Restart the world

Chapter 471 Mr. Qin

Chapter 471 Mr. Qin

After all, Hao Zheng had been in a high position for many years, and it was only when he was emotionally agitated that he showed his weak emotion of grievance.He quickly adjusted and regained his composure.

Putting Fu Hongyan on the ground, he coughed lightly, walked through Wanli and Heidanyan, and sat down in front of the chair in the living room.

"Okay, I admit it, I sent this girl there," he sighed, "Wan Liyang, answer me, why didn't you unlock the mental blockade in Junlu's mind half a month ago, and unluckily unlocked this girl?" , where have I offended you?"

"Will you believe me when I say it's a coincidence?" Seeing Hei Danyan's suspicious gaze, Wan Li patiently replied: "I just had the means of unblocking it, and your frame-up method... is really stupid.

In fact, I already believed that Jun Lu was not sent by you, so I was more cautious this time. I suspected that when Fu Zhenhuan flew to Qin Wujian, someone used the same method to deceive Qin Wujian like he did to you. By the way, cheat me.

To be honest, before I read Fu Hongyan's memory, I didn't doubt that she was sent by you. Your acting skills...can win an Oscar. "

Hao Zheng was silent for two seconds, and said with a wry smile: "So that's the case, but I'm really not acting. Jun Lu was sent by Qin Jingwei, so I... You're right, I'm stupid, so stupid."

"Qin Jingwei, Qin Wujian?" It was the first time Wan Li learned of Qin Wujian's full name, he shook his head and said, "You still want to bring Qin Wujian in?"

"I didn't frame him." Hao Zheng sighed: "Forget it, you won't believe what I say now, besides, I sent this girl to avenge Qin Jingwu's hatred for me, and I really want to get you Wanli Yang Treasures of aliens from above.

At this time, it is human nature, in the Wujian Bureau, one counts as one, who doesn't want your treasure? "

"Hao Wujian, after framing Qin Wujian, why are you here to frame me again?

I don't have any Treasures from Extraterrestrials... really no.I can have today's strength, purely hard work plus talent, mainly talent.

Heck, and a little bit of luck.

Yes, it is like that. After Wan Li finished speaking, he nodded himself, expressing his seriousness.

The corners of Hei Danyan's mouth curled up slightly, giving Wan Li a Mona Lisa smile, while Hao Zheng gave Wan Li a hehe emoji from his old mother.

Wanli: I can't bear this grievance.

At this time, Hao Zheng's guards greeted him outside the villa: "Hello Su Wujian, Director Guo, wait a moment, I will go in and report to Hao Wujian."

"Huh?" Then, Guo Zhan's astonished voice came: "Where are Wan Liyang and Hei Danyan?"

"...Wan Liyang and Director Hei?"

"It seems that the little guy didn't hit Hao Zheng this time, and there was no sound from inside." Su Wujian laughed and said: "I said the little guy has a sense of proportion, he would have it without Hei Danyan, it seems to scare you .Let's go in, they sense us coming."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the villa was opened with a bang, and Hao Zheng's two guards rushed in, one left and one right standing beside Hao Zheng.

"The subordinate is dereliction of duty!"

"I don't blame you." Hao Zheng waved his hand: "No one can prevent the movement of the space. You go out and guard it. Except for Su Luchi, Guo Zhan, and Qin Jingwei, no one will let it in."

"Yes!" The two disappeared in a flash.

The two of them were the same two who were easily defeated by Wan Li more than half a month ago.Maybe it's because of shame and courage, one of them has broken through the fourth level of S-level, but it was a blessing in disguise.

Two people go out, and two more people come in.Wan Li looked at the chief director with an ugly face, blinked lightly, plugged his ears with a surge of spiritual energy.

Then he silently watched the chief's upper lip touch his lower lip, and his lower lip touched his lip, and nodded his approval from time to time.


Wanli nodded.

"Hei Danyan, you also mess around with him!"

