The Tears of Rebirth in the End Times

Chapter 228 Meeting Lin Zheng

Chapter 228 Meeting Lin Zheng (1)

After finishing off the six bodyguards neatly, Lin Ling looked at the stinky fart prince who was already paralyzed by fright, and curled his lips in disdain.

Blind his good looks for nothing!
Just when Lin Ling impatiently prepared an ice pick to solve it, he saw him suddenly take out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket and tear it up.

In an instant, a lightning strike with at least an eighth level of power struck Lin Ling.

Lin Ling was startled, but her reaction, trained in countless life and death battles, was extremely fast, and she immediately used space to teleport to escape.

Now Lin Ling looked at the paler-faced Prince Smelly with even more unkind eyes.

That kind of talisman can only be made by talisman masters from the Lingxiu family, because talisman masters are a branch of spiritual masters, and only the spiritual master family has records of how to draw runes.

Most of the Lingxiu families hide behind the scenes—thanks to the increasingly thinning spiritual power, even the spirit kings equivalent to fourth-order supernatural powers are extremely rare these days, and some of the remaining ones are only spiritualists. Means like superpowers can bluff people, and when they meet faster special forces, they will be restrained before their skills are released.

So there are very few healers who will reveal their abilities - it's really shameful!
Like Yanying and Qiulan, when they met Lin Ling, they were only at the level of a fifth-level spirit man. They were barely considered second-level supernatural beings. Lin Ling easily killed them without using spiritual power.

However, because Yan Ying is a casual cultivator, and Qiu Lan doesn't get along with her parents' families, they don't know much about the Lingxiu family, and most of the Lin Ling they know also know.

Now seeing a member of the Lingxiu family, Lin Ling couldn't help showing a sinister smile: It really didn't take much effort...

Three minutes later, Lin Ling pierced Prince Stinky Fart's heart with a knife, and found a place to digest the opponent's self.

I really didn't expect that this stinky prince is really a prince... and he is the only one, the only heir, so he can accumulate nearly seven levels of strength.

This stinky fart who was praised to the sky from a young age entered the Crimson Prison because of his arrogance and curiosity, but he hit a snag—he was different from Lin Ling and the others. He had already gone through two rounds of the thousand-person space. There are only six left.

Fortunately, my strength is not bad, my bodyguard is not weak, and I have the protection of treasures given by my elders, otherwise I would not be able to survive until now.

However, this child doesn't have many memories of the Lingxiu family. After all, he is just a playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. Although he is the heir, he doesn't care much about the family business.

Without the full cultivation of the family behind him, it would be impossible for such a lazy person to have the cultivation base of the sixth-order peak so quickly.

But this also shows...Wu Ze and the others are probably hiding their strength, right?If this is the case for those who don't work hard, how can those who work hard be worse?

If there is a chance, I really want to visit the capital base...

Lin Ling couldn't help thinking of the girl she entrusted her trust with but eventually betrayed her more than 200 years ago.

That child... If I remember correctly, he is also a member of the Lingxiu family in the capital.

I don't know if she is still alive after 200 years.

Although a healer has a longer lifespan than ordinary people, if she doesn't have the corresponding strength, it is impossible for her to live until now.

There is actually some regret in my heart.

Sure enough, I still feel a little bit unwilling, I haven't questioned that person face to face, and asked her why she betrayed.

(End of this chapter)

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