Restart the world

Chapter 441 Chapter 19 Su Wujian, good man

Chapter 441 Chapter [-] Su Wujian, good man

Wanli's wisp of thought fluctuated again.

As Qin Wujian said, it's not like he hasn't thought about it in the past two years, where did his ability to manifest in comics come from?

The only thing he can be sure of is that this ability is related to the magic box that seals the devil, but what is the relationship between the magic box and the alien?Was it a sealed artifact he obtained, or was the magic box itself made by an alien...?

If it's the latter, the difficulty of killing that turtle would be exaggerated. He has to learn from the barbarian to control the barbarian, and the road is long and long...

"Even if Wan Liyang has a treasure from an alien, so what?" After a while, Su Wujian shook his head and said, "Why, arrest him?

The original Fanglu incident was not handled properly, and it was all rumored that we were greedy for treasures from extraterrestrials and arrested people indiscriminately.Because information about demons cannot be made public, we have sufferings that cannot be expressed.

Now, to catch Wan Liyang is no longer a rumor, not to mention that he couldn't catch him. "

"No one wants to catch him." Hao Wujian said: "No one is greedy for the treasures of the aliens, but the problem is that we still don't know whether the aliens are enemies or friends. What did he say at the beginning? Believe in our potential, we can help him Solve the demon.

This kind of inexplicable statement, if it is not confirmed that the devil exists, and it is breaking free from the seal every second, I would be conservative about whether to use spiritual energy to practice! "

Su Wujian frowned slightly, and said: "I haven't come back for more than a year, how is the devil's seal?"

Guo Zhan shook his head: "The situation is not very good. With the four awakenings of abilities, the speed at which the demon breaks the seal has also increased four times. If the current speed is used, it will definitely break the seal in another ten years at most."

The heart that didn't exist in Wanli's wisp of thought jumped violently, unexpectedly...!
Hei Danyan obviously didn't know about this, his face showed astonishment, the atmosphere in the conference room was slightly heavy, after a long while, Su Wujian smiled and said: "Don't be so pessimistic, it's only been five years, I'm almost at SS level, in another ten years, If you get seven or eight S's through practice, and the devil comes out, I'll smash it with one fist."

Guo Zhan smiled and said: "I just said that Wan Liyang won the right to change the name of the level for us, and we will change the name of the level next year. You won't be able to reach the seven or eight S-levels. Maybe you can reach... God Realm? Follow-up The name of the level depends on the specific situation of the subsequent practice path, and then it will be delineated."

Su Wujian shook his head: "Don't call it a god or not, how can human beings practice to become a god... Uh, no, what I mean is, God is the name of the Red Organization for visitors from outside the sky, and we are outraged."

Everyone nodded slightly.

Su Wujian said again: "I forgot to say just now, such as the right to change the name of the rank, destroy the red organization, etc., there is Wan Liyang. His contribution to China is no less than that of Zeng Jiangeng who was parasitized by the devil. Zeng Jiangeng can do it all." The dead are the greatest, and he is even more... Uh, I was wrong.

That's not what I meant... I actually meant that... Do you understand what I mean? "

"Su Wuzhi, you strongly suggest not to investigate further, right? Guo Zhan, Hei Danyan, you too? What about the others?" Qin Wujian asked: "We vote with a show of hands, the minority obeys the majority?"

"I abstain." Commander Zhou said in a deep voice.

"I also abstain." Meng Wujian with gold-rimmed glasses shook his head.The remaining Wujian Qin, Wujian Hao, and the eighth Wujian whose surname is unknown looked at each other.

"So... three to three? What should I do? Old Wu is in Wusi, and most of them support Wan Liyang. Bai Lu...according to her temperament, she will also abstain."

Qin Wujian frowned and said: "As for Lao Fang, he went across the sea to visit Europe and the United States, and he doesn't know when he will come back... He should vote for investigation."

"Even if he votes for investigation, it's just changed from three to three to four to four. It doesn't make any difference. Do we have to look further down?" Su Wujian shook his head with a smile and said, "In my opinion, as long as this kind of thing If there is no unanimous support for the investigation, there is no need for investigation."


"Heh, if you can trust me, let me and Guo Zhan ask him face to face, try it a little, and don't make trouble. The devil is the enemy. Although I have confidence in myself, I need a few more helpers. , is always good."

Qin Wujian hesitated for a moment: "Yes."

The others nodded slowly.


Why is Su Wujian still facing me than Director Hei and Director General?Wan Li was a little puzzled, but he also breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that this meeting would lead to some particularly bad results and force him to his father's mountain. He could only love him like a mountain...

Su Wujian, good man!
At this moment, he suddenly felt this strand of thoughts violently turbulent again.This time there was no reason, and the swing became more and more violent.

Gradually, his consciousness sank into darkness.

"Is it time yet? Tsk, I still want to hear what's going on with the SS class... Anyway, it should be announced in less than two months."

When he regained his consciousness, he realized that something was wrong. Why did he seem to be... twitching?

"Director Wan, Director Wan, what's wrong with you! Wake up!" Wei Ming's voice came.

Wan Li put his consciousness into the brain area, and even when he was startled, this special tempering channel exploded unconsciously, and many blood vessels in the brain burst.

He quickly used Qiankun Reversal.

After expending [-]% of his spirit energy, all the burst blood vessels in the brain were reconnected, and Wan Li returned to normal.

He slowly opened his eyes and explained to Wei Ming who was pushing him: "It's okay, alternate Wei, I had a nightmare."

Wei Ming: "..."

Having nightmares and twitching all over your body, are you transformed from a cat demon?How many do you want to scare to death?
Wan Li himself was terrified too. It seems that mind separation is not a low-risk thing, so you can't use it casually in the future... After all, after mind separation, you can't feel the condition of your body.

"Is Fang Lu like this too? Or is it that he has been able to 'multitasking'... Forget it, let's not think about these things for now, let's think about how to answer the inquiries from the chief director and Su Wujian."

Wan Li felt dark in his heart, and added silently again: "Su Wujian, you are a good man!"


On the top floor, the good guy Su Wujian has already started to tell the other seven people about the SS environment.

"S-level fourth realm, as we practice, we can gradually mobilize more spiritual energy in the air around us. As for the range of mobilized spiritual energy, it is about ten meters around the body, isn't everyone like this?"

The crowd nodded.

"Next, we should practice how to expand this range, from ten meters, to 20 meters, to 30 meters..."

"That's it?" Qin Wujian looked surprised, and said, "We have already imagined this, but shouldn't it be defined as the fifth level of S-level?"

Su Wujian shook his head: "If it's just that, it should indeed be defined as the fifth level of S-level. But SS-level is not so simple. These days, I have cultivated a different kind of power...I named it, The power of thought!

After 100% of the fourth level, the aura in my body actually began to temper the brain, and gradually I got this kind of power. I can move light objects such as pebbles from tens of meters away without using aura, just by thinking. Let them move!

This is a power completely different from aura, which can be called mind power.To increase the scope of manipulating aura, one must do it through mind power!
In addition, mind power has other effects.If the SS class is named, I think it would be more appropriate to call it Mind Realm. "

"A different kind of power, mind power?" Everyone murmured, the brain is the most complicated organ, is human finally going to develop its power?

Su Wujian smiled slightly, and from the corner of his eye glanced at the place where Wanli's thought disappeared just now...

(End of this chapter)

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