Chapter 437
The end time of the trial secret realm was twelve o'clock at midnight. After two days of trials, the testers were not physically tired, but mentally exhausted.

Wan Li went back to the urban area with them, and rested overnight in the hotel booked long ago.

In the early morning of the next day, during breakfast time, Wan Li and a dozen people gathered at a big table in the restaurant of the hotel, and introduced Wusi's situation, benefits, etc. to everyone present.

"Besides, Wusi is a long way away. More than half of the people here have not yet reached the S level. I need to think about it. I can't pick up the car." Wan Li said with a smile: "You have to go by yourself, and you have to come back by yourself. Travel expenses can be reimbursed.

Some people may have participated in the martial arts competition, and they have to go back after a month and a half, so they can decide for themselves. "

When the words fell, even if there were a few people who hesitated a little, they were all far away from the S-rank, and it would take at least three to five months. The martial arts competition and the New Year's trip are all on the way.

Among them was Cao Yanan. When she hesitated, Wu Liang, who was watching from afar, the "monstrous demon" Wu Liang's eyes lit up, glanced at him from the corner of the eye, and said immediately: "Fuck Yanan, think of a way when you go, come back I can take you there."

"In one month, I'll be S-level too, Yanan." Liang Xingwei, a senior senior at Shencheng Martial Arts University, interjected, "I'll take you with me then."

Cao Yanan showed hesitation, looked at Wanli, looked at Liang Xingwei... A look of hopeful eyes was projected from the other people to the three of them.

Wan Li's face darkened: "I'm wrong, I didn't give it to me, but my girlfriend Wen Jing."

Cao Yanan breathed a sigh of relief: "That's troublesome, Master, I will go there."

In the distance, Wu Liang's face was full of heartache.

Wan Li smiled and said, "Welcome. Others can't make a decision. If you need to discuss it with your family, I'll wait until this time tomorrow at most. Please make a decision as soon as possible. Does anyone have any questions?"

"No more." Wang Bo slowly raised his hand in the sparse response.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly: "If you have something to say, why do you raise your hand? The others are fine, right? Lao Wang, Xiao Qi, let's go out and talk."

Outside the hotel, Lin Yuling also followed.

Wan Li asked: "Did your family discuss it last night? Who will go and who won't?"

"Both go."

"Huh?" Wan Li was stunned, and said with a smile, "Really all of you are going? Welcome, welcome, warm welcome. So supportive of my work... Well, let me give you a big house. The next door to Wen Jing's is still vacant."

"Arrange my brother-in-law next door to you, don't worry, Wanli?" Lin Xiaoqi smiled.

Lin Yuling also smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, you can still buy the house comfortably by yourself."

Wan Li shook his head speechlessly, and said, "Okay, that's up to you. Why did you raise your hand just now, Old Wang?"

"Ah, don't the other students bring it? There are a lot of A-level..."

"That's what I was going to talk about. You've heard the situation of Us. If you don't reach the peak of A-level, there is still a certain danger. You can only do clerical work, and the salary must be a little worse."

"If you still want to go like this, of course I welcome it. At six o'clock tonight, I will invite Tiantian and Wang Li who have reached the A level. In the 'Our Restaurant', I will invite everyone to dinner and chat face to face. "Wan Li laughed and said: "There is also Chaochao, I have something to ask him."

"I know, I know."

"Well, I have to go to Yanjing. The Yanjing Reiki Research Institute was invaded two days ago, and I went to rescue the arrested Red Organization God Envoy. See you tonight."

Wan Li raised his mouth, glanced at Lin Yuling's expression, and saw that her face was dazed for a moment, then she returned to normal, without any fluctuations in her mood, shook her head slightly, and flew away: "Sun Kai, you don't have to follow, you are in the hotel wait for me!"


Traveling alone, at full speed, Wanli arrived in Yanjing in just over an hour.

