Chapter 209 Join? (4)

As long as a second-order crystal nucleus is inserted, it can travel at full speed for six hours.

Crystal nuclear energy is a real non-polluting energy, and there is no need to worry about any bad effects on the world when using them.

It has to be said that although the last days almost destroyed the world, it also brought new life to the world.

But now this kind of energy vehicle is only available in Lingyu, the southern base and some small bases around it, and the eastern base has not yet developed it, so Fang Yi and others are quite curious about this kind of car with a novel appearance and no sound. of.

So Zhong Qing also asked.

"We exchanged it when we went to Leyu Base," Lin Ling explained. "It is said that it was developed by Lingyu Base, and now it is very popular in Lingyu and Nanfang." Leyu Base is a subsidiary base of Southern Base. It's not far from the eastern base, so Fang Yi and the others didn't suspect anything.

Although they are very envious of this kind of low-energy and light motorcycle, they also know that only top-level powerhouses like sixth-level superhumans dare to drive like this outside the crowds of zombies.Ordinary people would be eaten by zombies in minutes if they ventured outside like this.

The missions they chose were all in City G - a famous gourmet city, which also stocked an astonishing amount of supplies.

Fang Yi's next task was to clean up the zombies and mutated animals in several districts. It took a lot of time, so they also exchanged a lot of food and necessary items while accepting the task.

Their luck was not bad. The zombies they encountered on the first day were only at the fifth rank. Fang Tiancheng killed one of them every time a thunder fell, and other zombies with a little sense did not dare to approach them.

What surprised Lin Ling was that Fang Tianlan, a little girl, was also a second-order zombie with one knife, and she was very agile.

It looks like a mutant...

Mutants are different from supernatural beings. Mutants do not have a specific level division, nor can they use crystal nuclei to increase their level, and they do not have the ability to control elements like supernatural beings.

In the final analysis, mutants are those who break through the limits of the human body, and there are fewer people than supernatural beings.

If they want to improve their abilities, they can only rely on their own training, which is much more troublesome and laborious than supernatural beings.

Lin Ling felt that she needed to take back what she said before that Fang Tianlan was dragging down the overall level of the Fanxing team. Based on Lin Ling's experience, she was not far behind Fang Tiancheng.

It's a pity that Fang Tianlan didn't live to the end, otherwise she would be an amazingly talented character.

Scarlet Prison...

In fact, Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying had heard about it in their previous lives, and they planned to find out, but in the end they failed.

Because Lin Ling instinctively felt that it was very dangerous there.

Although he lost his memory, the "spirit" still has a sense of danger.

So the last two people failed to go, and the subsequent results also confirmed Lin Ling's guess - millions of supernatural beings, mutants and ordinary people, among them there are many seventh-level powerhouses, and those who came back alive in the end even came back alive. There are less than 1000 people.

Many geniuses and powerhouses like Yan Huitian and Fang Tiancheng fell in it, but those who came out in the end, people like Mu Chen, Muyang, and Fang Yi were transformed, and they could live for ten years in the last days. There is a place for the strong on the list.

But the part of people who came out alive kept tight-lipped about what happened in the Scarlet Prison, no matter how others asked, they would never say a word, only one person who couldn't stand the torture said two words-hell.

 I made a mistake in the timing of yesterday’s scheduled release. The two chapters released at [-]:[-] p.m. were posted at [-]:[-] a.m., but I went to sleep at that time... In addition, Fan Mao, the former leader of the stars, was also written by me as Fang Yi, the former leader of the Eastern Base... ...I don't want to say anything, let me calm down.

  Now you can only modify the settings, you will be the leader of the eastern base ten years later is Fan Mao.Fang Yi is the leader of the Starry Mercenary Group, so I gave up the treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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