Chapter 402

boom! !

Falling rocks are rolling, the ground is cracking and the mountains are shaking.Zeng Jiangeng's whole body was inlaid into the mountain body in a large character shape, his face was suffocated, and he coughed violently after a long time, and his saliva mixed with blood streaked out.


The surging dark spiritual energy in his body gushed out, and the rock was instantly corroded.Then the darkness expanded rapidly, condensing into a black curtain that covered the entire sky, and rolled towards thousands of miles.

"Death to me!"


The purple-red streamer flashed across, and the dark curtain was cut into pieces, and it fluttered and fell.

Zeng Jiangeng's pupils shrank, and he realized that Wanli, who was originally a hundred meters away, suddenly appeared obliquely above him.
He hastily rolled and dodged in embarrassment.

boom! !

The mountain, which was pressed extremely tightly by more than a hundred times the gravity, disintegrated completely. Although Zeng Jiangeng escaped the blow, and the jumping boulder was also corroded by the dark aura around him, he was still bounced into the air by this force.

There was no way to dodge the sideways kick, he clenched his fists tightly, his hands were completely enveloped in the pitch-black sphere, and smashed towards Wanli's right foot.

Leaving a wisp of white smoke in the air, Zeng Jiangeng shot out, and flew a hundred meters away in half a second, embedded in another mountain with two hundred times the gravity.

Ahem!A mouthful of blood poured out, Zeng Jiangeng gasped for breath, his face was ugly, he couldn't accept the reality of being hanged and beaten.This is not a small gap, but a full range of gaps!
His dark aura is not as strong as Wan Liyang's burning purple-red aura, his strength is not as strong as his, and his speed is not as strong as his, and the gap is so big that no amount of fighting awareness and experience can make up for it.

"Damn it, damn it!" he yelled in his heart.

"Give it up, Director Zeng." Wan Li squatted in front of the pit and looked at him, "Please cooperate, you don't want me to knock you out and use your psychic ability to read your memory? No one likes all the things hidden in their hearts It's all known by others, so it's not good to take the initiative to tell me what I want to know?
First of all, are you sure about the truth of what you just said about the director general?

Secondly, what do Yu Wei and Aunt Dao know, and why..."

"Let me tell you!" Zeng Jiangeng interrupted panting heavily: "The second envoy of the Red Organization is named Lin Yuling, are you satisfied with this information? Hmph, read my memory, even if it can be done, do you dare?! "

Wan Li raised his eyebrows slightly, Zeng Jiangeng must have a lot of state secrets in his head, and he did have scruples, or else he would have stopped talking nonsense with him a long time ago.

"Director Zeng, I'm just joking with you. I don't care. I'll ask Director Hei later. Don't move now. I'll knock you out gently."

"Heh, Black Danyan." Zeng Jiangeng snorted coldly, closed his eyes, and seemed to really give up resistance, but the moment Wan Li got close to him, the dark spiritual energy in his body spewed out again.

"Go to hell!"

Bang! !

Being swallowed into the darkness, Wan Li could still accurately feel Zeng Jiangeng's position, and he punched straight at his lower abdomen.

Zeng Jiangeng resisted the defense with both hands, but he was still spurted blood by the force that passed through.Taking advantage of the situation, he coughed heavily, and a mouthful of blood was like a sharp arrow, stabbing straight at Wan Li's right eye, but before he could touch him, he was burned into a blood mist by the purple-red spiritual energy around Wan Li.

Wan Li didn't care about this attack at all, his right fist increased, increased, increased!
A series of cracks extended outward from Zeng Jiangeng's body, and gradually spread to the entire mountain. After reaching a certain critical point, the landslide crashed!
Zeng Jiangeng collapsed together with the mountain.

Wan Li searched for a foothold, borrowed strength in the air several times, and landed steadily, right in front of Zeng Jiangeng.The dark aura around Zeng Jiangeng's body did not dissipate, relying on the aura to defend against the bombardment of the boulder under more than 200 times the gravity, kneeling on the ground, covering his lower abdomen with his hands, spitting a mixture of blood and white foam.

