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Chapter 465 Dog Blood Marriage Drama?

Chapter 465 Dog Blood Marriage Drama?
Looking at the fat man with a strong body, who still sneaks around and feels that he can hide himself, Wan Li is very helpless.He winked at the inspector who brought Fu Hongyan out, told them to wait, then tiptoed to Jianchao's side, raised his hand to grab the back of his neck, and lifted him into the distance.

The fat man was very thin, leaving a lot of dead skin and a lot of folds on his body, so he was easy to lift.

Jian Chao, who was picked up, didn't think so.

"What are you doing, I'm not a banana."

"You are not a banana, you are a mallet." Wan Li rolled his eyes: "What are you doing sneakily? I asked you to manage the warehouse, not to pick up young ladies."

"Hey." Jian Chao sneered: "Understand, understand, you can't just throw away this handsome face, right?"

"Handsome ass."

Although every fat man is a potential stock, Jianchao is obviously not too thin. At least in Wan Li's opinion, he is not good-looking at [-] catties, and he is not even as cute as [-] catties.Maybe reduce it a little more, and it will be pleasing to the eye when it reaches one hundred and fifty-six.

Jianchao Dulian launched a grievance attack on Wanli, Wanli suffered ten thousand points of damage, and confessed: "Forget it, forget it, what do you like? You didn't stop harassing that young lady this afternoon, did she pay attention to you?"

Jianchao smiled brightly: "Of course, Miss Sister is very talkative, but she is a bit introverted and blushes easily, but I like it, hehehe."

"Stop laughing so cheaply, it's really disgusting." Wan Li raised his hand to slap his face, and sighed, "Even you are willing to talk to me, it seems that she really has a problem."

Recommended Super:?
"I suspect she is a commercial spy... Don't say anything, I'm not sure yet. Just stand aside and wait for me, and I'll ask a few words."

"Commercial espionage?" Jianchao knew the seriousness, and he didn't put on such a mean face when he heard this, his whole face was pouted together: "I can't, such a beautiful young lady..."

"You can't trust appearances these days, and there is a spy who is as simple and honest as an old king in front of you. Let me ask, if she is really a spy, she has ulterior motives in approaching you, so don't be hit."

"No, I'm not serious either, she's five or six years older than me." Jianchao nodded.

Wan Li was taken aback, so you fat bastard just hang out with other people to amuse yourself?Damn scumbag.

He dodged again, came to Fu Hongyan and the supervisor, and said gently: "I heard that fat man has been pestering you and caused you a lot of trouble. Don't worry, I just taught him a lesson. He won't be looking for you again."

Fu Hongyan was taken aback: "Oh, huh? Director Wan, no, no, I'm not bothered, Jianchao's little brother... is quite innocent and cute."

Pure and cute?Wanli was dumbfounded.

"Director Wan, is it because of him that you are looking for me?" Fu Hongyan said softly, "Thank you for your concern."

"Well, you're welcome." Wan Li smiled: "I remember you are from Yanjing, the capital, there is a big difference from Sangzhu, are you still used to the climate here?"


Wan Li nodded, and asked again: "Are you satisfied with the dormitory here? The conditions are average, and it must be much worse than your home?"

"...about the same."

Wan Li narrowed his eyes: "Oh? Then it seems that my sister's family conditions are average?"

"……well enough."

"Oh." Wanli said again: "My sister is so beautiful, there must be many people chasing after her in Yanjing, she is 25 years old, she should talk about her boyfriend, do you agree with Sangzhu's parents and her boyfriend?"

Fu Hongyan hesitated for a moment: "My boyfriend and I just broke up and wanted to go out to relax. I happened to see that you are recruiting apprentices for refining medicine, so..."

"Oh? Is that so?" Wan Li raised his eyebrows: "Why did you break up with your boyfriend?"

"That... can I not say it?"

"Yes, this is your privacy." Wan Li nodded, hesitating for a while.

It's not that there are no questions asked, but that there are too many questions.Among the few questions asked, almost none of Fu Hongyan's answers were true, and all of them had dodged eyes and accents. No wonder Senior Brother Gan Kai said that when he asked her in the afternoon, she had been making things up.

But in this way, Wan Li is not sure if she is a commercial spy. How can there be such a bad spy who is so easy to reveal?

He thought for a few seconds, exchanged glances with the supervisor next to him, looked at Fu Hongyan again, and said directly, "Sister, when you were answering the question just now, you kept averting your eyes, I'm not so handsome that you dare not look directly at me, am I? Can you tell me why?"

Fu Hongyan was taken aback, his face showed panic, he muttered a few times, but couldn't answer.

"You're lying." Wan Li said in a deep voice, "Who sent you here for a prescription?"

Fu Hongyan was surprised: "No, no, no, no one sent me here, I didn't intend to steal the prescription."

"Tell the truth!" Wan Li stopped drinking.

Jianchao was taken aback in the distance, let alone Fu Hongyan who was close at hand. She staggered back two steps, like a frightened little rabbit, with a panicked and pitiful expression: "I, I, I... "

She 'me' for a long time, while Wan Li observed her carefully. When he was basically sure that there was something wrong with her and decided to use mental power to hypnotize and torture her, his eyebrows suddenly moved, and he tilted his head to look upwards.

A figure is flying over quickly.

It was a strange man, about 27 or [-] years old, slightly fat, with a square face, and he had just entered the S class.Wanli had never seen a strange face before, so he tilted his head and looked beside him for inspection: "Do you know him?"

The supervisor looked at the person who flew over: "I seem to have seen it, but I don't know it."

At this moment, Fu Hongyan suddenly made a movement, she ran up behind Wan Li in small steps, gently grabbed Wan Li's waist skirt, and pressed her body against it.

Wan Li frowned, his arms shook slightly, and Fu Hongyan whispered, "Director Wan, please, don't let my brother take me away."

"Your brother? Take you away? What's going on, let go first!" Wan Li tugged at the skirt of his shirt.

Fu Hongyan didn't let go, but pulled it even tighter, and said anxiously: "I ran away from home secretly, and my brother wants to arrest me. Please, I can't go back with him."

Wanli was thinking a lot, and the person coming from afar had already flown close and landed on the ground.Before he could speak, the visitor bowed deeply: "Director Wan, hello. I'm Fu Zhenhuan, Xiao Yan's elder brother. Xiao Yan has caused you trouble, please accept this spiritual fruit."

He handed over a spiritual fruit, a sixth-grade bright fruit: "Don't think too little, our ability is limited."

Wanli frowned, and raised his hand to take it.

"Xiao Yan, come out and go back with me." Fu Zhenhuan looked behind Wan Li gently.

"……Do not."

"Be obedient, don't trouble Director Wan."

"No, I won't go back! Brother, I don't want to marry that old man!" Fu Hongyan raised her voice.

"What old man, my brother-in-law is only 40 years old. For practitioners, 40 years old is just youth..."

"Then I'm only 25, a child."

Wanli closed his eyes slightly, speechless.

Run away?Marry an old man?Dog blood marriage drama?
No wonder Fu Hongyan didn't tell the truth earlier.

But these bastards, including the previous 'Prince who visited privately in micro-service', what do they think of my place? !
(End of this chapter)

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