Chapter 118 It Happened Again

Gu Jingcheng opened the wine bottle and poured himself a glass. Mo Lan was about to take it, but Gu Jingcheng refused, "You know how much you drink, if we both get drunk, we won't be able to go back."

Mo Lan rolled her eyes, "I won't drink too much, you can't let me watch. Do you want to make me sick by drinking in this weather? Drink to warm your stomach, I promise, just taste a little, definitely not much. "

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng with innocent and hopeful eyes, Gu Jingcheng was defeated, how could he not learn to reject Mo Lan?
"You can only drink a little, not too much. Stop immediately when you feel uncomfortable."

Mo Lan nodded promisingly, then she poured herself a glass, and Gu Jingcheng gently touched Mo Lan with the glass, "Thank you for accompanying me to visit my old friend today, and for listening to what I said so much. "

Mo Lan said in her heart, "Thank you for what you did for my parents, and you still want to help me investigate the truth."

Mo Lan said, "It's okay, I'm your fiancée, you can tell me anything, I also want to thank you for bringing me to such a store, you are right, the taste of this store is really good."

Mo Lan smiled, her face was full of warmth, "The past is the past, don't think about it so much, if those old friends are still there, I believe they will not care about these small things."

"Some things have nothing to do with you. You do it out of kindness. If you don't do it, no one will blame you. Don't take all these responsibilities on yourself, or you will be very tired."

"What will happen must happen, and we cannot change these things." Mo Lan told Gu Jingcheng and told herself at the same time.

She kept thinking that if it wasn't for her birthday and her parents wanted to hold a grand ceremony for herself, they wouldn't go out or have a car accident.

But what happened back then was not an accident. Some people had been plotting against the Xu family for a long time. Even if they didn't go out that day, they would always go out, and the murderer would always find a way to deal with him.

Mo Lan knew that her family would not blame her, but revenge was her own responsibility, she could not let her relatives die without knowing why.

Mo Lan thinks about it, she has the responsibility to find out the truth, but she can't blame herself, if her parents know that she puts so much pressure on her, they will feel distressed.

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng, "We just need to keep the things that have passed away in our hearts, let it become our memories, or become our motivation, if we blindly blame ourselves for this, I think, this is not what we care about. what people want to see."

Gu Jingcheng didn't speak.He just looked at Mo Lan, with deep affection in his eyes, "Lan'er, do you know? Every time I don't know what to do? Or when I am confused by some memories, you will be by my side, Show me the right direction."

"My life has become dark since my mother left. God is grateful that I met Xinrong, so I have friends and care."

"Lan'er, do you know? Since Xinrong left me, my life has been lonely and indifferent. If it wasn't for Chen Yu, I think I really couldn't hold on after so many years."

"Fortunately, I met you. Although you don't speak often, every time your words can always wake me up and make me think about many confusing things."

Gu Jingcheng held Mo Lan's hand, "I really don't know how I would live a life like this without you?"

Mo Lan held Gu Jingcheng back, "You are a very attractive person and a person worthy of happiness. Even without me, there will always be someone who is willing to accompany you and listen to you."

Gu Jingcheng shook his head, "It's different, I hope that person is you, and I hope that the person who is by my side is you."

Mo Lan smiled, she seldom really laughed because of something, because she cared about too few things.But now, she just smiled and looked into Gu Jingcheng's eyes.

Gu Jingcheng picked up the wine glass, and the two of them drank. Mo Lan had a limited capacity for alcohol, so she drank it slowly. It is no joke that this store is still booming after seven years.

Mo Lan was eating hot pot. Although it didn't sound very high-end, it was good enough. She was very satisfied. This was the taste she was familiar with. This feeling hadn't changed before.

Gu Jingcheng told the boss that no one bothered them. Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan were chatting, which had nothing to do with the company, nothing to do with each other's past, just talking about the future.

Gu Jingcheng talked about his views on feelings, and Mo Lan also talked about the future he had imagined. The voices of the two were very soft, more like whispering.

Laughing from time to time, Mo Lan realized that Gu Jingcheng is such a simple person, we are all like this, the more we lack something, the more we yearn for it.

All Gu Jingcheng wants is a happy family. Gu Jingcheng will not become someone like Gu Feng, so he will do his best to treat his wife well and accompany his children to grow up lovingly.

The same is true for Mo Lan, from childhood to adulthood, even now, what she asks for is very simple, as long as there is someone who loves her, is willing to pamper her, and accompany her, that's enough.

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng, she and Gu Jingcheng imagined so much, they didn't have too much ambition, the company, career, and status were not the goals they pursued.

But life will never go according to our imagination. Gu Jingcheng has his own responsibilities and goals. He needs to manage the company to enhance his ability to achieve his goals.

As for Mo Lan, she also has her own responsibilities to fulfill. She wants revenge, even if it will hurt others, she still needs to complete her own revenge and avenge her family.

Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng drank and talked, gradually their consciousness became confused, it was already very late, because of the rain, even the moon disappeared in the sky, which made the already dark weather even more gloomy.

Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan left the store after dinner. The boss was still worried that they would not be able to leave like this. Mo Lan had completely lost consciousness. Gu Jingcheng was fine. Although he drank a lot, he was not so drunk. A little conscious.

Neither Gu Jingcheng nor Mo Lan could drive, so Gu Jingcheng told the boss to put the car here temporarily, and then he helped Mo Lan to leave.

Looking for the nearest hotel, Gu Jingcheng opened a room, and his consciousness began to blur. As soon as he put Mo Lan on the bed, he fell to the ground because he couldn't see clearly.

Mo Lan sat up in a daze. She walked to the wine cabinet and took out the red wine, "I'm not drunk. See how a drunk person can open the wine bottle so accurately."

Mo Lan took the glass and poured it full, Gu Jingcheng snatched it quickly, Mo Lan was dissatisfied and ready to continue, Gu Jingcheng had no choice but to drink the wine in the glass and threw the bottle away.

Gu Jingcheng's realization has stopped here.

(End of this chapter)

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