The Tears of Rebirth in the End Times

Chapter 226 Variation White Tiger

Chapter 226 Variation White Tiger

The stronger the zombie, the purer the blood pupil, and the stronger the desire for flesh and blood.

Ordinary mutated animals don't have the desire for fresh flesh and blood like zombies, they just become stronger. Most of the mutated animals can't even awaken the elements, and they are not much different from Xiao Hui Xiaolan Xiaojing, so under normal circumstances She will not take the initiative to attack them, and the Lingyu base rarely releases tasks for mutated animals and plants.

In addition to Lingyu, some bases can also live in harmony with mutant animals.

The mutated animals with a tendency to turn into zombies are completely different. They will actively attack humans, and their desire for flesh and blood is no less than those of zombies, which can be described as extremely dangerous.

The mutated white tiger in front of him is a mutated zombie animal, and there is no need to show mercy.

The white tiger had just finished off two humans, and its ferocity of tearing a person apart with one claw not only made the humans stay away, but even some sensitive zombies pressed the urge to devour flesh and blood and detoured one after another.

Seeing Lin Ling's "brainless" behavior of slamming headfirst into the mutant tiger without making a sound, everyone cast gloating or puzzled looks, but soon these eyes were ignited by the icicles around Lin Ling and the icicles around him. The chilling seventh-level coercion was all taken back, and he scolded his mother in his heart: It's fine to have a seventh-level mutant animal, why is there another seventh-level superhuman?Now only nine of the ten places are left!
There were also some aggrieved people who cursed in their hearts that it would be better for Lin Ling and the mutant tiger to lose both, so that the two biggest threats could all disappear.

Thanks to Xiao Hui's fast movement, no one would have noticed this seventh-level eaglet, otherwise he might have died of despair.

Lin Ling observed secretly for a while just now, and already knew that this mutated tiger was of thunder and fire attributes with super attack power. Although there was a two-level gap in cultivation, he didn't dare to be careless at this time.

Among her six major attributes, only ice attribute attacks have high attack power. As for the space element, the power is not even comparable to that of Qiu Chengying, who became a monk halfway, unless the opponent can easily throw people into the space crack like Tao Jingyi last time, Otherwise, the unlucky one will be herself.

With an ice sword in his hand, Lin Ling made a bold decision - get close.

This is undoubtedly a stupid decision for her to deal with mutant animals known for their strength.

Due to years of diligent training, Lin Ling's strength is not weak even without the addition of spiritual power, but probably because of insufficient talent, he will still be at a disadvantage in pure strength competitions against opponents of the same level of strength.

If she loses her spiritual power to fight one-on-one with this mutated tiger that doesn't use supernatural powers, and if she doesn't use any means, she will undoubtedly lose.

"Drink——" Lin Ling swung his sword to block the opponent's body the size of a truck, and slid down.

Although he intends to use this tiger as a sparring opponent, but it is not the martial arts training ground of Lingyu base, there are many zombies, mutant animals and humans around, so he can only fight quickly.

He stabbed at the tiger's heart without hesitation, but was surprised to find that he couldn't get in, as if separated by a thick metal plate.

The corners of Lin Ling's eyes couldn't help twitching: Metal-type abilities!

And seeing that the fluctuation of this ability is not strong, and the control power is not high, it must be the same as Cheng Ying, who became a monk halfway...

(End of this chapter)

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