Restart the world

Chapter 484 A Responsible Young Man

Chapter 484 A Responsible Young Man

When Wanli returned to the detection cabin, the voices of experts from all over the world had already quieted down.

Obviously, it was impossible for them not to notice that the three Huaxia people who had gone out were all quietly paying attention.Seeing Wanli come back, the island nation's second chief immediately asked curiously: "What are you Chinese people doing out there? Is there any information you can't tell us?"

Wan Li glanced at him, thinking in his heart that he deserves to be the second place in the island country, and his death-defying style is really in line with the previous two. He was about to pretend to be aggressive, so he took the initiative to sow hatred and give me a face.

The last piece of pretense is filling in the gap!

Immediately, Wan Li laughed and said, "There is indeed some special information, but I didn't say that I couldn't tell everyone. We were going to announce it... that is the special ability of the SS class——Mind Power!"

"Mind power?"

Nianli is called Telekinesis in English, a relatively uncommon word, but it appears in American blockbusters from time to time. Anyone who has seen it knows that the scene of breaking a spoon in the air leaves a deep impression on people.However, the European and American powerhouses have not yet arrived, and the repercussions of throwing out this word are not too great.

"The prelude to the pretense didn't play." Wan Li muttered to himself, and continued: "After the cultivation of the fourth level of S-level reaches 100%, the aura in our body will begin to temper the brain.

And when the brain is tempered to a certain level, it will produce thought power, and it will become stronger and stronger, and the limit weight of moving things in the air will become larger and larger, and it will be able to bind and attack enemies with thought movement.

In addition, with the blessing of thought power, the fourth-level powerhouse who could only control 100% of the aura around his body can control the aura farther away!
Previously on the satellite monitoring, it was difficult for our Huaxia Su Wujian to dodge the attack of the Beast Emperor. On the one hand, he was disturbed by the Beast Emperor's mind power, and on the other hand, he had to spend his mind to compete with the Beast Emperor for the control of the surrounding aura!
So everyone who participated in the siege of the Beast Emperor should pay attention, approaching the Beast Queen, your original strength of 80% or 70% of the fourth realm may be halved in an instant, or even lower, and your strength will be greatly reduced! "

Is that so? !The strong man's energy-raising skills are also good, so no one exclaimed these four words, but they all thought so in their hearts.

They looked at each other for a moment, and a strong man from Soviet Russia asked, "Is the information accurate?"

"That's right, how did Huaxia know about the SS-level information? Could it be that someone is about to break through the SS-level? Is that Su?" the island nation's second seat couldn't help but ask.

The award for best supporter is up to you.Wan Li felt dark in his heart, smiled and shook his head: "nonono."

Daoguo's second seat was startled, and was about to ask again, when suddenly he staggered and almost threw himself on the ground.

He suddenly widened his eyes, covered the back of his head with his hand, and suddenly looked back... Which bastard slapped me on the back of the head? !

There was a muffled sound, and he was hit hard again in the back. This time he was on guard, and had a little warning of the attack, but he stretched out his hand and didn't catch it, and staggered a few more steps.

He turned his head again and looked at Wan Li who was standing there with a smile and arms in his arms, his mouth slowly opened and his jaw almost fell to the ground.

The other powerhouses were rather baffled by his self-amusement. Seeing his expression at this moment, they also slowly recovered their senses, and their eyes on Wanli began to be suspicious... Is this Nianli?

They didn't realize it!
No, more importantly, Huaxia's Wanli Yang is about to reach SS rank, or even already SS rank? !
As a world-renowned genius, Wan Li's information has long been placed on the tables of powerful people from all over the world. As the earth becomes bigger, Wan Li's evaluation is more than 60% of the super strong in the fourth realm.

After more than two months, I saw Wan Li again in Huaxia, and they couldn't judge his strength. These strong men had an estimate in their hearts. Wan Li might have about 90% of the fourth realm.

