Chapter 61
Wang Bo walked steadily, went straight to the middle slide, and stood still in the footprints.

Yu Qianqian said: "Vice-principal Liu, the hollow aluminum ball 50-speed test!"

In the next instant, a small silver ball hit Wang Bo's back.Wang Bo, however, had a calm demeanor, as if he didn't feel anything.

Wan Li silently turned on the mineral water and took a sip to suppress his shock. The other students did the same.A few people forgot the mineral water in their hands, and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva dryly to suppress the panic...

"3, 30-speed hollow iron ball, try it."

Wan Li's eyelids twitched, watching Wang Bo walk to the second slide from the left and stand still.It was agreed that in the past, 25-speed tennis players would suffer minor injuries?Did you mean two years ago? !
"Is hard qigong so good after three years of training in the army? No, it shouldn't be..." Wan Li was thoughtful, and his heart was predicting.

"Wang Bo, take off your shirt, there is some rust on the hollow iron ball," Liu Miao said.

Wang Bo was taken aback, then took off his shirt and handed it to Yu Qianqian, revealing his sharp pectoral muscles and eight-pack abs. Wang Li from the girl's side uttered 'tsk tsk' twice, but the boys didn't care much.

These days, who doesn't have eight-pack abs?

Wan Li rubbed Jianchao's stomach.

Boom! DUANG!

Amidst the dull sound, the hollow iron ball hit Wang Bo's back and fell to the ground.It can be heard from the sound of defecation and defecation that this is not the kind of iron ball with only one layer of iron skin, it weighs at least two catties!
A two-pound iron ball hits the human body at a speed of 30m/s. Ordinary E-class will definitely break bones and tendons, and Wanli may not be able to try it.Wang Bo just shook it a bit, as if he felt some pain, he hesitated for two seconds: "The hollow iron ball is 50 speeds and 1 consecutive."

"...Is this a superpower?"


"Physically, hardened skin?"

"Skin hardening seems to be D-rank..."

"Is that bone strengthening?"

The stunned students gradually regained their senses and started discussing.But what they know is the superpower awakened on a large scale, but Wang Bo is not.

"King Kong is not bad, it seems to be the 24th."

However, Wang Bo's current level is much lower than that of the ability users in his comics. It is probably only a small change in the body at the moment of awakening, and there should be further improvement after receiving spiritual power into the body.After testing the hollow iron ball at 50 speeds and ten times, he put on his clothes and walked back to Wan Li with his brows furrowed. It hurts!
Yu Qianqian said: "Another classmate has completed his self-introduction. Wang Bo, 22 years old, grade E, superpower is King Kong not bad..."

+1 for the confidentiality agreement.

"Okay, the boy's tolerance test is over, let's change to a girl. The first one, Yin Xiaonan!"


Girls have an overall advantage in the flexibility test, but they are several grades behind the boys in the endurance test. All kinds of screams tortured Wan Li's ears.

Liu Yunfeng hugged her hair and closed her eyes to endure the plastic ball's 50-speed ten bursts, then walked back slowly, not at all in the mood to continue the challenge.

Yu Qianqian was very helpless, feeling that the practice class she was going to take next would not be easy.

"Next, Ni Qinyu."

"Come on, Nier!" Jian Chao shouted immediately.

Wan Li just opened his mouth and closed it again at the sound, this fat man, steal my lines!
"Come on!" *N
Ni Qinyu's small face was tense, and she glanced at Wen Jing, but the next Wen Jing who was going to play was even more nervous than her... She looked at Wan Li and Tian Binglun again, and Tian Binglun immediately raised his hands and stood up for her. Two thumbs up.Wan Li was taken aback, and stood up together!

"Let me try tennis 10 speed." Ni Qinyu was encouraged and said softly.

Yu Qianqian showed a little satisfaction. The 10-speed tennis ball is actually not much heavier than the 50-speed plastic ball. The only difference is courage.

Tennis balls were shot from the serving machine one by one. Ni Qinyu closed her eyes tightly and wrinkled her pretty face. She took ten hits silently, then opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good job, Nier!" Wan Li elbowed Jianchao away, and snatched him? !

