Restart the world

Chapter 448 Yu Cheng's Death

Chapter 448 Yu Cheng's Death
"It's not me." Hao Zheng looked excited and repeated it more than a dozen times. Seeing that the suspicious eyes cast on him became more and more intense, his face turned red.

After a while, he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "Su Lu Chi, you are slandering me! Yu Cheng is the best ace pilot instructor in my air force. I recommended him to carry out the mission. How can I Will it hurt him?"

"Because of this, everyone didn't suspect you back then, and it didn't matter in the end."

"Nonsense!" Hao Zheng scolded: "You were the one who was not suspected back then, I think it was you!"

"I wasn't suspected because I didn't have the conditions to harm him. I was just 30 years old at the time. In terms of status and authority, I was far inferior to you."

Hao Zheng choked, and suddenly turned his head to Wanli: "Boy, this incident happened because of you, are you sure I sent Junlu out? Do you know what crime is for defaming the Wujian?!"

Wan Li frowned slightly: "I caught Jun Lu at the door of my house, knocked him out, and took him to find Ni Qinyu... You military supervisors know that Ni Qinyu is the only super awakened person in the world who has a unique spiritual system. , she read Junlu's memory.

Although many memories were covered up, and it was not directly pointed out that Hao Wujian sent him to Us, there was a memory of leaving Hao Wujian's place. "

"So you dare to slander me with this kind of thing?" Hao Wujian said angrily: "Someone must be framing me, Jun Lu is probably controlled by someone's spiritual ability! This person is the real murderer !"

What he said was so categorical and swearing that Wan Li believed it... Could it be that I really found the wrong person?Someone is using me as a weapon?

"Jun Lu's injury is not serious, and he will wake up soon, just ask." At this time, Qin Wujian said in a deep voice: "I don't believe that Hao Zheng is responsible for Yu Cheng's matter, it may be true. Just a coincidence..."

"Coincidence?" Su Wujian shook his head: "How can there be such a coincidence, Guo Zhan, do you think it is a coincidence? Commander Zhou, what about you?"

The two who were asked sighed in unison.

Su Wujian shook his head: "Maybe most people now think it's strange that I care so much about Yu Cheng's matter, but I really just want to give him justice. It can't be covered up blindly, and it will leak out sooner or later, making people People are chilling us!
Today there are two outsiders, Hei Danyan, as the director of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau, who is about to become a military supervisor, has the right to know.And the little guy has a close relationship with Yu Cheng's wife and daughter, so it's okay to tell him.

Why don't they let them judge and see if Yu Cheng's justice should be won? "

After the words fell, there was a moment of silence in the field.

"It's time to ask!" After a long time, Hao Zheng was the one who spoke first.The military supervisors have their own division of labor. Qin Wujian is in charge of the navy, Wu Wujian is in charge of the army, and Hao Zheng is in charge of the air force.Before the establishment of the Wujian Bureau, Hao Zheng was a general of the Air Force.

So when Yu Cheng was mentioned, Hao Zheng always looked sad... Wan Li really couldn't tell the truth of his old-fashioned emotions.After he expressed his position, Guo Zhan also expressed his position. In the end, except for Qin Wujian who hesitated, everyone else agreed.

"This involves a conspiracy of an alien from outside... Let's call it a conspiracy." Su Wujian ignored Qin Wujian's attitude and said directly: "The video of the alien's attack was put on the struggle software, and many people have seen it. .

With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen helicopter fighter jets disappeared out of thin air, and the only wreckage left was the one that attacked him first. "

He looked at Wanli and Heidanyan: "With our strength, we can tell that he used two methods at that time. One is spiritual attack, and the other is the ability of space attributes."

The two nodded.

"The intensity of the attack is not too high. We can smash a helicopter into pieces in an instant. Wan Liyang, we can do it now. And use the space ability to transfer them, Heidanyan is probably not close, but moving a helicopter is okay. The problem is, when you have more than 90% of the fourth realm, you can almost do it.

From this point of view, the strength shown by us and the aliens are already very close. "

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, he had never done such a comparison before.

"If it is purely like this, we human beings will explore on our own. In five years, we will catch up with the aliens who have practiced for an unknown number of years. It is gratifying, but it is not that simple." Su Wujian sighed: "Space movement must have a purpose. , do you know where the plane was moved by aliens?"

Wan Li was taken aback, with a curious look on his face: "Where?"

"We don't know either."


At this time, Su Wujian's face suddenly became serious: "The whereabouts of the plane are unknown, but at the moment he waved his hand, Yu Cheng and Lang Bing crossed thousands of miles and appeared in front of us unscathed!"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and stepped over me... Uh, no, unscathed?Appearing... in front of us?
"They... didn't sacrifice??!"

"Yeah, the aliens didn't kill them."

Wanli was speechless, and felt that his mind was a little out of control.not dead?Then they...

"Let me talk about it next." Qin Wujian sighed, and said: "Su Wujian probably doesn't know enough details about the follow-up."

"Under the eyes of everyone, the two people who were killed by the aliens did not die, but were sent back to China intact. The problem is more serious than their sacrifice.

The aliens danced a square dance in Bincheng, which has aroused the fear of all countries. At this time, it is revealed that the two ace pilots of China are not dead, and it may be confirmed that our Huaxia has an "affair" with the aliens, which will bring a series of events. Trouble. "

"In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, we discussed it for a long time among the insiders, and finally decided..."

Wan Li's heart tightened when the long sound was drawn.

"In the end, we decided to take measures according to the two people's wishes. Yu Cheng chose to retire, so we changed his personal information to death, modified his face, changed his identity, and prepared to secretly send him to the southwest border, and notified his wife. Girl, go to the southwest border, meet Yu Cheng who has changed his identity, and the family temporarily lives in seclusion in the Shan village."

Wan Li felt relieved, this kind of treatment... made sense, so what happened afterwards?
"In fact, some people do not agree with this approach. After all, there is a risk of exposure, but in the end we...including Hao Zheng, stood up to all opinions. As for Lang Bing, he chose to stay in the army and become a volunteer for the practice experiment. The practice experiment is The rudimentary form of the training plan for the strongest warriors, experimenting to explore the methods and limits of cultivation." Qin Wujian said, sighing softly.

"Three days after the era of practice started, a helicopter secretly sent the two of them out of the headquarters and sent them to their respective destinations.

But... that helicopter crashed! "

"...the plane crashed?"

"That's right, it was an extremely serious accident." Supervisor Su Wu said with a smile: "An ace pilot instructor and an ace pilot didn't even have the slightest means of self-rescue, and they both fell to their deaths. Little guy, you say, Is it a coincidence?"

Wanli was dumbfounded.Uncle Yu's death actually has such a secret?Does Aunt Dao know?
Huh, Aunt Knife?

In the previous weak sixth sense, isn't that familiar gaze the Aunt Dao?
She's not...nearby, is she?
(End of this chapter)

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