodded heavily: "I did it, senior, I promise to complete the task!"

The girl next to her was a little worried, she opened her mouth slightly and before she could say anything, her phone suddenly rang.She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, her mouth opened wider and wider, but she still couldn't speak.

Wan Li felt that the phone in his pocket vibrated, and when he saw that it was a short message from the Martial Arts Forum, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Sure enough!"

'Since March 3 last year, the concentration of Reiki in the air has risen slowly, reached its peak in the early morning of this morning and then stabilized.During this period, superpowers awakened one after another around the world, and it also stopped in the early morning of this morning. I hope that the people who have not awakened...'

The third apparition is over!
Today is also March 3.This apparition was just as Wanli expected, and it lasted for a whole year!
"It's time to prepare the fourth manga. The matter of the Martial Arts Club really needs to be accelerated." Wan Li looked at Bian Jiedong: "I'll give you two months to let the Martial Arts Club cover Liao Province except for Bincheng and Shencheng, and the other ten cities." Can two prefecture-level cities do it?"

"Two months. Seniors, the vacation, and the Huaxia Martial Arts Competition..."

"I'll leave it to you. Martial arts competition... It doesn't make much sense for you to participate. If you don't reach the S rank in the finals next year, it's unlikely to break into the top 32. But if you want to try, I can also help you arrange it."

"Thank you, senior!"

"Well, is there anything else? Need help?"

"I'll help!" the girl said first.

"Nana and I are enough." Bian Jiedong nodded lightly: "I'm fine now... Uh, there's one more question, senior, what are you betting on by hoarding points, can you tell me?"

Wan Li raised his eyebrows and said: "You saw the station short just now. Now the ability has been awakened for three rounds, and the second round is more special. All the awakened abilities are the ability to speed up cultivation, and at the same time Lingshi appeared. The first and third rounds are All kinds of superpowers.

I'm betting on the fourth round, there will be things like spirit medicine, spirit fruit, spirit plant, spirit grass! "

The girl opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Bian Jiedong was stunned for a while, then smiled wryly: "Senior, you really dare to bet... I admire it!"

Wan Li chuckled, he was indeed the only one who dared to bet on this kind of thing!
 Chapter 2, take a break to continue coding, and try to write Chapter 12 before 3 o'clock.The two or three sheep who work hard are asking for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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