Chapter 178 Leave

Lin Ling didn't know how to explain this feeling, she could only reply ambiguously: "Probably because...only by living can we see hope."

Lin Xiao lowered his head when he heard the words and did not move.

Before Lin Ling thought he was asleep, Lin Xiao said sullenly again: "Is that why you chose to leave..."

Lin Ling shook her hand holding the wine glass, and a few drops of the wine spilled out and fell on the shiny floor.

She sighed, and after entrusting Yanying to send the sleeping Lin Xiao back to the room, she also left.

Lin Ling did intend to leave.

In her plan, after the Lingyu base was once beaten by the zombie army and stabilized, it was time for her to leave.

As long as the first zombie siege is successfully survived, there will be no major problems in Lingyu Base in the future.

She worked hard to clean up the threat from Lingyu base, tried to reduce her sense of presence in the base, and tried to make the "leader" transparent, all in order to plan for this day.

But now, Ling Yu's foundation has been solidified, and Lin Ling has no reason to stay.

Because she needs a lot of high-order crystal nuclei.

She has never forgotten her partners who are still sleeping in her own space, and the crystal nucleus can speed up their recovery.

Lin Ling couldn't count on the spirit-gathering array. That kind of thing was only useful to people of the fifth and sixth ranks now, and it didn't have much effect on her.

When that spiritual vein grows a bit longer, it will have no effect on her seventh level.

And by then, Lin Ling might already be at the eighth level.

Lin Ling couldn't afford to wait.She needs to go out and hunt high-level zombies.

She had already made plans before the end of the world.

But this careful thought did not hide from Qiu Chengying who knew her very well—on the last Ching Ming Festival before the end of the world, Qiu Chengying's ambiguous words were to remind her: I know you want to leave.

Just like Qiu Chengying knew Lin Ling very well, Lin Ling also knew Qiu Chengying very well.

——"As I said, as long as you live, I will always be your deputy team. I never break my promise." So you don't want to leave me behind.

Therefore, when Lin Ling saw Qiu Chengying following her, she was not surprised.

After the banquet, she packed her bags and left the letter and ran away in the dark without telling anyone.

And Qiu Chengying, although she didn't know about Lin Ling's plan, and Lin Ling didn't even mention a single word to her, but based on her understanding of Lin Ling, she guessed when Lin Ling left—it was Lin Ling who asked her to guess on purpose. I realized that otherwise, Lin Ling would be able to successfully avoid Qiu Chengying by thinking in reverse.

When Huang Xueyue woke up from the hangover the next day, she heard her friend's roar resounding throughout the villa: "Damn! These two little bastards ran away with money and didn't take me with them!" One!" The sound of paper being torn could be heard vaguely.

...Lin Zheng, I don't seem to understand what you just said.

Lin Xiao, who also vaguely guessed Lin Ling's plan, did not stop her in the end - he knew he was not qualified.Even the elder brother can't tell Lin Ling the way to go.

It's just that Qiu Chengying also left with him surprised him a bit, and only then did he realize that Qiu Chengying had quietly handed over the work to someone else a week ago.

Lin Xiao was helpless.Qiu Chengying could follow Lin Ling without any scruples, but he couldn't.

Unable to be a big brother who shelters his sister from wind and rain, Lin Xiao thought, the only thing he can do is to take care of the Lingyu Base.

 Regarding Lin Linghui's departure from Lingyu base, the earliest foreshadowing was what Qiu Chengying said to Lin Ling on the Qingming Festival.

  There are also large and small foreshadowings buried in the back, so many that A Wan can't find it.

  Lin Ling's original goal was to find time to leave after the Lingyu Base settled down. After all, the sleeping partners who were injured by her hadn't woken up yet. Knowing that the high-level crystal nucleus can help the partners recover, Xiao Ling'er of course had to run away. Go save crystal nuclei!
(End of this chapter)

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