Chapter 465

It had been more than two months since Li Yi arrived at He Mingshan on that day.

in this period.

He Mingshan cottage was rebuilt by Xiliang soldiers, and under Li Yi's order, they moved into the cottage.

The tomb inside was also repaired by Xiliang cavalry officers and soldiers, who surrounded it with a wooden fence to protect it.

Some horses from the province fled and trampled the tomb.

The thatched hut on the mountainside was also refurbished, and a new hut was built side by side for the resting place of Caiyue and Aguja.

As for Li Yi, he walks on the mountain every day, digs out bird eggs, fishes in the river, and sits in front of the lonely grave at night, chatting.

Life is easy and comfortable.

Little did they know, the current Tang Dynasty was in chaos.

In the land of Anton, things did not go as planned by Fatty An. He informed Tong Guo to let his son Xiaosheng win.

But for some unknown reason, Jiao Tongguo hated Fatty An, and began to design the Pinglu Army to attack the entire Anton.

Poor An Qingzong's 15 Pinglu army was not only defeated by Jiao Tongguo, but almost completely wiped out.

When Fatty An learned of this, he almost vomited blood.

Even more furious than him was Li Longji.

Gao Tongguo not only invaded most of Anton, but even sent troops to attack Pinglu and Fanyang.

Pinglu's army was defeated, and Fan Yang had only one hundred thousand troops. How could he stop the mighty Jiao Tongguo's army?
And spies reported that Jiao Tongguo was still increasing its troops, intending to swallow up Pinglu, Fanyang, and Hedong directly.


None of this made Li Longji angry.

It was because Dashi, Mingzhou, and Turks had accidents one after another.

When Da Shiguo learned that Li Yi had removed his armor, his subordinates were hiding deep in the border city of Seoul, and they didn't care about anything from the outside world, so they became terrified.

Summon all the soldiers that can be used in the country, gather 30 troops, and press against the city of Baghdad.

At this time, Ge Shuhan also suffered a stroke and was bedridden. The tens of thousands of Longyou Army had no leader, and their morale was weak, unable to withstand the attack of 30 soldiers.

As a result, the city of Baghdad was recaptured by Dashi.

The remaining [-] to [-] Longyou troops took Ge Shuhan and fled all the way to Seoul, where they were able to catch their breath.

It was still in Seoul, where Li Yi's subordinates were dispatched, so there was no pursuit, otherwise Ge Shuhan would probably be defeated and flee back to Anxi.

Compared with Ge Shuhan's disastrous defeat in Dashi, Mingzhou's Guo Ziyi is still as stable as a dog.

Although he was defeated several times and was forced to retreat to Fenghua City by the Dongdao samurai army, the people were not harmed, and the 15 army under his command suffered little casualties.

In confrontation with the East Island samurai army.

What is at stake is the Turks.

Actually found a new way of life, bypassing Beiting, mobilizing 20 cavalry, and directly attacking the Guannei Road.

It has already occupied the territory of Xiaobanguan Nei Dao.

Li Longji issued an imperial order three times, ordering Li Chengzhong to lead his army to intercept.

However, the Beiting soldiers did not follow Li Yi's command in Turkic, and their whereabouts are unknown.

It is to transfer the Hengduan Grassland tribe to settle in Beiting.

Very busy.

Even more unable to draw troops to intercept the 20 Turkic cavalry.

Li Chengzhong wrote three times, explaining the reason, and told Li Longji to dispatch troops from other Jiedu envoys to stop him.


Li Longji had already issued an imperial edict, but it was a pity that the top ten Jiedu envoys, three of them were in the land of Anton, that is, under An Pang's command, and they had to shrink their troops and couldn't take care of themselves.

That can also mobilize troops to go to the Guannei Road and intercept the 20 Turkic cavalry.

Beiting can't draw troops out, Anxi is a half-destroyed land, Longyou's brother Shuhan is even more sad, not only deeply trapped in the big food, but also beware of Tubo taking advantage of the fire to loot.

