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Chapter 460 Understanding Strength

Chapter 460 Understanding Strength
Wu Wujian once divided the Chinese powerhouses into three ranks and eight levels. Su Wujian was the first level, Qin Wujian, Commander Zhou, and Wanli were the second level, and the third level had seven, including two folk powerhouses.

In other words, not counting hidden powerhouses like Lin Yuling, those two folk powerhouses can be regarded as the top ten existences in China's strength, and Wanli finally saw one today.

The first feeling is that the reputation is well-deserved, exceeding 70% of the strength of the fourth realm, much stronger than the Hao Wujian he beat up a few days ago.The second feeling is that this guy doesn't seem to have the aura of a strong man, but is full of philistinism, more like a businessman.

Oh, he was originally a businessman.

Cheng Yin was very enthusiastic, and Wan Li didn't give him a cold face. He stretched out his hand and hugged him lightly, mumbled "I have long admired his name" in his mouth, his eyes scanned the situation in the room, paused on Kong Ming Steel, and finally stopped. On the stiff Wang Jian.

He thought for a while, and said with a smile, "Student Wang Jian, you're really good at it. You can't trust the president. What's wrong with trading a piece of iron and finding an expert like Brother Cheng as a guarantee? What about the trust between people?"

"President, I..." Wang Jian showed embarrassment.

"Director Wan misunderstood." Cheng Yin took the initiative to take over the conversation and said, "The iron is mine. Didn't I get to talk to you through Wang Jian? I have concealed something, please forgive me."

As the old saying goes, you don’t hit people with smiling faces, but Wan Li suddenly put on a straight face: "Is that so? But Brother Cheng, I only trade with members of our Martial Arts Club now, and I only trade with points from the Martial Arts Club. Even if it’s you, I can’t Make an exception!"

Cheng Yin's face froze a little, you're shameless, don't you only trade with members of the Martial Arts Club, don't you know?
He raised his hand to stroke his mustache, and imitated Wanli's tone: "Is that so? I'm sorry, Director Wan, I don't know. It seems that I have to keep this piece of iron in my hand for a while."

"Hey, that can't be done." Wan Li suddenly stepped forward and took Kongming Steel in his hand, "I am the director of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, I was absent from work for a day and came to trade, and then you told me that you asked Wang Jian to call me here , shouldn't you give me some compensation?"

Damn he wants to get it for nothing!Cheng Yin scolded the second shit in his heart, but still had a smile on his face, and said: "It's my fault, it's my fault, then this piece of iron will be an apology to Director Wan."

Wan Li smiled, "Thank you."

Wang Jian was stunned watching from the sidelines. What the hell is this? Didn’t you say that the deal was concluded, so I’ll give it to you?What about my [-] points?Was it confiscated by the president...?

Wan Li ignored Wang Jian.He knew that Wang Jian had no other choice. An A-level man couldn't bear even a finger in front of a fourth-level powerhouse, so he didn't pursue him for deceiving him, but he still wanted to gain something, it was purely for the good.

In fact, he didn't even want to talk to Cheng Yin, but seeing that the other party was a strong man whom he should pay more attention to, and he gave away Kong Minggang for nothing, he didn't pursue those details.

Cheng Yin also found that he had made some mistakes, he misjudged Wan Li's character and face.If he is a business veteran, he will not care whether he is cheated or not, as long as he has benefits, then he can get the 'home court advantage' without any loss.

It's good now, I lost a piece of beautiful iron that I don't know the price, and made the other party feel uncomfortable... Young man, young man, headache.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he felt that he had to take the initiative back, so he said in a deep voice: "Director Wan, I have given you my compensation, should you also give me some compensation?"

"Uh...huh?" Wan Li was puzzled.

"Because of your medicine powder, the price of traditional Chinese medicine has risen again and again in the past two days, and the cost of my purchase has been much higher."

Wan Li raised his eyebrows: "Brother Cheng is still in the business of traditional Chinese medicine? Opened a pharmacy? But it doesn't matter if the price of Chinese medicine increases, you can also increase it."

