The Tears of Rebirth in the End Times

Chapter 186 The Loyal Dog Li Mo

Chapter 186 The Loyal Dog Li Mo
Seeing several large trucks parked at Shuguang Base from a distance, Lin Ling twitched her mouth and stopped.

From the looks of it, Lin Xiao and the others had already arrived.

Then Qiu Chengying could either leave before they came, or leave quietly after they came.

In short, they must have run according to their original route.

Neither Lin Ling nor Qiu Chengying wanted to be caught so soon.

She doesn't need to worry about the affairs of the Shuguang Base now.Lin Ling changed her route and ran towards the road she and Qiu Chengying had decided on.

After running along the road for nearly half an hour, Lin Ling took out the map to confirm several times, but she didn't even see Qiu Chengying's shadow, which made her wonder if she was thinking too much, Qiu Chengying didn't leave at all Dawn base.

After running for another 10 minutes, Lin Ling saw Qiu Chengying leaning against the car and smoking a cigarette in the distance.

Qiu Chengying also quickly spotted her and waved to her.

"I, I rely on..." Lin Ling ran out of breath for the last part of the road, and it took a while to calm down her breathing, "Why did you run so far..."

Qiu Chengying glanced at her, and snorted softly: "It's not that someone's younger sister chased me so hard that I had to take a long detour."

Lin Ling laughed awkwardly: "Sister Lin Zheng was just joking with you..."

Qiu Chengying clicked his tongue, walked around to the driver's seat, opened the car door and got in: "Get in the car, if you don't hurry, we're going to sleep in the wild today."

It's useless to reason with a sister-in-law. Lin Zheng believed that she had kidnapped Lin Ling, and Qiu Chengying had no choice but to admit it.

Lin Ling smiled and got in the car.

Sending Lin Zheng the next thing to do, Qiu Chengying in the front row seemed to remember something, and threw a photo at her: "Neng."

Lin Ling caught it.

There are only three people in the photo, two men and one woman.

One of them, Lin Ling, quickly recognized that it was Li Xi.

Then the remaining two people are also easy to guess.

Li Xi's younger sister, Li Zi'er, and that future strong man, Li Mo.

"Li Xi gave it to me." Qiu Chengying said.

In their previous lives, neither of them had the opportunity to meet this former No. [-] powerhouse who was elusive and elusive. Naturally, they will meet in this life.

Contrary to what Qiu Chengying thought, Li Mo was tall and big, but he looked like an ordinary peasant boy, which disappointed Qiu Chengying who was looking forward to a handsome guy.

Li Zi'er is a quiet and shy girl.Probably because she suffered from a serious illness when she was a child, she is not as tall and strong as the other girls in the base, but looks like sister Lin who will fall when the wind blows.

I heard from Li Xi that Li Zi'er is also very smart and learns much faster than her peers.

If there is no accident of the end of the world, the two brothers and sisters can finally find a good job after graduating from a good university as everyone expects, and then jump out of the dragon's gate and walk out of this remote mountainous area to have a bright future.

"I heard from Li Xi that Li Mo's brain is not very good," Qiu Chengying sighed, "but I listened to what Li Xi said. Probably because IQ is a bit low. When I was in school, I was always bullied by my classmates. It was Li Xi who always protected me. So this big fool only listens to Li Xi. According to the villagers of the same village of these three children, Li Mo had a big scene when Li Xi went to other places to go to high school, and wanted to go with him. In the end, Li Mo Zi'er calmed him down."

"What is there a word called... loyal dog?"

(End of this chapter)

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