Lingnan and Jiannan also need to guard against Tubo and Tianzhu. If they withdraw troops, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Shuofang and Hexi are both in the back and back of Chang'an. If troops are transferred from these two places, if there are rebels raising troops, they will drive straight in.

At that time, the soldiers will surround Chang'an, and the Tang Dynasty will really be hopeless.

How dare Li Longji mobilize.

At this time in the Daming Palace, Li Longji was sitting on the dragon chair, his face was like gold paper, his cloudy eyes were bloodshot, looking at the terrified courtiers below, he was very anxious.

Li Longji, who was already powerless to get angry, asked the courtier again, "Have you not figured out a way to break the situation?!"

As a result, the courtier bowed his head and kept silent.

Li Longji was so angry that he slapped the dragon chair again and again and said angrily, "You are my humerus ministers, and you can't even think of a way to break the situation, so what use are you for!!"

As he said that, Li Longji yelled like crazy, "Come on, pull them down and give me ten heavy sticks. If you can't think of a way to break the game, keep fighting!!"

"Until they figure it out!!"

As soon as Li Longji said this, the officials quickly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please think twice!!"

Among them was an elderly veteran who was so frightened that he blurted out, "Your Majesty can't, I have a way, I have a way."

With ten heavy sticks, with his body bones, he will undoubtedly die.

"What can you do, tell me!" Li Longji's eyes sparkled with hope, and his ravine-like face was full of eagerness.

"Report to Your Majesty." The aged veteran's face was slightly green, and he thought quickly, "Why don't we negotiate peace with the four countries."

"Now that the fight is going on, my Tang Dynasty will not become a country, and it is really difficult to resist the soldiers of the four countries."

"While the foundation of my Tang Dynasty is still there, negotiate a peace with it, and after a few years of recuperation, I will develop."

"Negotiate peace?!" Li Longji's face turned black, and he scolded angrily, "Now that we are negotiating peace, can my Tang Dynasty give what the Four Kingdoms want!!"

"Is it possible to cede the land to the Four Kingdoms and do such a spineless thing. Don't say that I and you will be scolded by the people, how can I have the face to meet my ancestors after death!!"

"The matter of peace negotiation, thank you for being able to bring it up!!"

"Come here, drive this person out of the palace gate, I don't want to see him!"

"Decree." Qian Niuwei outside the Daming Palace immediately entered the hall and dragged the elderly minister down.

However, the strange thing is that this old minister didn't have any resistance or cry, and even had a look of relief.

Compared to throwing away one's life at any time in the court, it is a good thing to be dismissed from office and leave the palace.

"I don't want to listen to the peace talks. Violators will not be pardoned!" Li Longji saw the courtiers below and saw the elderly officials expelled from the palace. Everyone was moved, and he couldn't help but arouse his murderous desire.

After warning the courtiers, Li Longji snorted, "Continue!"

"This..." The courtiers were about to cry, sweating profusely in anxiety, and kept turning their heads. There was nothing they could do.

Suddenly, when they saw Li Linfu standing in the front row, and Yang Guozhong and others, their eyes lit up.

Misfortune to the east.

Dead poor, not dead friends.

They all knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, we are really ignorant and don't know how to solve the country's crisis."

"However, Li Xiang, Mr. Yang Ge, and General An are all important ministers of the court, quick thinking, and generals who lead troops."

"At this moment, their faces are calm. I think that Li Xiang and the others must have a way to break the situation. Please be aware of it, Your Majesty."

"Extremely, extremely, Li Quang has been in power for decades, and General An has conquered the world and is invincible. He will definitely break the situation for His Majesty."

"It's reasonable, and it's reasonable. If Li and the others don't speak, they must be thinking of a good strategy."


Li Linfu and the others, who were listening to the chatter of the ministers, immediately widened their eyes and twitched their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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