Restart the world

Chapter 456 More Important

Chapter 456 More Important
Until the evening, the three brothers transported seven waves of 28 people in total, ending today's work.

These are applicants who are relatively close to Uz.Judging from the current registration status, the three brothers will have to work hard for at least a week.
But starting tomorrow, Wan Li will not stay here to personally receive the applicants. He skipped half a day's shift today and let Hao Peng take care of it.

I received one day in person, just to confirm whether the situation will develop in the direction I expected, and it looks good so far.

According to his observation, there will be at least 28 applicants left after a month of training. According to this ratio, as long as there are no accidents, the first batch of alchemist seedlings is enough.

And on the Martial Arts Forum, the Slimming Powder incident was almost fermented, and everyone who should know knew about it, and Wan Li was about to start the second stage.

Sell ​​stamina powder to stimulate the market.

Mainly made of body quenching grass, supplemented with traditional Chinese medicines such as wolfberry, chrysanthemum, mulberry leaves, etc., the concocted stamina powder is very effective, and can replenish the physical strength of a normal person in a very short period of time.In theory, if there is enough physical strength, everyone can try to break the physical limit.

Of course, only in theory.If you don't have a body that never tires, you are more likely to practice yourself.

Teacher Wen Jing had to go home late today. After Wan Li got home, he turned on his computer, logged on to the martial arts forum, and wrote another post.

Topic: Inspirational!The frail young man practiced tirelessly for 72 hours in a row, because of it!
Keeping up with the last post.

But this time there is no video, and only one picture, a copy of the finished physical powder, and then Wanli described the effectiveness of physical powder in more than 500 words in detail, without exaggeration or modesty.

'Want to watch the video of practicing physical strength powder?Want to know the formula of stamina powder?Hahahahaha!
Think beautifully! '

After typing this sentence, the corner of Wan Li's mouth curled up into a smile: "The physical power powder is a masterpiece that I, Wan Li Yang, painstakingly experimented with medicine, and it is now on sale. It doesn't cost 998 per copy, but only [-]!"

Don't be too happy.Not 998 RMB, not 998 US dollars, and not 998 Lingshi.It's 998 points!

Where are the points?Half a year ago, the Budao Mutual Aid Society APP points established by me.

Yes, due to the limited quantity of stamina powder, it can only be sold to members of the Budo Club at present.I am extremely sorry for making the general public happy in vain.

As for the members of the martial arts club, what should we do if we don't have points?Don't worry, the Budaoshe APP is about to open the trading channel, and everyone can list items for sale.

The current unified pricing is: 1 point for the first-grade spiritual fruit and spiritual grass, 10 points for the second-grade, 100 points for the third-grade...and so on.In addition, if you have special items, you can send me a private message with a picture in the APP, and I will give you a satisfactory estimate. '

After coding these words, Wanli checked them again, and found that there was nothing missing, and added at the end:

'Also, due to the inconvenience of logistics, all shipping costs are borne by the buyer, 1 point for 1km.Friends in the northeast, who are farthest from Us, don’t be impatient. I will return to Bincheng in a month and set up a drug distribution point there.

If you feel uncomfortable with the above, please bear with me, you can't beat me, hehehe. '

After a bit of skin, Wanli was very happy.

Click Post.

"Now, my Martial Arts Mutual Aid Club APP trading section should be able to come alive. Next, I can use my millions of points to scan a batch of goods, then sell stamina powder and other medicines, and then use the points Get it, and then scan the goods...

It's equivalent to practicing some medicine, and all the spiritual fruits and grasses from all over the country will be poured into my bowl. "

As for worrying about the purchasing power of the members of the Martial Arts Club?Wan Li didn't take it seriously at all.

He said that only members of the Martial Arts Club can buy it, and rich people don’t take it seriously, so let’s find a member of the Martial Arts Club to cooperate with.

"The problem now is that all the circulation points in the Budao Mutual Aid Club APP are only tens of millions, which is too little. The recharge channel must not be opened, and I am not a profit-making company, so it is illegal. Then..."

After thinking about it for a while, Wan Li sent a message to Bian Jiedong on QQ: "It's time to start the welfare activity of giving away points and madly giving away to the Martial Arts Society."


At the same time, the top level of the Martial Arts Bureau is holding the third Martial Arts Supervisory Meeting within this month.Usually, there may not be two military supervisory meetings a year, but it has been quite frequent recently.

And every time it has something to do with Wanli.

There are only six participants left in the Wujian meeting.Hao Zheng is still recovering from his injuries, while Commander Zhou has left Yanjing a few days ago.

Qin Wujian rubbed his forehead, looked at Meng Wujian with a headache, and said, "Has there been any progress in the research of that... that slimming powder by the Lingqi Research Institute?"

"Yes, two hours ago, our people compared the video and finally successfully prepared the first weight loss powder. However, in terms of color and efficacy, it is far inferior to the one in the video.

There is no problem with the formula, the problem lies in the training technique and proficiency.It takes at least a month of practice to reach the level of the girl in the video.However, if you are a fire attribute master above the second level of S rank, you can control the aura more easily, which can shorten this time. "

"That is to say," Qin Wujian said, "that girl had been practicing for at least a month. And at that time, how long had it been since the opening of the first fog lock? Less than a month! Less than a month, she managed to lose weight. San, how did Wan Liyang do it? Guo Zhan, what do you think?"

Guo Zhan put his hands on the table and said nothing, while Hei Danyan next to him said: "I can prove that Wan Liyang discovered and understood slimming herbs earlier than us, and has been worrying about the weight loss of his fat classmate. It is reasonable to make slimming powder by coincidence.”

Qin Wu took a look at her, and said again: "Then today, he asked people to pick up more than 20 fire attribute A grades from various cities in the south, and why did he ask them to make weight loss powder for sale?"

Hei Danyan didn't change his face, and said: "With Slimming Powder, there are other kinds of medicinal powders. Wan Liyang is preparing for the research and development of other medicinal powders."

Qin Wujian sighed helplessly: "Forget it, forget it, I can't control it. Su Wujian, what do you think?"

Su Wujian kept his head buried in silence. Hearing this, he raised his head and said with a smile, "I'm watching it on the Martial Arts Forum."

Martial arts forum?Everyone in the room was stunned, and took out their mobile phones under the signal of Su Wujian, and soon saw Wanli's new post, and the whole conference room became silent for a while.

After a long time, Hei Danyan raised his hand and stroked the hair on his forehead, let the embarrassment disappear, stood up and said: "Military supervisors, I will go to Wusi."

"No hurry." Su Wujian waved his hand: "It's almost dark, we'll go tomorrow, let's study how to reward this little guy for his contribution to the country."

award?dedication?Everyone was startled.

Su Wujian smiled: "You people, you keep staring at the little guy's problems, and forget what is more important. There are Chinese medicines in the formula of slimming powder, Chinese medicine!"

(End of this chapter)

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