"Great!" Tian Binglun + all the girls.

"Next, Wen Jing!"

Wen Jing shrank her neck and walked over like a execution ground with a bitter face.

She is the girl with the best family background, and the boy is the fat man next to Wanli.The fat man is thick and bold, but Wen Jing can be regarded as a spoiled little princess who is afraid of pain.

"Take it easy, don't be too tight, and use your back muscles," Yu Qianqian instructed.

"... Oh." There were five turns in one word.

"Don't be nervous!" Liu Miao also said.

Wen Jing trembled in fright and became even more nervous.

Wan Li smiled and said, "Wen Jing, you can catch the ball head-on, it's the same for you anyway!"

Pros and cons are the same, both are the same, the same...

Wen Jing froze for a moment, her face flushed red: "Wan Liyang! You hate me so much!"

Seeing her classmates all staring at her strangely, she immediately raised her head and puffed up her chest, and then gave up a little helplessly, her tension eased a lot.

"Stand up straight and don't move!"

Wen Jing was shocked by the beating, she stared at Wanli again, gritted her teeth and said, "Try 20 speeds!"

Wan Li raised his eyebrows: "Don't force yourself, no matter how hard you hit your back, the front will also..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yu Qianqian interrupted.

"Oh." Wanli shut up.

Wen Jing was almost fuming, and her anger gave her strength. She raised the girl's record to 25 speeds and ten hits in tennis. Although she screamed in pain, she also won applause.

She gave Wan Li a demonstrative look, but Wan Li smiled and looked at the last person - Lin Xiaoqi.

Lin Xiaoqi was startled, routine!The speed of the ball has been increasing, how could she have the nerve to lower it?
Wen Jing is a pig teammate!
In the end, she could only meet the 25-speed ten-company, grinning her teeth in pain, and she had no goddess look at all.

After the endurance test, a group of 23 people went to the third floor and conducted two tests.

The 20-meter back-and-forth running field was once again used as a standing long jump test. Shao Mingjun won the championship with 6.78 meters-he is an awakener of extraordinary leaps.Wang Bo is second and Wanli is third with 5.1 meters.

The last Jianchao brushed his presence, 1.8 meters.

The other is a balance test.After doing n times of squats according to the martial arts level, do the golden rooster independent posture, and compare the maintenance time.Wan Li was still doing squats until everyone finished the test...

The No.1 Han Yiqi in this test, she is an awakened person who controls the center of gravity, and she is expected to practice Lingboweibu in the future...

The recommendation of the last one brushed the sense of presence.

After the test on the third floor, go to the fourth floor, and conduct a conventional project explosive test.

The two class guides have a rough idea of ​​their strength. From the beginning, Li Meng is 140kg, Yin Xiaonan is 142kg... Ni Qinyu is 307kg, Wen Jing is 342kg, Yang Chaofeng is 340kg...

Yu Qianqian was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Wen Jing, you have achieved good results in your practice during this holiday. You have surpassed Yang Chaofeng, who was originally more explosive than you, and you are only 8kg short of reaching the E level. Keep up the good work!"

"Hmm!" Wen Jing was happy.

"Shao Mingjun."'374kg, F'

"Super recommended."'396kg, F+'

"Wan Liyang."

Wan Li was startled, and glanced at Lin Xiaoqi, she hadn't tested yet, could it be that she was really...

Wanli stepped forward to punch: '409kg, E-'

Wen Jing curled her lips and whispered, "Sister Xiaoqi, kill the ghosts and sheep!"

"Wang Bo." '476kg, E+'

"The data hasn't changed, is the body's limit?"


"Strive to break through D-level as soon as possible. Lin Xiaoqi!"

Lin Xiaoqi walked out step by step, moving her wrists gently, gracefully, returning to the goddess style.

Wan Li shook his head speechlessly: "Still pretending, awakening supernatural power, the essence of a woman has been exposed, but I really didn't expect..."

He took a sip of mineral water, suppressing his shock.


puff! ! !
'913kg, C'

Wan Li wiped his mouth in a daze, the shock couldn't be overwhelmed!
(End of this chapter)

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