When he came to the General Martial Arts Bureau, Wan Li felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange.Outside the headquarters, several faint auras of strong men passed by from time to time, and stayed on him for a moment.

They were all strange breaths, but the intensity was at least in the third level, which made Wan Li a little puzzled.

Walking into the Martial Arts Bureau, Wei Ming, who had reported to Bincheng the day before yesterday, was waiting for him in the lobby. When he saw him coming, he stepped forward and said, "Director Wan, you are here. Go to my office on the sixth floor and sit for a while. The top floor is opening the Martial Arts Bureau." The meeting won't be over until noon."

"War inspector meeting?" Wan Li was stunned.

No wonder there are so many strange and powerful people around the headquarters, probably the guards of a few military supervisors?The stronger the martial artist is, the better his hearing will be. Of course, the meetings held by the Martial Arts Supervision Bureau, the highest martial arts organization in China, must be prevented from being eavesdropped.

For the meeting held on the 18th floor, if Wanli wanted to hear it, he could hear it clearly on the 10th floor, so Guo Zhancai specifically asked Wei Ming to arrange him on the 6th floor.

"How can I still eavesdrop..."


Top floor, conference room.

Guo Zhan acted as the moderator of the meeting, and the participants also included the first, second, fourth, fifth, and eighth military inspectors, commander-in-chief Zhou of the Navy, and Hei Danyan, director of the secret military bureau, for a total of eight people.

"Today's martial arts meeting, there are three topics in total. The first item is Qin Wujian's Jucheng proposal. The second item is the new birth policy. The third item is that we will... discuss one person." Guo Zhan After a short pause, he said in a deep voice: "Let's proceed with the first item first. Everyone can look at the documents on the conference table first, and then... Qin Wujian?"

Qin Wujian nodded, stood up and said: "Let me briefly talk about the Jucheng proposal and the original intention of the proposal.

We, China, originally had a land area of ​​960 million square kilometers. After the earth expanded, it became 9.6 million square kilometers.

At present, the recovery of network communication is not bad, but in terms of transportation, it is far away to restore the previous situation, and it may not even be possible in the next ten years.

So what if traffic resumes?The distance becomes longer. Before the new generation of transportation is developed, the time it takes for ordinary people to travel between the two cities is more than ten times that of the original.Even if the strong fly, they will spend a lot of time on the road..."

His narration lasted for half an hour. Seeing that everyone had flipped through the documents in their hands, he said: "The attack the day before yesterday sounded the alarm for us again. The cities are too far away from each other. There are not enough strong people in a single city. For various reasons, As a result, the Reiki Research Institute was attacked, and the attackers barely paid a high price and escaped. This is a shame!

So I made the giant city proposal with one purpose, to concentrate!There are too many cities in China, and the earth is too large and scattered, which is not conducive to national management and long-term stability.

I suggest that Huaxia take the province as the unit, or even take two provinces and three provinces as the unit, and spend ten years or more to build about [-] giant cities that can accommodate more than [-] million people!

As for the location of the city, it can be determined according to the distribution of resources such as the Lingshi Mine in the Mistlock Land.However, it is best not to be too far between the city and the city.

I'm done. "

Qin Wujian finished speaking, but the others remained silent for a while.Merging provinces, building giant cities, they have more or less thought about it after the earth expands, but... there are too many things to consider.

"I agree." After a long while, Su Wujian broke the silence and said with a smile: "This time I came back from the small island country, and they seem to be messing with a big city. They dare to do it, but we don't?"

"Su Wujian, we are different from them. It's not that simple." The fifth military supervisor Meng Wujian pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, and said slowly: "The small island country is only a little bigger and has a larger population. But... if the details are reasonable , I also agree with the giant city proposal."

"The details can be studied slowly." Commander-in-Chief Zhou said: "The key is the seaside giant city, whether to build it or not, and build a few."

"There are still administrative issues..."

Seven people discussed each other one by one, only Heidanyan remained silent.

"The third topic, discussing a person..."

(End of this chapter)

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