Restart the world

Chapter 419 Reinforcement

Chapter 419 Reinforcement
Sichuan and Shu, Jiazhou.

"Here, here! I stopped it, and someone came to help! No, no, it fled back into the woods, too fast, I lost it!"

Wan Li adjusted the headset and asked, "Which direction is it, and where did it escape?"

"I'm in the northwest of you, and it fled east."

"Northwest, east..." Wan Libi measured the direction for a long time before disappearing in a flash.

He learned from Chi Zhao in the morning that apart from Zhang Zhuong, there were seven other places in China where white monsters appeared at the same time. Wan Li arranged work and Wen Jing, and set off immediately.

The first stop came to the neighboring province of Wusi, Sichuan and Shu.There is a white monster here, and it is also the weakest of the eight white monsters. Before the transformation, it was only A-level. Although it has S-level strength after transformation, the local strong can actually kill it.

But this white monster, or in other words, apart from Zhang Zhung, the other seven people parasitized by the demon did not confront the Martial Arts Bureau head-on, and fled into the forest after causing damage on the side.It is really difficult to find them in the mountain forest that has expanded a hundred times.

Wan Li suspected that they were ordered to delay the seven-day CD period of the secret realm for Zhang Zhuong, and to delay the Martial Arts Administration's support for Ali.After all, Zhang Zhung's importance is logically far higher than the other seven strongest people who have just entered the fourth realm.

But this delay was in vain, Xiangxiong was hammered to death by Wan Liyi's hammer, and then he would beat the six surviving heads to death one by one.

Of course, it would be even better if the silver-white thread could be destroyed by reversing the universe and turning the monster back into an adult...

If people can still be saved.

The figure turned into an afterimage, constantly shuttled through the mountains and forests, carefully searched every place for thousands of miles, and stopped beside a giant tree that left deep paw prints.

"I've been here before, and judging by the shape of the paw prints, it should be this direction!"

Wan Li turned around and ran for a few steps, when he heard a heroic female voice coming from the headset: "I'm here, come quickly! Ah!"

"Deputy Director Sun, report the direction... oh, no need!" Wanli heard a faint bang from a few kilometers away. He pulled the earphones, smashed the ground, and flickered away.

How fast Wan Li is now, I am not sure. The limit speed must be more than four times the speed of sound. He is a man with an explosive running belt...

Of course, he generally didn't dare to increase his speed to that level, and would run naked after two steps without deliberately protecting him.It was maintained at about 300m/s, and in less than 20s, it arrived at the place where the bang came.

"Deputy Director Sun, are you okay?"

Sun Ying, deputy director of the Martial Arts Bureau of Rong City, who was also Wang Haiyang's beauty leader teacher Sun Ying, was half-embedded in a big tree without any image, her clothes were messy, and she was very embarrassed.

Seeing Wan Li arriving, she stretched out her hand, motioning for Wan Li to give her a hand: "I didn't..."

"Over there? Don't worry, it can't escape!"

Sun Ying froze slightly, helplessly watching Wanli Shining disappear: "I stretched out my hand to let you pull me out...although it's right over there."

She struggled for a while, but the pain in her body made her dare not use any strength, and she couldn't get out of the tree for a long time, so she had no choice but to give up and wait for someone to rescue her.

On the other side, Wanli Yaoyao saw a white monster running and jumping between the trees.Seen from the rear, it is 100% covered in white.

"caught you!"

Wanli frowned.In the next second, he stood in front of the white monster, and the white monster was nailed to the ground by four lightsabers.

"The front is also completely covered in white, have you completely lost your mind?"

The white monster pinned to the ground by Wanli was still struggling, as if it didn't feel pain, the lightsaber was loosened by it, and the ground was stained red by the blood it bleed out.

"There is little hope of being rescued." Wan Li sighed, and the psychedelic light activated!
The white monster froze for a moment, but it only lasted two seconds, and the struggle became even more ferocious.

"Different from Zhang Zhung, the brain is completely deranged? It can't be saved. Oh, let me free you."

Wan Li sighed, leaned over and pressed his right hand on the white forehead, with a slight shock, the white monster stopped struggling.Then the white color on its body faded away slowly, and it returned to a man about 30 years old... the deputy director of the Jiazhou Martial Arts Bureau.

Wan Li's expression did not relax. After killing the monster, dealing with the silver-white thread was the most important part.Sure enough, a few seconds later, a silver-white thread shot out from its corpse, shooting towards... and passing by Wanli!

Ok?Wanli's pupils shrank, isn't it the principle of proximity?That direction...Deputy Director Sun!
The ground exploded, and Wanli started at full speed, a little faster than the speed of the silver-white thread, and stopped it before the silver-white thread shot into Sun Ying's body.

Sun Ying couldn't see the silver-white line, so she was a little dazed looking at Wanli who was in front of her with her arms outstretched as if she was blocking something.

"Deputy Director Wan, have you caught it?"

Wan Li maintained his posture without moving for a long while, Sun Ying frowned, and stretched out her hand to signal Wan Li to give her a hand.

"Well, I helped it out." Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and handed the earphone to Sun Ying, and said, "It's in that direction. The task is completed, so I'll withdraw first, and there are still several places to go."

Sun Ying:? ? ?I stretched out my hand to let you pull me out, not to ask you to return the earphones!

"Hey, is there anyone nearby? I'm Sun Ying, and I need support here. No, Wan Liyang has chased him, and he should have killed him. I need support, as soon as possible..."


Wan Li left in a hurry, but he didn't run too far. He continued to go deep into the forest and came to a relatively secluded place. He dug a cave, arranged it at the entrance of the cave, and hid himself in it.

He was anxious to deal with the silver and white threads in his body.

The current silver-white thread was surrounded by the six red threads on his upper body controlled by him, and he couldn't move at all.He didn't dare to smash it, because Wan Li was afraid that his brain would be strengthened again unknowingly.

This time I have to study it carefully.

Wan Li first tried a guess.Reiki can't push the silver thread, what about mind power?He frowned, his brain consciousness diverged, and he gently touched the silver-white thread with his thoughts and pushed it.

The silver and white line moved!
Under the power of his thoughts, the silver-white thread moved in the direction he wanted, crashed to death on a piece of his father's blood, and shattered and dissipated.

No, it didn't dissipate.

This time Wan Li was more focused and successfully found the white spot.They seemed to be lurking in the blood, slowly flowing along the blood to the brain, and finally surrounded his brain silently.

'Determine the white point is unfavorable, reverse. '

Judgment failed.The tingling came from inside his body, and Wan Li heaved a sigh of relief.The judgment of Qian Kun reversal failed, which proves that these white spots are not unfavorable factors, and there is no hidden danger in strengthening the brain.

The white dot pierced into his brain, and Wan Li's head buzzed again.However, it seems that because of the strengthening once, Wan Li did not faint this time, and clearly experienced the strengthening of the brain!

A very complicated virtual channel formed on the surface of Wanli's brain, and the aura quickly circled inside, and the brain was strengthened to a perceivable degree.

"This channel... is the brain tempering method?"

(End of this chapter)

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