But I never expected... SS rank? !
Are you surprised?Shocked?Wan Li laughed wildly in his heart, this is so bad, 99 points!
He looked back, Commander Zhou and Hei Danyan were also surprised, adding 1 point, full score!

"Cough cough." Ten seconds later, Wan Li coughed twice, signaling to everyone to stop the shock: "I just made a joke with the second seat, I hope you don't mind... this is mind power.

Of course, I don't have SS-level strength yet, otherwise I would go alone and slaughter the Beast Emperor.

You don't have to worry about not feeling my mind attack just now, I only used half of my strength and tried to cover it as much as possible.The strength of the Beast Emperor's thought power should be much stronger than mine, and everyone can definitely feel its attack. "

"Chinese powerhouse." Peacock Kingdom's first law (anti-harmony) wheel said: "Can you use your mind to attack me with all your strength?" His tone was sincere, and his attitude towards Wanli changed from plain to serious.

Wan Li smiled: "Of course, Mr. Vikas, please be ready."

Vikas nodded heavily.

Wanli's eyes froze, and more than a ton of thought power condensed in the air into a fist invisible to the naked eye, hitting Vikas' chest right on.

Vikas raised his hand and waved, snap!
The air exploded, and the thought power dissipated.

This time, everyone felt the attack of the mind force, but their hearts were even more dignified.

It's true that with an attack of this strength, after using spiritual energy to protect their bodies, it's okay to be hit casually three to five hundred times, but in a fierce battle, such a concealed and spontaneous attack can kill people!
What's more, Wan Li said that the Beast Emperor's mind power is far stronger than his, and it is even more difficult!

"Wan Jun, how much stronger is the mind power of the Beast Emperor than you?" At this time, the second seat of the island country asked again, and he didn't seem to be angry at all for being used as a teaching material by Wan Li.

Wan Li glanced at him: "I don't know either, but I'll tell everyone later."

The island nation's second seat was startled: "Wan Jun is righteous."

The others were stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Wan Li said that he would tell them later, didn't that mean he had to go find out in person?
Hei Danyan tugged on his sleeve again, Wan Li smiled and apologized to the foreign powerhouses, followed her and Commander-in-Chief Zhou out.

"Director Hei, Commander-in-Chief Zhou, I'm pretending to be pretty good. Look at them, I'm already the leader." Wan Li said in a low voice.

Hei Danyan shook his head helplessly: "You pretended well, you put us all in. Tell me, where does your power of thought come from?"

Wan Li chuckled: "I started tempering my brain as soon as I reached the peak of A-level. I explored it by myself. It is the same principle as warming and nourishing the internal organs. Now the method of tempering the brain has not been sorted out. After a while, I will put this The practice law is published."

"Find it yourself? Isn't it dangerous?"

"It's okay, it's alright, practice, you can take risks to become stronger faster." Wan Li blinked: "Up to now, I have been paralyzed more than 500 times, and epilepsy more than 700 times... It's not a big problem."

Heidanyan and Commander Zhou looked at each other without saying a word.

After a long while, Commander Zhou said: "You want to take the initiative to investigate the strength of the Beast Emperor's thoughts?"

"Well, just talking about not practicing fake moves, these strong men are half-convinced now, and they haven't finished pretending." Wan Li nodded: "Su Wujian really needs me to go to see him up close. In such a state, do you need me to play the Beast Emperor for him for a while, so that he can rest for a while.

This time, let me face the Beast Emperor first! "

Commander-in-Chief Zhou was greatly relieved: "Okay!"

After experiencing the attack on Hao Zheng's villa last time, Commander-in-Chief Zhou didn't say anything, but actually complained about Wan Li in his heart. This time, he met another Wan Liyang, a good and responsible young man!

Hei Danyan was helpless secretly, the old commander still didn't understand this little villain, the more generous he said, the more he didn't know what was going on in his heart, what evil was he holding back.

At this moment, she saw Wan Li wink at her secretly, instantly became more sure, but the corners of her mouth also curled up at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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