Chapter 375
The recruitment of members of Usi Martial Arts University was over, and Wan Li inquired about it. The other two Martial Arts Universities in Usi, Sangzhu Martial Arts University and Ali Martial Arts University, were on vacation, so they could only temporarily give up going there.

In the next few days, he and Wen Jing traveled all over the ordinary universities in Sunshine City and surrounding cities that were not on vacation, rounding up the number of members of the Wusi Club to an integer of 1000, and visited the scenic spots by the way.

When the 6000 spiritual stones from Bincheng arrived, Wan Li distributed more than [-] pieces at once.After doing this, he and Wen Jing basically never left the hotel, practiced in the room, played on the bed, and drew cartoons at the table.


Time flies, August 8, morning.

Wen Jing put various creams and waters on her face in the bathroom again, but this did not cover up the flush caused by excitement.

"I haven't seen Qin Yu for a long time. I don't know if Qin Yu has changed or not, and if he is doing well."

"It's not like it's changed, it's only been five months." Wan Li shook his head and said, "How are you doing... Special training, probably hard work."

"I really miss her, Wan Li, do you miss her?" Wen Jing squinted at Wan Li.

"Want to...or don't you want to?" Wan Li paused: "You have the final say, jealous."

Wen Jing giggled and said, "Let's go!"

Near the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, thousands of miles away to watch.The eight-storey building is full of people coming and going.Among these people, there are B-level weak ones, and the strong ones even step out of the Martial Arts Bureau and soar into the sky.

Half an hour later, Wan Li and Wen Jing saw three S-levels and a dozen A-levels.

Wen Jing couldn't accurately sense their strength, but the three flying away S-levels were easy to identify, and she couldn't help but slightly opened her mouth and said: "This Wusi Martial Arts Bureau looks very powerful, there are many masters."

Wan Li paid more attention to another point. As expected, the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau had a lot of tasks and was very busy.

After a while, a minibus slowly arrived.The car windows are covered with one-way see-through film, but for Wan Li and Wen Jing, it is very easy to see what's inside.

"Qin Yu is here!" Wen Jing cheered, and immediately pulled Wan Li to greet her.

The minibus stopped, and one figure after another got off.The first one to come down was a beautiful woman in fashionable dress and sunglasses. Wen Jing patiently called out "Sister Bian Ting" excitedly, and then couldn't help but hugged Ni Qinyu together.

"Sister Bian Ting, you are leading the team." Wan Li greeted, then glanced at everyone who got off the car in turn, paused for a moment on Jiang Baihui, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Zhang Bing, Ning Hang, Wang Haiyang... Long time no see, you have become stronger."

This is not a formality, just judging from the level, after half a year, seven of the top ten have advanced to the S level, including Ni Er.In addition, their aura has also changed a bit, it seems that they have experienced a lot of battles, and they are a bit fierce.

Especially Zhang Bing, Wan Li felt that he should not be far from the third level of the S-level, and he felt eager to see his eyes, and tried his best to restrain himself, responding to Wan Li's greeting.

Having watched Wan Li fight Peters, he knows that he is now about the same as Wan Li was half a year ago. Although it will be difficult to improve after reaching this level of strength, it is impossible for Wan Li to stand still, and he is probably not an opponent yet.

Wan Li said that he thought too much, it is impossible to overtake those who have been surpassed by himself.

After exchanging pleasantries and giving Ni Er a light hug, Wan Li asked, "Are you going to report to the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau next? And then?"

Bian Ting shook her head: "I don't know the specific arrangement yet, I have to ask Wu Wujian for instructions."

"Then..." Wan Li's words stopped suddenly, and he turned his head quickly, showing astonishment.Everyone followed his gaze, Qi Qi was stunned for a moment, his mouth opened slightly.

"What a fluff."

In their sight, a young man in his early 30s was flying over.This person has a fair and beardless face, a regular appearance, and his hair is neat and shiny, as if he has been waxed.He was wearing a black robe, with the word Wu written in gold on the center of the chest, and four gold buttons stuck vertically on the waists on both sides.

Not only does he have a showy look, but he also has a showy look.When flying in a normal S-class, the feet are naturally separated and the body is leaning forward.He is different, with a straight back, hands behind his back, his right foot raised to his left knee, showing his 'superior' temperament.

"Fuck, don't tell me this is the legendary Third Martial Supervisor." Wan Li's heart raced forward, and he was slightly taken aback: "Oh, no, S-level third realm..."


The man landed smoothly, and a slight sound drew everyone's attention to the pair of shiny leather shoes on his feet...

Seeing that everyone was 'squeezed' by him, the man seemed very satisfied, his eyes swept over, and stopped for a moment on Wan Li, the corners of his eyes twitched, he naturally shifted his gaze, and coughed lightly: "Hey, hello, I'm Hao Peng , No. [-] person in the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau. Um... ask me what is the No. [-] person? It means that when Wu Wujian and Director Zeng are away, the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau is entirely up to me, and I have the final say."

Who asked you?Wanli smacked his lips, where did such a treasure come from, Hao Peng?Looking for that good friend who is looking for a friend?
Bian Ting, who always dresses herself very fashionable, now just wants to change into a simple set of clothes, a traitor has appeared in the fashion world.

She sighed softly: "Brother Hao, are you a colleague of the Martial Arts Bureau? Why haven't I met you before?"

"I was originally one of the two guards beside Wu Wu Jian, the... left arm in his right arm and right arm." Hao Peng puffed up his chest, and then suddenly sped up his speech: "But the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau is really short of manpower, especially the lack of management talents. As a last resort, Wu Wu Jian can only Reluctantly leave me here to take charge of the affairs of the Martial Arts Bureau!"

Are you sure Wu Wujian didn't bother you?At this moment, the inner thoughts of Wan Li, Wen Jing, and Top Ten reached a consensus.

Bian Ting looked helpless: "Brother Hao, has Wu Wujian made any arrangements for the top ten?"

Hao Peng smiled without showing his teeth: "Of course, come with me, come to my office, and let me explain to you in detail. Don't follow anyone who has nothing to do with you."

Nothing to do?Everyone looked at each other, and turned their attention to Wan Li and Wen Jing.

The corners of Wanli's eyes twitched, and he really wanted to make a splash on this flamboyant face.Wen Jing stared even more: "What do you mean by irrelevant people, Wan Li is the soon-to-be deputy director of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, your boss!"

Hao Peng blinked, as if he had just seen Wan Li's face clearly, and exclaimed, "You are Deputy Director Wan? Didn't you take office a week later? You came a week early, you are quite an official fan!"

hehe.Wan Li laughed heartily, who is the official, doesn't he have any idea?

"Come here ahead of time to find out about the situation. It happens that you, the No. [-] member of the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, are here. Tell me about my future work."

Hao Peng, the original No. [-] person and the current No. [-] person, froze for a while.

 New week, asking for recommendation tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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