Restart the world

Chapter 469 It's Him

Chapter 469 It's Him
After taking office, Wan Li actually used his own authority to check Usi's household registration website.

But there are many mountains and forests in Wusi, and there are more mountain villages. It is the place with the most "black households" in the whole of China.Apparently, it seems that Wanli's parents, who came here because of debt evasion, also belong to "black households".

The huge Uth wanted to find two people, but it was inconvenient to look for them with great fanfare. It was really looking for a needle in a haystack. After the expansion of the earth, Wanli could only let it go. Unexpectedly...

Fate, amazing.

"Ni'er, are you sure?"

Ni Er nodded lightly: "For more than a month, I have been herding the sheep of your parents' family, Brother Yang."

Let go of my parents' sheep?Wan Li was slightly taken aback, and asked strangely, "No, didn't you let go of the sheep that I pre-arranged for my apprentice Yang Zichao's family?"

"He's your brother Yang."

"Ah?" Wan Li was stunned, "No, it's still not right, that little guy doesn't look like me at all except for his skin color... and his surname is Yang, not Wan, Nier, are you mistaken? "

Ni Er shook his head: "He takes his mother's surname. Both sons of your parents' family take their mother's surname, and the two daughters are named Wan. I asked why, and it has something to do with you, Brother Yang..."

"No, no, wait, wait." Wan Li's mind became more and more confused: "Two sons, two daughters, I... have four brothers and sisters?!"

Ni Er nodded slightly.

"God..." Wan Li patted his forehead, "Wait a minute." He threw Fu Hongyan back on the bed, ran into the bathroom quickly, turned on the faucet, and splashed cold water on his face.

He needs to be calm and calm.

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang, are you okay?" Ni Er asked worriedly while holding the door.

"Phew, it's okay. Nier, tell me in detail, my parents...maybe my parents' family... the specific situation."


The two returned to the bed, Ni Er sorted out her thoughts, and slowly narrated.

Things start from the eve of the expansion of the earth.

That day, she passed by Yupu Township on a mission, and thought that Tian Binglun's cousin Tian Xiaoyu was there, so she went to visit her, so she stayed overnight in Yupu Township that night.

The next day, while maintaining order in Yupu Township in the fog, she ran into Yang Kangfei, a young sheep herding boy from Erping Village.

"Yang Kangfei is your second younger brother, Brother Yang. This year, after graduating from junior high school, he has been helping herd sheep at home, and his strength has reached B level."

"Yang Kangfei, are you two years younger than me?" Wan Li muttered, "And then?"

Ni Er continued: "Then I will mention your two younger sisters, Brother Yang, Wan Nianlei and Wan Lingyan. I just heard about these two girls from Sister Tian Xiaoyu, they are your admirers, Brother Yang. Or, every time I see sister Xiaoyu, I will pester her to ask about you.

This may be fate. "

"Wan Nianlei, Wan Lingyan..."

"Sister Xiaoyu said that these two girls are from Erping Village. When I asked Yang Kangfei, he actually said that the two were his younger sisters. The elder brother's surname is Yang, and the younger sister's surname is Wan. I asked a few questions out of curiosity.

He said that he didn't know much about it, he only knew that it was related to the eldest brother he had never met, so I kept my mind on it.After maintaining order, I went to Erping Village, found their home, and met Uncle Wan and Aunt Yang. "

Speaking of this, Ni Er paused for a moment, a blush suddenly flashed across her face, she didn't know what she thought of, and she couldn't continue.

Wan Li didn't notice, his eyes were a little empty, and it took him a long time to notice that Ni Er stopped talking.

He frowned slightly and said, "It's been more than a month, why did you tell me now?"

Ni Er murmured for a moment: "Actually...Actually, Uncle Wan and Aunt Yang have been following your news quietly. They feel ashamed of you, know that you are living a good life, and don't want to disturb your life...I have been watching you for a while. Persuade them, but they always beg me not to tell you..."

"That's it." Wan Li was silent for a moment: "Apart from Yang Kangfei and Yang Zichao, what are my two younger sisters like?"

"Wan Nianlei is 16 years old this year and has just entered the first grade of high school. However, because the world is getting bigger, she hasn't reported it yet. The school is too far away from her home." Ni Er said: "She is a cute and beautiful girl. , a bit like Xiaowei, the difference is that she is very lively and likes to play and make trouble."

Speaking of this, Ni Er smiled slightly: "She doesn't like going to school very much, secretly asked me to fly her over many times, but she used the excuse of being afraid of heights, and disagreed with Aunt Yang's request, so I took her to fly to school."

Wan Li briefly sketched a shadow in his mind, and asked, "Where's Wan Lingyan?"

Ni'er smiled: "Xiao Lingyan is completely different from her third sister. She is a very sensible girl. She is eight years old and is in the second grade of Yupu Township Primary School. The bun face is very fun to pinch."

Wan Li looked at Ni Er: "Are you very familiar with my parents and my family?"

Ni Er paused slightly, her face flushed.

Wan Li shook his head and sighed softly. After hearing what Ni Er said, he probably couldn't be wrong.Unexpectedly, not only did he find his parents, but he also brought out four brothers and sisters. His family is prosperous enough.

The second brother is 18, the third sister is 16, the fourth brother is 10 years old, the fifth sister is 8 years old, those who are 14 years old and those who are 12 years old can make up an arithmetic progression, and they can hang whole gourd vines with themselves.

"Ni'er, take me to have a look."



An hour later, Erping Village.

"The young man who imitates sheep and drives them back to the pen is Yang Kangfei." Ni Er pointed to the distance and said to Wan Li.Wan Li squinted his eyes, focused his eyes, zoomed in on Yang Kangfei's figure, and observed carefully.

A boy as thin as a bamboo pole, with a height of around 180, and a B-level high-strength.The skin is good, it has not become rough due to the wind and rain all day, the pores are large, the hair is thick, but there is not much beard on the mouth, and the eyebrows are very pale...

"It's not right." Wanli was puzzled.

There is no feeling of blood connection, maybe that thing only exists in legends, or maybe Wanli's strength is not enough, so he chooses to use scientific methods to judge.

Even if the faces of children born to the same pair of parents are different, some microscopic genetic details must be the same.

But in Yang Kangfei, Wan Li could hardly find any similarities with himself, and the same was true for Yang Zichao, otherwise he should have noticed it long ago.

"Hey, Uncle Wan is back too." At this moment, Ni Er suddenly whispered.

Wanli's eyes then shifted, and a dark-skinned middle-aged man came into view. With a height of around 168, rough skin, familiar eyebrows and mouth shape, his heart trembled suddenly.

"……It's him."

"Brother Yang, are you... going to meet each other?"

Wan Li twitched slightly, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head lightly: "Today is too late, let's do it tomorrow."

Ni Er was startled: "Tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Wan Li weighed Fu Hongyan in his hand: "It's not convenient to have her here, and my heart is also a little messed up. I need Bian to calm down and come back see them."

(End of this chapter)

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