Chapter 173 Qianyue and her
There was something like a wall in front of him, and Lin Ling was shocked by the murals painted on it.

A girl in a rich dress stands before a throne that is very large for her.

And under the high throne, a group of people fell to their knees.

What shocked Lin Ling was the girl—even though she was much younger, she still recognized that girl as Qianyue.

Xiao Qianyue had long blond hair loose, and on her delicate face was a mocking and disdainful smile that was invisible to the worshipers.It seems that to her, these kneeling people are just a group of ants.

There is a supercilious arrogance in the red and purple pupils.

The picture changes suddenly.

This time the protagonist is still Qianyue, but this time Qianyue seems to have grown up a bit.

In the previous picture, he was only five or six years old, but this time he was almost ten years old.

The scene changed again.

Lin Ling's pupils shrank.

A sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Standing on top of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, Qianyue raised her sword to kill the last enemy.

The long golden hair has long been stained red by blood, but it still becomes the brightest color on this battlefield.

There was still that mocking smile on the corner of her mouth.

There is no young child's fear of blood and killing at all, and his indifferent appearance makes others even more terrified.

The mural has changed several times, depicting the growth of Qianyue.

The background of many murals is a battlefield.

Qianyue stood at the front and killed monsters emitting black energy. Behind her was a group of screaming beasts.

Lin Ling could even hear the fanatical roars of the beasts:


The murals changed faster and faster, and the last painting disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.

But Lin Ling still saw clearly.

The fear that shouldn't appear on Qianyue's beautiful face, which has grown into a mature woman, appeared on her face, and tears fell from her eyes.

The mournful and sharp voice spanned time and resounded in this space——


Qianyue stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to grab something.

However, the mural stopped here - because of the voice just now, Lin Ling's dream began to collapse,

Lin Ling chose to leave without hesitation.

What else does she not understand at this time?The owner of those books is obviously Qian Yue!

And Qianyue would save her, probably because of those books that appeared inexplicably.

However, why did the memory of Qianyue appear in her dream?

What is the relationship between her and Qianyue?
These questions lingered in Lin Ling's mind, but he also knew that he was doomed to not get answers now.

Since you can't get the answer, there's no need to think about it.Anyway, she and Qianyue will meet again in the future, so there is no rush.

Lin Zheng and Qiu Chengying fell into a bitter battle for a while.

Even at the same level, zombies are generally stronger than humans.

And both of them advanced to the seventh level, drawing a perfect end to this battle.

After all, not every zombie at the peak of the sixth level can only advance to the seventh level before death like the one Lin Ling encountered.

At the same time, Huang Xueyue, who also lost a lot of mental power, and Yan Ying, who advanced to the seventh level, also advanced to the seventh level.

Lin Ling is finally not the only seventh rank of Ling Yu.After waking up, Lin Ling said with emotion after knowing the result of the battle.

With five seventh ranks and nearly a hundred sixth ranks, Ling Yu finally has the confidence to challenge the top base.

And because of the appearance of the seventh level, this war between humans and zombies ended soon.

 Hmm... In fact, the relationship between Lin Ling and Qianyue is already obvious. I don't know if anyone has guessed it?

(End of this chapter)

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