Chapter 211 Zhang Wenwen
But this kind of Zhong Qing will definitely hide his light system ability tightly, otherwise if the base finds out, it will definitely be forcibly incorporated.

Lin Ling can know that Zhong Qing is a light-type power user only because Zhong Qing's energy fluctuations when he uses wood-type powers have light-type wave energy, which shows that his light-type powers and wood-type powers Fusion is already in progress.

Ability fusion is not a trivial matter, the success rate is less than [-]%, but once successful, the strength will be doubled.

This Zhong Qing is already carrying out the preliminary fusion, but Lin Ling guessed that he probably did it unintentionally, and he didn't even know that he had started the fusion of abilities, because the first fusion was successful, and the saying of fusion of abilities came into being. It is estimated that the ability user has not yet carried out the fusion of abilities, and it will take two years at the earliest.

This is also Zhong Qing's good luck. The wood element and the light element are both healing elements, so it is naturally much easier to integrate them.If the two mutually restraining abilities like water and fire are fused together, judging from Zhong Qing's low mental strength, it is estimated that he will either die or be injured.

After Lin Ling ate two pieces of barbecue, she didn't want to eat much.Zhong Yi's cooking skills are good, but a housewife doesn't have much contact with barbecue and other things, and other people, including Lin Ling, have never learned barbecue, and they don't know how to control the heat. The food can barely be eaten, but it is definitely not delicious.

Lin Ling has had a good life in the past few years. He has eaten a lot of good things and his mouth has grown.Anyway, she won't starve to death if she doesn't eat, so don't torture her stomach.

Qiu Chengying's place is alright, after all, he has ten years of experience in the last days, and his outdoor survival skills are good, and the baked goods are obviously much higher than the others.

Lin Ling, who was sitting on the side resting with her eyes closed after eating the barbecue, suddenly opened her eyes.

Fang Tiancheng also stopped stuffing the barbecue into his mouth, and looked towards the door.

Qiu Chengying's hands paused, and then continued to roast the corn that she had touched from nowhere.

"Uh... Excuse me." The girl standing at the door stepped back from the scrutiny of the people who heard the movement, and quickly stepped forward to introduce herself to everyone.

"My name is Zhang Wenwen, and I'm an employee of this hotel."

Listening to the girl's explanation, everyone also understood her reason.

It turned out that this piece of Wenwen took advantage of the long vacation in the hotel to go back to his hometown to visit his parents, but unexpectedly, the day before his return, the apocalypse broke out, and his parents mutated into zombies.

Zhang Wenwen's hometown is quite far from G City, but she still crossed multiple cities without hesitation and spent several months returning to this hotel - because many of her important items were left in the hotel's staff dormitory.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the hotel, I happened to meet eight people who were staying here.

Lin Ling glanced at Zhang Wenwen, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the rings on the girl's fingers.

Space ring...

Fang Yi hesitated for a moment, and after consulting Lin Ling and others, he allowed Zhang Wenwen to join the team temporarily—a girl who was only 19 years old was able to walk through the zombie crowd alone, which shows that she still has some skills.

Soon they also knew Zhang Wenwen's strength - a fifth-order fire and wind double-line superpower, no wonder she was so confident.

Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying didn't think so.

Zhang Wenwen and the others actually knew about it—in their last life.

And those who can be remembered by them are all strong or high-ranking people without exception.

This Wenwen is no exception, although she did not live to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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