Restart the world

Chapter 365 ask for advice

Chapter 365 ask for advice
After being beaten again, Wan Li shook his sore body, and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Wang Yuxin flying towards the crowd after the yellow sand cleared away.

"Isn't today's shooting over here?" He muttered, simulating a reversal of the universe, healed all the injuries on his body instantly, and returned as well.

Walking closer to the crowd, he was surprised to find that an argument broke out here.

"Guo Zhan, you are too short-sighted!" General Lu called Guo Zhan by name, and shouted: "Humans have an advantage in early cultivation, and I have no objection to peaceful coexistence with other animals. But since the first super-intelligent creature appeared, By the time the first Beastmaster was born, the animals were already catching up!
If it weren't for superpowers and spirit stones appearing one after another, we might not be able to gain an absolute advantage. At this time, we should stop and stop, and one day we will suffer from it! "

"General Lu, what do you think I should do? Clearing up the beast kings is not something you can do with just a touch of your upper and lower lips!" Guo Zhan was not to be outdone, and replied loudly: "The beast kings will not sit still, if they join forces, How much loss and sacrifice do we have to bear to put it down?
Why can't peace be maintained?If, as you said, when the beast kings are in turmoil and causing disasters, I don't believe that human beings will not be their opponents!It is easier to kill sea beasts when they go ashore. If tigers are really a problem, I will take full responsibility! "

"You bear it, you bear it..." General Lu waved his arms, gritted his teeth and said, "I hope that one day, you can afford it."

Seeing Wanli returning, he snorted and turned his head away.According to his thinking, Wanli has been cultivated by the state to have such strength, even if he does not enter the navy, he should make the best use of it.Still staying at the campus, he felt that he was greedy for leisure, so he vented his anger.Little did he know that the superpowers and spirit stones in his mouth were all thanks to Wanli.

After Wang Yuxin flew back, with him in the middle to guide, the dispute came to an end quickly.Wan Li only heard half of the incident, and he probably understood what was going on, but he couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong.

He didn't care much about what General Lu said about raising tigers.He didn't use it for two years, but he grew up from watching "The Gap Between Us" and shouting 666 to participating in the filming. He didn't believe that there would be a beast king that he couldn't deal with in the future.

But he was also a little bit worried that the beasts were cheating. The King Kong Gorilla King's strength was more than twice as weak after his transformation.

"The fourth apparition is even more important..." Wan Li narrowed his eyes and meditated on his manga.

On the other side, Guo Zhan pulled his long face, and after giving instructions to the crew, he waved his hand and said, "This is the end of today's recording, everyone can choose to accompany Director Huang and the others to camp in the desert at night, or fly back to the city to find a hotel to live in. Tomorrow morning at six o'clock, we still gather here!"

As soon as the voice fell, several people suddenly rose into the sky.Wan Li hesitated for a moment, then looked at Yue Heng: "Deputy Chief Yue, shall we open a standard room in the city?"

"Go play~ I live in the desert."

"What is there to live in the desert?" Wan Li scratched his head in distress. He was covered in sand and wanted to find a place to wash himself.

But here comes the problem, if he doesn't find someone to accompany him, he feels that he won't be able to find him tomorrow...

Yue Heng was resolute in his refusal, and there was nothing he could do about it. At this moment, he suddenly put a generous palm on his shoulder: "You boy, is it too much for you to find Yue Heng as a partner and not Miss Ai?"

Wan Li's face was slightly stiff, and he quickly turned his head and said seriously: "I was just joking with Deputy Chief Yue. I don't plan to go out. I have never had the experience of living in the desert!"

"Then you keep it, I'm leaving." Yue Heng suddenly said with a playful smile, and flew away.

Wanli: "..."

Ai Hui's eyes were threatening, and Hei Danyan, who could control her, didn't know when to leave. Wanli was so tangled up, and finally he could only go to Wang Yuqing's side with a bitter face, and studied how to build a more comfortable house with sand and wood. house to live in.

When passing by General Lu, I heard him snort coldly: "I haven't been polished, and I will cry and cry in the desert, no matter how strong I am!" '

Wan Li's face darkened slightly, I may not have fought as many battles as you, but there are definitely not many, okay?Repeatedly targeting me for losing my temper?It's only three things, one more time, let's see if I don't rub you on the ground!


He and Wang Yuqing worked together to build the residences for everyone, and after dinner, it was completely dark, but it was still early for bedtime.

With nothing to do, Wan Li lay on the wooden bed, thinking about comics again, wondering if he could make some settings for the sea beasts he had heard about before.

At this time, there was a creaking sound from the door, and it was pushed open. Ai Hui entered the room and said, "Wan Liyang, you shut yourself in the room and lie on the bed, what are you doing secretly?"

Wan Li had no choice but to sit up, sighing secretly that the female hooligans were getting more and more shameless, "What's the matter?"

"Your house seems to be more exquisite than Sister Ai's. The super power of wood is really convenient."

"I'll get you what you need."

"I need a sheep to sleep with my arms around."

Wan Li's face was stiff: "..."

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for several months, but I still can't help being so funny." Ai Hui laughed: "I have serious business with you, so don't always be on guard against Sister Ai. Did you understand the argument between General Lu and the Director General today?"

"I probably understand." Seeing Ai Hui's seriousness, Wan Li heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Actually, General Lu is not the only one in the army to lead the battle, and not everyone in the Martial Arts Bureau agrees with the Chief Director." Ai Hui continued: "Before today, no one knew that you were fine when your strength reached this level. After today... ..."

"Will someone force me to join the navy?"

"What are you thinking, whoever dares to do this, you will beat him as a cripple and send him to Sister Ai. I mean, the Navy may offer you a very generous enlistment condition, even more than if you graduated from Budou University and served as the vice president. The position of the director is excellent!"

"Oh, that's it... Then I will think about it carefully." Wan Li pondered.

Ai Hui was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly, and suddenly bent his elbow around Wan Li's neck, and pushed Wan Li's forehead into the mountain: "You little clever ghost!"

Wan Li froze slightly, broke free quickly, and rushed out: "Sister Ai, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just remembered that I still have something to do."

He walked out quickly, slammed the door, touched his forehead, and licked his lips.

"Hey, where are you going? The crew seems to be playing poker. Let me, the God of Landlords, guide them? Forget it, I can't help but cheat when playing cards with a group of ordinary people. It's boring."

He thought for a while, moved his eyes, walked to a closed house, and raised his hand to knock on the door.Two seconds later, the door was pulled open, and inside was General Hong, who recorded the most sensitive nerve response.

As soon as Ai Hui told Wan Li not to "betray", he took the initiative to find the admiral... General Hong was also stunned: "What's the matter?"

Wan Li nodded shyly: "General Hong, can I ask you about dodging skills?"

(End of this chapter)

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