Restart the world

Chapter 491 The Desperate Beast Emperor

Chapter 491 The Desperate Beast Emperor

The waters of the Western Pacific Ocean have been completely plunged into chaos. There are endless roars, waves, roars, and screams.

The beast king's huge body of more than 0.8 square kilometers contained nearly two hundred beast kings.

Under its suicide release, almost all of these beast kings were able to see the light of day again. Fifty or sixty of them were set on fire by strong human beings, fifty or sixty were severely injured, fifty or sixty were slightly injured, and only a few were left intact. to a fifth.

At this time, these remaining beast kings all slaughtered the strong human beings.

For a strong person in the fourth realm, the aftermath of an attack can easily travel three to four kilometers. In this narrow range, it is full of various attacks for a while.The strong human beings must not only guard against sea beasts, but also guard against trick attacks from their own people.

Coupled with the wave after wave of tsunamis brought about by the constantly thumping beast emperor in the sea, the cooperation between the strong human beings has gradually been neglected, and it may be a matter of time before the wounded and sacrifices occur.

This is nothing, the battle with the sea beast, even if it is estimated ideally, humans will not win without injury, the dead are certain, but this situation is too embarrassing at this time.

Wan Li held back his doubts, full of incomprehension, and could only vent it on the beast kings who came to him.He, Su Wujian, and Arlo seemed to be under the special care of the beast king because of their strength, and everyone was besieged by three or four beast kings.

There are four beast kings besieging Wanli, a huge lobster that is about 70% of the fourth level, two big fish that are more than 50% of the fourth level, and one of the strongest sea snakes that is more than 80% of the fourth level.

With only [-]% of his aura left, Wanli needs to use his aura sparingly, and he also needs to be careful of the beast emperor thumping in the sea—although he has been fatally injured, with his strength, if he escapes successfully, he still has a chance of surviving.

Various reasons were intertwined, and Wan Li was dragged into the quagmire of a protracted war for a while.


At the same time, the high-level leaders of various countries who watched here with satellites changed their expressions. In the tactical room of the Martial Arts Bureau, Guo Zhan had already scratched ten deep fingerprints on the table in front of him.

"How could this be?"

In this battle, Huaxia sent the most people, and 95 of the 11 people were Chinese powerhouses.On the one hand, it was because of the short distance, and on the other hand, even if there were victims in this battle, with Wan Li and Su Wujian taking care of them, and the space movement of Hei Danyan, the possibility of the strong Chinese being sacrificed was the least.

But now... Commander-in-Chief Zhou, Qin Wujian, Hao Wujian, Wang Yuxin, etc., no matter who has an accident, it will be an extremely heavy loss for Huaxia-the battle is out of control!
More importantly, judging from the situation at this time, humans are indeed in an advantage, but Guo Zhan has a terrible guess about the beast emperor's desperate move, which makes him feel horrified!
The satellite image was completely obscured by the water curtain and colorful spiritual energy. Guo Zhan stared at the image for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth suddenly.

"Wei Ming! Contact Martial Supervisor Bai Lu and ask her to return to the Martial Arts Bureau as quickly as possible. If...if I fail to come back, she is the first candidate for the Martial Arts Bureau chief!"

"Director General, you..."

"I'm going to the battlefield!"


But at this time in the sea area, the battle situation suddenly had a small turning point, a turning point that most people could not have expected.

There isn't enough aura in the air!
The fourth-level powerhouses can use the aura in the air around them to fight, and more than 2 fourth-level desperate battles within a ten-kilometer radius consume most of the aura in this sea area in just three to two minutes. , the attack strength of all people and beasts dropped sharply!
However, there is a freak on the battlefield.Wanli only has A-level peaks, and there is a lot less aura around him, which has no effect on him, but only slightly slows down the recovery speed of his aura.

The Beastmasters became weaker and weaker, but because Wan Li didn't need to be prepared for the aftermath of other battles, he fought more and more bravely. After tearing off one of the lobster's claws, the Beastmasters who besieged him became five.

Gradually, six heads, seven heads, eight heads... ten heads, Wanli is hilarious.The pressure on the strong human beings dropped sharply, and those who were liberated from the original battle wanted to help Wanli, but he rejected them one by one.

"Go help others, I can hit a hundred!"

The balance of victory and defeat tilted sharply, and one beast king after another died under the siege of the strong human beings.In the first 3 minutes of melee, seven or eight strong human beings were sacrificed, and only a dozen beast kings were killed.In the second 3 minutes, only two strong humans sacrificed, killing the Beastmaster nearly thirty!

The situation is very good, the number of strong human beings has basically equaled that of the Beastmaster, but their respective states and average strength are much stronger than the Beastmaster.

The Beast King releases the Beast King, and the plot against besieging and killing humans basically goes bankrupt, but no one dares to let go of their vigilance at this moment, and they are even more nervous.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon, and it is the same in any country.The Beast King tried his best to release these Beast Kings after being severely injured, it was impossible to just end like this hastily.

Moreover, the strongest on the sea beast side at this time is only more than 80% of the beast kings.Beastmasters have appeared in the huge ocean, so how can there be no super beastmasters with more than 90% of the fourth realm?
Woo~! !
Just as the beast kings were retreating steadily, with more and more casualties and faster speed, the beast king in the sea suddenly let out an extremely loud cry.

It jumped out of the sea, regardless of whether it was an enemy or an enemy, and slammed into everyone and beasts nearby!

No one wants to feel the impact of ten thousand tons. Many Europeans and Americans shouted 'Oh Mai Ga' or 'Oh Shet', dodging as far as they could, and at the same time waved their hands and launched a series of attacks, blasting towards the wound of the Beast Emperor!
But the Beast Emperor had no intention of dodging. He allowed the wound to expand further, and didn't even care about the aura rushing into it and exploding it. increase.

"Masters, disperse and dodge! Don't let this big guy get behind you." The island nation's second chief shouted.

"Don't disperse, advance and retreat with the team as a unit!" Su Wujian yelled in opposition: "Gather together and let them disperse their thoughts!"

However, those who listened to Su Wujian's words were taken care of by the Beast Emperor. After several people were knocked to pieces, many people still left the temporary team in a hurry.Everyone could feel that although the Beast Emperor hit fiercely, the vitality on his body was also weakening little by little, and he was dying.It is too unfair to be dragged by it to the underworld.

"Little guy!" Su Wujian shouted helplessly.

"I know!" Wan Li responded, and had to consume a lot of spiritual energy, and had another small explosion, using five times the gravity to kill the two beast kings who were besieging him, broke out, followed the beast king, and fought for the strong human beings. Defense against its will power.


The Beast Emperor uttered three desperate wailings one after another, turned around and slammed into Wanli.And the remaining beast masters also seemed to have received the signal, their morale rose sharply, and a more desperate battle began!
 The pen is not strong enough to write such a big scene. After writing for more than four hours, it is still very sloppy. Everyone can make do with it.

(End of this chapter)

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