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Chapter 7 The Outline of Burning

Chapter 7 The Outline of Burning

"The name of the manga is Superpower Academy? Your name is Wanli Yang? A rare double surname. Yo! There is also a painted title page. It has been a long time since I have seen such a work with so much care."


"Is the little girl on the title page the heroine? The little girl with green hair and silver eyes, the work reflects the author's heart. I really can't see that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, like this."


"Admit it? Hee hee, is this afro the male protagonist? He doesn't look like you."


"Ah, the little loli fell from the sky and hung on the balcony of his house? Baozi face, so cute!"


The girl glanced dissatisfiedly at the absent-minded Wanli, then lowered her head to read the manga seriously.One chapter can be read in 10 minutes, and she is still a little bit unsatisfied: "A rare high-quality comic book, the setting is very novel and interesting. Is it only this chapter? The others are not included or not drawn? How many chapters in total? "

"My fiery heart?"


"A body that never tires?"

"What's the mess? That's the outline in your bag? Show me!"

"This hot heart of mine, Li Luote, the body that never gets tired...the red light really exists!" Wan Li was sure that he didn't have such a catchphrase like "this hot heart of me" in his comics before. The main supporting role is Lee Rotter's!
Seeing that the girl took out the manga outline from his backpack very consciously, Wan Li quickly raised his hand to stop him: "Wait, I won't sell the manga anymore!"

"Not for sale?! Why?"

"...It's just not for sale temporarily, some settings need to be changed."

"Then we can sign a contract first. The price of comics of this quality is easy to negotiate. If it is a novel with more than 5.00 chapters, I can also give you [-]% copyright share. Is it sincere enough?" The girl laughed.

If it weren't for this world, the 5.00% copyright share would be an insult, but now it is really a temptation, after all, Wan Li is very confident in his works.If there was no such thing as the red light, he would definitely agree.

"Wait until I finish the revisions before signing. I'm obsessive-compulsive, and I don't allow my comic works to go against my burning heart..."

"Coincidentally, I'm also obsessive-compulsive, and I don't allow myself to let go of a good work. Although I don't know why, my instinct tells me that you don't want to sign the contract. Is this your own work? Why do you let your hard work go to waste?"

"Because my fiery heart is... ah bah! Let go of my outline first."

"Let me read it first."

Wan Li felt a little helpless, never hated his low martial arts strength so much for a moment.The outline has more than 50 thick pages, which are not afraid of being broken when stacked together, but he can't pull the girl in front of him at all, and there is a gap in strength.

This is hard.


"Look at it again and again, and there's a lot to say." The girl shook her head and blinked her big eyes, but she didn't let go. She was very cute and touching, but Wan Li was very sad.

It's a lot of things, but Lee Roth's setting...

Just as Wan Li was silently thinking about how to temporarily persuade the girl, he suddenly felt a burning sensation coming from the outline he was pulling with both hands.

What's the matter, is friction generating heat?

The burning sensation became more and more intense, Wanli blinked: "You... don't you feel that my outline is a little hot?"

"Hot?" The girl tilted her head in doubt, looking even more cute.

Wan Li couldn't care less about admiring it, because the outline was getting hotter and hotter, hotter, hotter, hotter! ! !

The girl was taken a few steps back by Wan Li who suddenly let go of her hand, almost fell down, but she smiled and said: "That's right, what's the matter after reading it again... huh?!"

Following the girl's exclamation, Outline was also thrown out by her.White papers were falling all over the sky, and every piece of white paper was mixed with blazing flames!
Wan Li was stunned for a moment, not bothering to wonder where the flames came from, and acted decisively, tearing off the short-sleeved shirt on his body, and fighting the fire nearby, saving every one he could!
"Hey, why is there a fire?" the girl murmured.

"God knows, put out the fire!"

"oh oh!"

10 minute later.

Wan Li was naked to the waist, with a rag hanging over his shoulder, squatting speechlessly on the ground to piece together a few scraps of paper.

"Is there no copy of your outline?"

"You guessed it right."

"There is no file in the computer?!"

"I didn't buy a computer when I was doing the outline, but later I had a computer and didn't bother to enter it."

"It's lazy."

"I'm so sorry for being so lazy." Wan Li waved his hand and scattered the pieces of paper that he just put together again, "It's useless. Now that the outline is gone, do you still want to read it? Shall I recite it for you?"

The girl blushed slightly, and said: "Although I don't know the cause of the fire, your outline was burned in my hands after all, and this 2000 yuan is for you. Also, you can come to me to submit again after you redo the outline. I will submit it in September I need to go to school. If the manga club can’t recruit people, it will temporarily close. You can go to Bincheng Martial Arts University to find me. My phone number is xxx..."

Facing the 20 red tickets handed over by the girl, Wan Li accepted them without hesitation.Today not only the outline was burned, but also a shirt.Such a big loss, it would be a fool not to save face.

"Bancheng Martial Arts University, true master student. Is it convenient to know your martial arts level?"

"Class F."

"Amazing, a genius in martial arts. No wonder you dare to casually slap a stack of red tickets in front of strangers. With such strength, what use do you need that alarm bell for?"

As soon as the words fell, Wanli heard the sound of a police siren not far away.

"Don't you use the alarm bell today?" The girl smiled.

Wan Li was stunned: "If there is a fire, you should call 119. What are you asking the policeman to do?"

"But isn't it strange that it suddenly caught fire? Aren't you curious about the cause of the fire?"

"That's right, I have to understand my outline..."


Half an hour later, Xiangyang Street Police Station.

"We are all aware of the situation, and we will conduct a detailed investigation into the cause of the fire. If there is any progress, we will notify you two...Are you sure you have nothing to add?"

Wan Li shook his head: "This fiery heart of mine does not allow deception... Sigh!"

Slightly twitching his mouth, Wanli stopped talking.

The girl laughed so that her shoulders twitched: "Why do you despise yourself so much?"

"...Because this mantra is super stupid!"

He frantically complained in his heart why he made such a setting in the comics.It doesn't feel like it in the comics, but in reality...

The policeman in front of the two looked at Wanli as if he was looking at a fool. How could there be someone who disliked his catchphrase? "Okay, the transcript is finished, go back and wait for the news!"

(End of this chapter)

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