Restart the world

Chapter 489 The Battle That Changed the World

Chapter 489 The Battle That Changed the World

At four o'clock in the morning of the next day, the sun had just arched a small arc from the end of the sea level. 27 of the world's top powerhouses from 95 countries all rose from the ship and rushed to the battlefield.

In the air, they automatically dispersed into eight teams and flew in different directions. Some went straight to the battlefield, while others made a detour, blocking all eight directions around the Beast Emperor.

Among them, Wanli and Arlo, the leader of Deutschland, formed a separate team, flying faster than the main team, and they will participate in the battle head-on.

As for the leader of the Netherlands, Fan, when he made the tactical plan last night, he took the initiative to disclose his superpower, which is indeed an ion beam, and the strength of the attack will be doubled.

More importantly, this kind of super power has the nature of being indestructible except for the aura of body protection and angel wings.That is to say, as long as the aura of the beast emperor's body protection is broken, the ion beam can easily penetrate the sturdy body of the beast emperor, and even shoot it in half, causing fatal damage!
But apart from the ion beam, Fan is just an ordinary 80% powerhouse in the fourth realm. If he participates in the frontal battlefield, he will be easily taken care of by the Beast Emperor, and he will be taken care of by the Beast Emperor, so in the end he will be mixed in with the main force, waiting for others to create opportunities.

Faintly behind Arlo, Wan Li chose to follow in order to prevent the flight from flying off.

Yesterday evening, Wanli was full of confidence, thinking that this battle would surely be won, but now he was rushing to the battlefield, he became worried... A bad premonition filled his heart, faintly, he felt that there seemed to be something missing in this battle It's well thought out, but it's just a feeling that comes from nowhere, can't be explained, can't be identified.

Could it be the sixth sense of the strong?
"There shouldn't be any problem. Even if the Beast King releases the Beast King in his body among the 95 top powerhouses, this battle can be fought with defenses. What's more, now..." Wan Li secretly said in his heart, "Oh, I am Isn't it blurry?"

He looked up at the sky, above the blue sky, there were satellites from many countries closely watching this place and the battlefield.

"This battle will be won!"


At the same time, Bencheng seaside.

Liu Runquan, with an unhealthy and pale complexion, stood here, watching the scenery of the rising sun.

With the Xiaoxiao sea breeze blowing, he took a deep breath of air: "It's a bit cold in Bincheng in November."

"Yes, my lord the first envoy." Beside him, the second envoy shrouded in spiritual energy replied.

"I really didn't expect you to be able to rescue me. In front of me, you don't need to hide your body."

The second envoy shook his head: "No, you are a wanted criminal. If you are photographed by something, you will be seen by others, which is very troublesome."

"It's up to you." Liu Runquan twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at the sea and said, "You don't need to call me 'you' or 'you' anymore. In the era of practice where the strong are respected, I who haven't practiced for eight or nine months have already been far away from you." The distance has been widened. I am afraid that you can win with one hand, right?"

"Just one finger, hee hee."

"..." Liu Runquan couldn't help laughing: "One finger, amazing, amazing. Hehe, how many people are there in the Red Organization now?"

"I'm not very clear. I haven't contacted them for several months. Maybe they were all arrested or left the organization." The second envoy replied softly: "My lord, the first envoy, the heavy burden of rebuilding the red organization, You still have to take it over."

"Hehe." Liu Runquan smiled: "Let's talk about that kind of thing. The world has changed too much, and I am already out of date. Jin'er was kidnapped by Lin Yuling, right? Lin Yuling... is now in Wusi? And Wan Liyang, Is he the director of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau now?"

"That's right. Senior Lin Yuling is married to Wang Bo, and they are both working in Wusi to help Wanli."

"I really married myself out." Liu Runquan shook his head: "Thank you for saving me, let's... contact less for the time being. I will go to Wusi to see and practice. S-level fourth realm Even the SS-level Beastmaster has appeared, and I, the peak of the second level, can't do anything.

Also, let you pay attention to Fang Lu's news, have you gained anything? "

"Yes, I've seen him twice."

"Meet it twice?" Liu Runquan was surprised: "When and where? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Hee hee, the first time was at senior Lin Yuling's wedding, and the second time... is now, he is right behind us." The second envoy replied.

Liu Runquan was startled, then turned his head suddenly, and a figure in a robe was standing behind him.

The man was tall and straight, his face was covered by a hood, he was clearly standing in front of him, but he had no breath at all, even if he was seen with his eyes, it was easy to ignore him.

"Brother, long time no see."

Liu Runquan's expression changed several times: "You..."

"Shh... don't ask me where I come from, and don't ask me what I have experienced these years. The pattern of the world is about to change because of this war at sea. Brother, I need you to help me."

"...It's really you?! Fang Lu, your secondary illness is more serious than before. Where have you been all these years? Who restricted your freedom?"

"Nobody can stop me."

"Then why did you..."

"The road I walk is lonely and incomprehensible. Brother, I hope you can understand me."

"... I have never been able to understand your thoughts since I was a child, and it seems that I can't understand it now." Liu Runquan sighed: "Panzi, can you understand?"

"I can. Master Fang Lu, like the teacher, is a human pioneer who is silently giving and changing the world." The second envoy said softly.

"Your teacher is good, very courageous." Fang Lu praised: "It's a pity that the level of mentoring apprentices is not good. Both you and your senior brother have grown up sideways, which made him need to do everything by himself."

"Oh, it seems so." The second envoy replied slightly aggrieved.

Liu Runquan felt a headache. The younger brother he had been looking for for a long time appeared in front of him, but he got along strangely with the second envoy he had appointed. They chatted harmoniously, but he couldn't understand a word.

Am I imprisoned for half a year or half a century?

"Fang Lu, you..."

"Hush!" Fang Lu raised his hand suddenly, put his index finger to his mouth and said, "Listen, the sound of the waves. How wonderful, the battle to change the world has begun!"

"..." Liu Runquan was deeply silent.


At sea, the prelude and end of the war with the Beast Emperor officially began.At this time, Arlo was attacking the Beast Emperor head-on, replaced Su Wujian, and asked Wan Li to treat Su Wujian's injuries.

"Little guy, you are finally here. If you wait for a long time, you will have to collect the body." Superintendent Su Wu said with a sigh of relief: "How many people have come? This guy is not weak, he seems to be... a German?"

"Well, Arlo, the leader of the German team. There are 95 people in total." Wan Li said while healing: "The encirclement will be formed soon. These are the ten drops of psychic liquid provided by the Martial Arts Administration. You should hurry up and recover your strength. Arlo will wither in just half a minute... I got it!"

(End of this chapter)

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