Spitting and spitting, he fell headfirst.

"Hey~" Wan Li showed disgust and found that Zeng Jiangeng hadn't moved any more, so he clicked softly: "Is it so difficult to surrender to me? Do you have to suffer this?"

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strange fluctuation, and saw some familiar light from under Zeng Jiangeng's body, his pupils shrank slightly: "Space teleportation crystal? Fuck you pretend to be dizzy!"

His feet cracked the ground, and he was about to give Zeng Jiangeng another blow to interrupt the teleportation, but he stopped suddenly, and frowned slightly: "Where did he land? Hehe, he didn't run away, but moved rescuers, just Want to kill me so much?
Come on, come on, I want to see if your rescuer is the one I imagined, if he can save you, I can't be white hot. "

Zeng Jiangeng heaved a sigh of relief. Hearing Wan Li's relaxed tone, his face buried in blood became ferocious again... We must kill this bastard!


Time goes back to 5 minutes ago.

Ma Lun's clothes were torn, lying on the ground gasping for breath, he said happily, "I'm saved, I'm saved. Rinpoche Zhang Zhung, thank you for saving my life."

"You're welcome." Zhang Zhung Living Buddha smiled slightly: "Ma Shizhu, the gravity on that mountain is too terrifying, I can only drag you down. Your clothes are damaged, I hope you don't mind."

"It's okay, Living Buddha, thank God if I can get out of there. What the hell is going on with this fog-locked land, it's too dangerous." Ma Lun slowly sat up: "Living Buddha, someone in the ALD area has entered the fog-locked land , During the period of being blocked, nothing happened in the ALD area, right?"

Living Buddha Zhang Zhung shook his head, did not answer, and then said: "I also have a few things to ask, can I ask Ma Shizhu to answer my questions first?"

Ma Lun was startled: "Excuse me."

"Ma Shizhu said just now that this fog-locked land is too dangerous, which means that this is not the first fog-locked land to be opened. So what is the situation in other fog-locked lands that have been opened?"

Maren paused: "It's a bit troublesome to answer your question. So far, the situation in every Mistlock Land that has been opened is almost different. Let me give you a brief introduction. In the Mistlock Land, there are spirit grass, spirit Fruits, special materials, etc..."

He talked for more than two minutes. Rinpoche Zhang Zhung kept a calm face and did not interrupt. It was not until the last part that he showed a different expression.

"Ma Shizhu is saying that the random teleportation point in the Mistlock Land cannot be sure which location the person will be teleported to?" He asked.

"Yes, Zhang Zhung Living Buddha. But you don't have to worry, even if you are not sent back to the ALD area, you only need to wait in the Sangzhu area for a week before you can enter the fog lock again." Mu Lun nodded.

"Wait for a week." Rinpoche Zhang Zhung nodded and smiled, "Thank you, Master Ma, for the information... oh?"

He stretched out his hand suddenly, and a leaf of a black four-leaf clover on his wrist was flickering.

"Black teleportation crystal? Living Buddha, who is calling you? Don't worry about me, go quickly, your companion may be in danger." Maren said hastily.

"Benefactor Zeng is in trouble."

"Zeng Benefactor?" Ma Lun was taken aback, and then he watched in amazement Rinpoche Zhang Zhung rolled up the sleeves of his arms, revealing four black four-leaf clover trees, "How did you make so many black teleportation crystals!"

Zhang Zhung Living Buddha smiled slightly, and activated two of them decisively: "Because a lion fights a rabbit, you have to use your full strength. What's more, I am going to negotiate with a Tyrannosaurus rex this time. I don't call two helpers. I'm afraid I will be slapped." eat."

"Tyrannosaurus Rex? Negotiation?" Ma Lun was confused, watching the Rinpoche Zhang Zhung disappear, "It's strange... no, Master Zeng..."

(End of this chapter)

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