Chapter 156 Mu Yang? (2)

The four made a plan and acted immediately.

For those whose minimum strength is above the fifth level, before the end of the world, it would take two or three hours to travel by car, but now it only takes less than half an hour to run.

However, before arriving at the destination, the four of them took out a small truck and pretended to be a team of supernatural beings who came to collect supplies.

The four of them carefully walked to the nearest store while cleaning up the zombies around them.

The current four people are a team with an average strength of the fourth-order high-grade, and the strongest is a fifth-order middle-grade.

This strength is not bad for Ling Yu, but because of the small number of people, it is still a little bit worse.

The "weakest" "fourth-order low-grade wood-type superhuman" Lin Ling seemed to be protected by three people behind him, spreading out vines to help the three people in front of him control the zombies, but in fact he was slowly releasing his mental power carefully. Explore the city center.

Even the vines were placed by Xiaojing for her.

Since fighting the zombie king last time, Lin Ling has restrained herself and started to act cautiously.

After all, it is an unknown enemy, and all preparations must be made before the investigation is clear.

What's more, she is no longer alone here.

Once they find out that something is wrong, they leave immediately.

Although I heard that the cold poison incident was resolved quickly in my previous life, who knows if that zombie was also hit by a meteorite in this life, and then its strength increased rapidly?
"Lin, how is it?" Qiu Chengying asked quietly.They have been wandering in this area for two hours, and they have already searched for what should be searched, and it is time to go.

"No." Lin Ling shook his head, "There is a mental barrier built by several spiritual zombies. I tried several times, but I couldn't penetrate it without disturbing them. However, it is not without gains. There are three or six zombies in total. High-level zombies, one of the sixth-level high-grade ice-type zombies is basically determined to be the poisoned zombie, and its energy is unstable, which seems to be a sign of advanced. There is also a spiritual zombie, and the other is a wood-type zombie that has just advanced , In addition, it seems that there are four or five fifth-level zombies who are about to advance."

"I'm afraid they used cold poison this time to capture our base and use it to advance that ice-type zombie and a few peak-five zombies?" Huang Xueyue frowned. With a base of [-] people, our Lingyu can only be regarded as a small base, but we shouldn’t underestimate it like this, right?”

Huang Xueyue was very dissatisfied.

Originally, from what Lin Ling said, she thought that there would be many sixth-level or even seventh-level zombies when the zombies attacked the city.

Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying looked at each other, and they both saw the wry smile in each other's eyes.

In the previous life, when the zombies attacked the city, they had already arrived at the capital base.

As the first base in the future, the Capital Base naturally had strength. When the zombie army came to attack the city, there were two mid-level seventh-tier bases, and countless sixth-tier bases.

Compared with the "grand occasion" at that time, these three sixth-level zombies are really shabby now.

"That's no way." Qiu Chengying sighed, "The sixth-order zombies are very shrewd. For them, a small base of only a few hundred thousand people is not enough to fill their teeth."

So even if it is very easy for Lingyu's actual combat power to deal with them, the zombies "look at the face" - look at the number of people.

Not many people?hehe.

"...It seems that we have made a big fuss?" Lin Ling was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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