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Chapter 421 Chapter 17 Eat Big for 4 Days

Chapter 421 Chapter [-]: Eating for Four Days
"Director General, I really can't change it? You can give me that Zhang Ye."

"No change."

"Do you want to change Fang Ping? I can get a sixth-grade flame fruit."

"No change."

Wan Li was still haggling with the head of the Martial Arts Bureau until he came to the spiritual fruit and elixir warehouse of the Martial Arts Headquarters, but the head of the head always said nothing.

Sun Kai, who was following the two, was getting darker and darker. Zhang Ye was an S-level senior, so he could bear it. Fang Pingke was in the same class as him, and he was not yet at the S-level. It would be a thousand miles away, and a sixth-level spirit would be added. fruit? !
Deceiving too much!

More importantly, the Director-General refused!

Am I so unpopular? !

He didn't even think about it, if it wasn't for his own faults, how could the chief director push him out with a space attribute?Even if he can only dodge back and forth within a distance of [-] meters, he is still a good hand.

The upturned nostrils gave people a bad first impression, and the chief executive also cherished talents, and it was not appropriate to polish a boy by himself, so he wanted Wan Li, who was the same age as Sun Kai and far superior in strength, to polish him, and wait for the discovery of space. If so, Sun Kai's future will be even more limitless.

Wan Li probably understood what the director general meant, but he was still reluctant.I am a dignified father who personally tempers the temper of the troubled boy, don't you want to lose face?Huh, being a father seems very suitable...

Forget it, the space attribute is good for running errands, let's give the director general some face.

"Okay, Director General, Sun Kai is mine."

"No change... Uh, cough, what did you say? Agreed, right? Just in time, we're here."

The Martial Arts General Administration's spiritual fruit and medicine warehouse is built next to the Yanjing Reiki Research Institute. The expanded site makes the Reiki Research Institute more remote, and the nearby open land is also wider.

The site is enough, built near the Reiki Research Institute, a set of guards can guard two places at the same time, no, three places.In addition to the warehouse and the Reiki Research Institute, a large piece of cultivated land has been opened up on the other side, where the spiritual fruit and spiritual grass are planted.

Wan Li glanced at it and didn't care. If this thing can be planted, there will be ghosts.

As for the spiritual fruit warehouse, why isn't it set up underground in the headquarters?Simple, the place is not big enough.

The overall strength of the Martial Arts Bureau is not much stronger than that of the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, but the situation is different.So far, there is an unspoken rule for exploring the Mistlock Land. After all, no one knows whether the spirit fruit and spirit grass can be regenerated, and it is not appropriate to go to other people's sites to get things.

The Martial Arts Bureau does not have this restriction. Us currently has four secret realms, and the experts of the Martial Arts Bureau have to explore forty secret realms.

Of course, the one-week CD period is applicable to any secret realm. Just because there are more secret realms to explore, the harvest may not be much more than Wusi.What's more important is that Yanjing, as the capital, has a large garrison, and even part of the navy's harvest is sent here!
Entering the first warehouse, the Huoyanuo warehouse, Wanli almost drooled... There are so many!

I'm afraid I'll have to eat until I vomit!
Sure enough, there are many people and strength is great, so quickly restore the network communication and let me vomit more violently.

The huge vacuum glass cabinets came into view one after another. At a glance, the first-grade flame fruits are uncountable, the second-grade flame fruits are also uncountable, and the third-grade flame fruits are still uncountable... Only the sixth-grade flame fruits can be counted. There must be seventy or eighty.

"Wan Liyang, have you tried to synthesize a seventh-grade spiritual fruit? Can it be successful?" Guo Zhan asked.

"It was only synthesized once, and it succeeded."

"That's good." Guo Zhan pointed to the spiritual fruit in front of him, "According to the points you made, this is a total of more than 350 million spiritual fruits. Ten sixth-grade fruits are yours, and a fraction is yours. 2000 million points in 50."

Wan Li smacked his lips, it was terrible, the reserve of this flame fruit was basically more than half of the spiritual fruit he had eaten so far.

"These 2000 are 50 million, and we need to synthesize 10 seventh-rank, 20 sixth-rank, 40 fifth-rank, 80 fourth-rank, and 200 third-rank. There are still 1000 million points left, which can be synthesized into one eighth-rank. If you want the eighth grade, if you can't, you still need 10 seventh grade!"

Wan Li thought for a while: "Director General, there is a problem, that is, if I eat the spirit fruit I synthesized, I won't get that kind of energy, but I can continue to synthesize it. So the final quantity will not be so full. , I try to make up as much as I can?"

Guo Zhan was taken aback: "Is that so? All right."

"Also, Director General, the level of spirit grass and spirit fruit is the same as mine, how about..."

"No, the spirit grass is temporarily preserved, and experts from the Spirit Qi Research Institute say that they will be useful in the future."

it works?Can't figure out the recipe?No, not so fast, maybe some ingredients have been analyzed?He just paints, but he really doesn't know what the ingredients are in the things he paints. Forgive him for his mediocre chemistry and physics.

It seems that some simple formulas will be figured out in a short time. Should I apply for a patent?No, it's not very suitable. The simple formula doesn't need to be so deductive. Why don't you take the initiative to contribute to gain a reputation and a father's love is boundless?

Still have to wait for the network to recover.Alas, a small number of cities have recovered, and it will take half a month or even more than a month in Usna, and now only LAN can be used.What can the LAN do, play Red Alert CS with colleagues?
Wan Li suddenly felt sad. Guo Zhan thought he had too many spirit fruits to finish, so he patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Let's go, we still have thirteen warehouses that we haven't looked at yet."


Among the eighteen attribute spirit fruits and three special spirit fruits set by Wanli, the space fruit and the three special spirit fruits have not yet been discovered, and the number of gravity fruits, illusion fruits, and perception fruits is very small, so Wanli needs to synthesize them. There are only fourteen kinds of spiritual fruits.

Wan Li said that he could 'horizontally synthesize', but Guo Zhan shook his head and said no. After all, most people have these fourteen aura attributes, and they cannot sacrifice the interests of the public for a few special attributes.

There are fourteen kinds of spiritual fruits, with a total of more than 1000 million spiritual fruit points, and more than two of the ninth-grade spiritual fruits can be obtained.Wan Li lives in the Lingguo Warehouse, and he is on a diet, for four days in a row, whenever there is a gap in his stomach.

Because it has long been expected that this day will come, the taste of the spirit fruit makes Wanli set up well, and the taste is not unique, but Wanli still almost vomits.

Seeing the spirit fruit is a bit disgusting now.

However, the harvest made him feel a little relieved, and his father's bloodline became like this:

1. Fire-Thunderwind, the lower eighth rank.

2. Sharp-Lisu, the next eighth grade.

3. Jian-Earth Metal, the seventh grade.

4. Phantom-Light Sensation, the seventh grade.

5. Heavy-dark water, top seven.

6. Empty - Ice Wood, not activated.

On average, each kind of improvement is more than one rank, and the sixth rank to the seventh rank is a big leap!
Now when fighting against Zhang Zhuong, he didn't need the blood of Chong, which hurt both the enemy and himself, and the gray giant who had raised the first rank could beat him to the ground.

It's a pity that the unactivated bloodline of Kong made him eat a bunch of ice fruits and emerald fruits for nothing, or the sixth bloodline also reached the seventh rank, and Su Wuchi would be able to slip away if he pulled Su Wuchi over!
"Hi~ I'm a little bloated... I'm full, I should go home and have a look!" Wan Li muttered while clutching his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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