Cheng Yin shook his head: "It's not a pharmacy, my company owns a chain of hot pot restaurants."

"Hot pot restaurant?" Wan Li was taken aback.

"In the past two days, the price of yam has increased by more than [-]%, and it is expected to increase. There are many people who like yam, so let's change the price, and have to reprint the menu for each store. I don't know how much the price of yam will change. This time, it's very troublesome. Keep the price unchanged, and you will lose money again." Cheng Yin said with a serious face.

This time it was Wan Li's turn to lie in his heart.

Yam?Does it count as Chinese medicine?Well, it counts.But this kind of thing that can be bought in the vegetable market, you ask me to compensate for the price increase?I have to compensate all the grocery shopping aunts for this?

He looked at Cheng Yin amusedly, and confirmed the eyes, they are all shameless people.

But I am shameless, but you are shameless with me.At that moment, Wan Li didn't answer, turned around and left: "Hurry back now, I can catch up with work in the afternoon, so I'm leaving, Brother Cheng."

"Huh?" Cheng Yin stared, "I just joked with you, don't rush away."

When he spoke, Wan Li had already reached the door.Listening to his yelling, Wan Li didn't stop walking, but the two bodyguards at the door stretched their arms sideways.

"Hehe." Wan Li chuckled, neither dodging nor avoiding, just glanced at those two arms, and they retracted them knowingly.

The two bodyguards looked at each other with fear and shock in their eyes. Just for a moment, it seemed that a knife was slashing on their arms. Is this the book that says that the eyes of the strong are like knives?It's so terrifying!
The pupils of Cheng Yin, who was chasing after him, also shrunk slightly, but he didn't think his gaze was like a knife, no matter how sharp his gaze was, it would not become real.He only vaguely felt that Wanli used some method to lightly draw two knives on the arms of the two bodyguards.

What surprised him was that he couldn't see the knife, and the two bodyguards didn't even notice it. What kind of strength is this?It was much more terrifying than he knew, how could this be?
There is such a gap between me and him? !

Wan Li said that mind power is really useful.

"Director Wan, Director Wan." Cheng Yin called again and again, with a more serious and respectful attitude: "Don't rush to leave, can you do me a favor and negotiate a business deal?"

Wan Li paused slightly: "Business?"

"Yes, yes, business, are you interested in finding an agent who sells physical strength powder in Shancheng, Sichuan and other places?" Cheng Yin smiled cunningly, not at all like a strong man.

"Agent?" Wan Li seemed to think about it seriously, then shook his head and said, "This is not possible, the number of physical energy powder is limited, and it is only available to members of the Martial Arts Club for the time being."

"That's why I found Wang Jian, please come to my office for a few minutes and listen to me, please." Cheng Yin begged.

Wan Li seemed to be reluctant, but actually he was secretly laughing, and slowly uttered two words: "Okay."

From the moment he saw Cheng Yin, he guessed the other party's purpose.And his medicines are sold in bulk, and he really needs to find agents in various places.After all, logistics and transportation are too troublesome. It is much easier to deliver medicines to certain points than to thousands of households. You can even let agents pick up the goods without trouble.

He has also been waiting for powerful businessmen from all over the country to come to his door these two days, but because everyone is waiting for the official attitude, no one came to visit for a while, so he asked Hei Danyan to let the Martial Arts Administration send a short message, admitting that he sells medicine legally sex.

I thought it would take two days to find a partner, but I didn't expect Cheng Yin to be an exception.

Cheng Yin is different from others, he is one of the most powerful in China, he has a general understanding of Wanli's strength, and even more understands that the strength has reached this level, the official has to consider their personal emotions, and the possibility of banning Wanli from selling medicine powder is very slim.

But just now, Wanli has been letting Cheng Yin, who has a general understanding of his own strength, understand better.

Now he should have a thorough understanding, and even overestimate, so the business can be negotiated!

(End of this chapter)

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