Restart the world

Chapter 381 Chapter 13 Exploration

Chapter 381 Chapter [-] Exploration (Part [-])
"Nothing that burns is actually fused into the blood of the flame? Is it also because of the ability of the fire element?"

Wan Li studied Wen Jing for a while in amazement, "The bloodline of this flame has the strength of rank five and is close to rank six. If this can be done, Zhang Bing's awakening of the bloodline of flame may be directly rank eight?"

In the comics, he set the bloodlines of the first awakening to be first-grade, and the power is almost zero, just like not awakening.Then you need to take the spiritual grass corresponding to the bloodline to evolve the bloodline and enhance the quality.

This kind of situation of merging with superpowers and directly evolving several products was completely beyond his expectations.It's hard to say whether it's a loss or a gain if you put it on Wen Jing. Although it saves a lot of time, she will definitely not lack spiritual herbs by Wan Li's side.

After Wen Jing figured out the situation, she was very satisfied. The aura changed from bright white to red, not only powerful, but also very beautiful.

The key is to be pretty.

"Heck, please call me Scarlet Queen!"

Wan Li was speechless to this girlfriend who was always making fun of herself in the mirror.After half an hour, the mist thinned again by two minutes, and he decided to explore outside to see the situation of other people.

"Are you waiting for me at home or together?"

"Let's go together, the fog is so thick, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back after going out." Wen Jing smiled.

"..." Wan Li was silent, not to mention that it was really possible, "I don't plan to go out through the window, I'll go and see the situation of our neighbors first."

"Then I'll go too."

The two put on their shoes and went out.They lived on the sixth floor on the top floor, and no one lived next door, so they went directly to the door of the next house on the main floor.

Simulate phase shift.

Wanli went in through the wall, opened the door and let Wenjing in.The house type of this family is exactly the same as that of the two people, with three bedrooms and one living room.

On the bed in one of the bedrooms, the two found a middle-aged couple, sleeping deeply.Wan Li pushed and shoved them twice, but they didn't wake up.

"What should I do, Wanli?"

Maybe the stronger the strength, the earlier he wakes up?Wan Li made an inference: "Let's wait for them to wake up naturally. Let's go to the next room. There is another person in the next room."

In the next room, when the door was opened, a girl who looked older than the two of them was lying on her side on the ground, very close to the bed, with her head facing the bed. Wan Li guessed that she felt sleepy and wanted to move to the bed but was unable to do so. arrive.

"The strength is not bad, C-level." Wan Li glanced over, and was about to help the girl, but Wen Jing was one step ahead of him, carried the girl to the bed, and helped her adjust her messy pajamas.

Wan Li was silent for a moment: "Bian Bian, try to see if you can wake her up."

"Yeah. Sister, sister, are you awake? Hey, look at Wanli, her eyelids moved!" Wen Jing exclaimed: "Sister, wake up... ouch!"

The girl suddenly swung her arm and hit Xiang Wenjing, startling her.She quickly stretched out her hand to block, and jumped away with small steps: "Sister, we are not bad people!"

The girl retracted her arms, rolled and sat up, her movements were coherent. "who are you?"

"You are very vigilant, and you are very skilled in rolling. Are you a student of Sangzhu Martial Arts University?" Wan Li asked, "I am Wan Liyang, the deputy director of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, and I am also your upstairs neighbor."

"Upstairs, neighbor? Wan Liyang, deputy director of the Martial Arts Bureau?" The girl repeated, fully conscious, her eyes focused on Wan Li's face.

"Do you know me?" Wan Li smiled: "For some reason, we all fell asleep last night. My girlfriend and I woke up first and went downstairs to have a look."

"Drowsy." The girl gradually recalled the situation last night, her face tightened: "Where are my parents?"

"They're all right, they're asleep next door."

"Oh." The girl breathed a sigh of relief, and took a few strange glances at Wen Jing's red hair and red eyes: "Sorry, I took you as thieves just now. A few days ago, I heard that Wanli Yang came to Sangzhu for an internship. I live upstairs in my house. My name is Wang Wenyu, a student at Sangzhu Martial Arts University, about to be a junior."

"Do you want to join the Martial Arts Club?" Wan Li asked habitually, but realized that now is not a good time to recruit people. There is such a heavy fog, and there is no signal or Internet, so what club members are accepted.

He couldn't determine the extent of the drowsiness this time. According to the most exaggerated, people all over the world have fallen asleep. As the deputy director of the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, what he has to do now is to prevent Sangzhu from waking up one after another. People make trouble.

"Student Wang Wenyu, Wen Jing, you two plug your ears, yes, plug them up." Wan Li instructed, ran to the window and opened the window, with a thick aura covering his throat, he roared at the highest volume:
"I am the deputy director of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau! Wan Liyang! Everyone who wakes up listen up! Don't go out and walk around! The fog is gradually dispersing! Wait for the arrangement from the Public Security Bureau and our Martial Arts Bureau! Repeat!"

Roaring three times in a row, Wan Li didn't stop until the window glass was covered with fine cracks, which seemed to be broken in the next second.

"The window will pay you later."

Wang Wenyu was startled, and shook his head quickly: "No, no, no. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Your parents have an F-level and a G-level, and they probably have to wake up for a while. In this way, please knock on doors from door to door in this corridor, and run a few more times. If someone responds, tell them not to run around. The Martial Arts Bureau is very strict. Arrangements will be made soon."

"Okay!" After Wang Wenyu left, Wen Jing asked, "Wanli, how do you plan to arrange it?"

Wan Li stretched out his hands, a black four-leaf clover on his left wrist, and a three-leaf clover on his right, "I hope Nier is not stationed outside. There may not be fog in Sunlight City. I will teleport to contact Wu Wujian and ask Sunlight City for assistance."

Wen Jing's eyes lit up: "I even forgot about this thing!"

Wan Li smiled, concentrated, activated one of the clover leaves with spiritual energy, waited for two seconds, and got a response from the other side.

"Ni Er is awake." Wan Li said in a deep voice, "Bian Bian, you are right here, don't move around."


The aura flowed away rapidly, 1/50th of the time, Wan Li took a breath and prepared to send it.

1/30 passed, Wan Li frowned.

"Ni'er isn't in Sunshine City?"

1/20 of the time passed, and Wanli's color changed slightly.

After 1/10 of the time passed, Wan Li gritted his teeth suddenly, his breath swayed, and one of the leaves of the clover shattered and dissipated, but his figure stayed in place.

"……how so?"

"What's the matter, Wanli?"

"I forcibly terminated the teleportation." Wan Li said slowly: "It's not right, 1/10 of my aura can teleport nearly 1800 kilometers, but it didn't work? It's impossible for Ni'er to be so far away from us, at most it's only about [-] kilometers .Did she go back to Bencheng?"

"Impossible." Wen Jing shook her head: "Is Qin Yu's spiritual energy not enough?"

"No, she still has [-] to [-]% of her spirit energy left. But if I really go over, it will be even more troublesome. Your spirit energy is not enough to let me come back."


Wan Li thought about it for a while, could it be that Ni Er strayed into the secret realm?He stretched out a cane from his hand: "You pull this end, I'll go out and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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