Wanli nodded again and again.

Heidanyan glanced at him lightly.Wan Li felt a chill down his spine, feeling that the atmosphere was a little off, so he removed the aura that was plugging his ears.

"Director General, you taught me well. Does Qin Wujian have to wait a while to come? That's great, I haven't heard enough of your teachings."

Guo Zhan stared and almost kicked him.

Su Wujian smiled: "Okay, Guo Zhan's methods are a bit inappropriate, as long as he can stand up. Little guy, did you really catch Hao Zheng this time?
Hao Zheng, don't sit still and don't talk. "

Hao Zheng glanced at him, and said calmly: "Wait for Qin Jingwei to come, let's talk together."


Qin Wujian was not slow to arrive, and after only 5 minutes, the voice of Hao Zheng's guard greeting Qin Wujian came in.

In front of Supervisor Qin Wu, Wan Li told the whole story from beginning to end for the third time.

After listening, Qin Wujian was silent for a long time.

"Yesterday morning, a strange S-class indeed landed near my house, but he only stayed for a few minutes before flying away, so I just thought he was stopping temporarily. I didn't expect..." Qin Wujian paused: "Why, Hao Zheng."

Hao Zheng smiled: "Ask me? I want to ask you more, why did you use Junlu to frame me?"

"Jun Lu, me?" Qin Wujian frowned: "You suspect that Jun Lu is mine?"

"It's not doubt, it's certainty!" Hao Zheng said in a deep voice: "Jun Lu deleted a large part of his memory, and his spirit is extremely fragile, sometimes crazy, sometimes sober, and cannot be read again.

But it was a blessing in disguise, he probably didn't have the part of betraying me in his remaining memory, so now he obeys my advice. "

Qin Wujian suddenly said: "Jun Lu told you that I ordered him? Hao Zheng, you are confused!"

"I'm not that stupid." Hao Zheng snorted coldly: "Of course I've been prepared for Jun Lu's pretending to provoke you and me. But I can still judge when he's sane and when he's not.

So I waited until he was unconscious, and asked the doctor in charge of treating him to give him a spiritual induction, which was easily successful.I didn't expect it to be rewarding, he identified you! "

Wan Li blinked, stared at Director General Su Wujian and others, and both looked at Qin Wujian.

Qin Wujian's face remained unchanged, he shook his head and said: "If he really identified me, you can definitely call everyone over and confront me face to face, instead of using such stupid means to frame me."

"That's right, Jun Lu's identification is indeed not clear enough." Hao Zheng sighed lightly: "It is true that Jun Lu deleted all the memories about the messenger, except for something left at the end.

It was the moment when he deleted the memory, and that bit of memory was preserved.At that time, what he thought was 'Master Qin, I have completed the task. 'Ah! "

Qin Wujian frowned, thinking silently.

Su Wujian interjected, "Hao Zheng, let someone bring Junlu over, shall we do it again?"

Hao Zheng looked at him, and suddenly slumped on the chair with a slumped face: "I knew you wouldn't believe it, that's right, empty words are nothing, I lost.

After the mental induction last week, Jun Lu deleted his memory again, and he is still awake until now.

I really don't understand, dear Qin Jingwei, Mr. Qin, what kind of ecstasy drug did my subordinates give to make him self-mutilate again and again! "

With a gloomy tone, he stared at Qin Wujian.

At this time Qin Wujian suddenly said: "Hao Zheng, I believe you are not lying."

Hao Zheng was taken aback, but everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay. Is this... an admission?

Qin Wujian said again: "We have never had any hatred. You are already in a turmoil. There is no need to frame me at this time. There must be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Hao Zheng snorted, "I thought you were going to say something..."

"Hao Zheng." Qin Wujian interrupted him: "That Master Qin may indeed be the emissary.

But Lord Qin, not me. "

 Going out for a day, the update is slightly later, before 12 o'clock in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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