Chapter 151 Poisoning (2) (National Day Reward Plus [-])
The human beings who were caught off guard suffered heavy casualties, while the zombies nourished by flesh and blood quickly became stronger.

Use human flesh and blood in a small base to become stronger, then go to a medium-sized base, eat human flesh to become stronger, and finally go to a large base... This is a vicious circle.

It also paved the way for the zombies to always subtly suppress humans later.

Humans become stronger faster than zombies, but the strong are weaker than zombies... If it weren't for the fact that the zombies are of distinct levels and the strong ones are so strong that basically one zombie eats half of the base's flesh and blood, the number of strong people may be much greater than that of humans.

But there is another situation.

After the seventh level, zombies have a chance to have an ability.

That's the zombie infection.

Zombies before the seventh level do not have the ability to "assimilate" the dead into zombies in the novel, but after the seventh level, there are less than one-tenth of the zombies from the seventh to the ninth level that have this ability.

This ability can turn a corpse into a zombie, and the most terrifying thing is that no matter how strong the transformed zombie is, it will completely obey the zombie who infected it, and there will be no "dispute" that would normally occur. Make it possible for humans to sow discord.

A zombie with this ability is equivalent to having a powerful army, and it also makes the number of zombies grow rapidly.

Like other zombie armies, the number is terrifying, the difference is that the strength is also terrible, and there will be a gathering of strong people that other zombie armies do not have.

But this ability has one of the biggest weaknesses - when the zombie king dies, the zombies infected by it will die too.

As long as one zombie falls, the army is almost wiped out.

The small base that Lin Ling went to before her death in her previous life was worth sending several powerful people to the capital base because of the research and development of the antidote for the infected and the "secret" about the zombie virus. Unfortunately, Lin Ling did not Knowing whether the antidote is true or not is dead.

Lin Ling thought, the only solution now is to suppress the level of zombies.

In addition, there is another reason for the increase in the number of zombies.

Sixth-order female zombies can conceive, and there are more than four in one litter, and the time from conception to birth will not exceed five months, which is much faster than human females.

Generally, small zombies are above the third level when they are born, and their growth rate is also very fast.

When this thing was discovered, all human beings were shocked and desperate, and some people couldn't believe it, thinking it was a joke, but someone woke them up soon:
"Why can humans breed the next generation, but zombies can't?"

It should be fortunate that at least the zombies of the first to fifth ranks do not have such terrifying abilities.

There are not many female zombies above the sixth level, and with the deliberate hunting and killing of humans, the number once dropped to the hundreds, otherwise the number of zombies would probably never decrease.

Lin Ling sighed.

With so many natural disasters and man-made disasters, it is quite strange that human beings can survive to the tenth year in the previous life and still have internal conflicts.

While Lin Lingdong was thinking about it, the duel between Qiu Chengying and Huang Xueyue had also stopped.

It's a tie.

Lin Ling was not surprised by this result.Qiu Chengying is a principled person. Assuming that her opponent has just fought a game before and her physical strength and strength have not yet recovered, it is impossible for her to use her full strength.

After all, this is just a small match, and the opponent is still her friend.

She would not be so principled on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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