Chapter 144 Three birds with one stone

Ye Wan was stunned, she looked at Gu Jingcheng, "Chairman, I don't understand, if you can point out what I did wrong, or if the task is not completed, I can accept the plan to resign, but I don't think so. There is something wrong with my work."

A playful expression appeared on Gu Jingcheng's face, "Don't you think there is a problem with your job? Let me ask you, what is your purpose for joining the company."

Ye Wan was stunned, she clenched her hands unconsciously, "It's not a secret that I like you, almost everyone has known about it for so many years, I admit that I entered the company with selfish intentions, but I didn't let you This selfishness affects my performance."

Gu Jingcheng sneered, "Did it affect your work? Ask yourself, in the company, how many times have you targeted Mo Lan because of your prejudice."

Ye Wan was full of resentment, "It's Mo Lan again, that bitch has only been with you for a long time, and you talk about her all the time, and you can't see how much I have done for you by your side for so many years."

Ye Wan's mood has become more and more depressed since Mo Lan joined the company. In order not to make Gu Jingcheng angry and ruin her image in his heart, Ye Wan can only bear it. She has been trying to deceive herself. That's why he accepted Mo Lan.

But Ye Wan couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't lie to herself, everyone knew that she liked Gu Jingcheng, it was impossible for him not to notice, but he was with another woman.

Why, she has devoted so many years of youth and hard work for Gu Jingcheng, why can a lowly Mo Lan take away everything she has been pursuing so hard.

"That bitch Mo Lan is not a good person. She must have a purpose for approaching you. You can't like her. Jing Cheng, you believe me, my heart for you is the most sincere, no one will love you more than me, You have no idea how much I have paid for you."

Gu Jingcheng looked at Ye Wan, this time he must make things clear, "What you paid for me is just your wishful thinking, I never asked you to do this, I told you from the first day you joined the company I won't like you, and I won't be with you."

"Whoever gives you the right to think that what you like must be yours. You have paid a lot. Have you asked me if I want to accept it? Giving that is not accepted is just a burden."

Ye Wan's eyes widened, she couldn't believe what she heard, "You say I'm your burden?"

Gu Jingcheng looked at him without any concealment, "Otherwise, what do you think you are to me? How many years have we known each other? We could have been friends. But you ruined everything with your own hands. I told you countless times that we didn't Maybe, did you hear me?"

"Now you stand here and keep saying that Mo Lan is not qualified to be with me. Why? Do I need your permission to be with anyone?"

"Also, you said that you never let your feelings affect the company, so how does Xu explain it, and how does the document you sold them explain?"

After Gu Jingcheng finished speaking, Ye Wan suddenly took two steps back, "What did you say, I don't know what you mean."

Gu Jingcheng snorted, "I don't know? Then let me tell you, Mrs. Xu has given us detailed information, and you sold the outline of the document to them. It's ridiculous that you still want to blame Mo Lan?"

"Impossible, it's not me." Ye Wan knew that if she admitted this matter now, it would be impossible for her to stay in Gu's.Denied it flatly, Ye Wan thought that as long as she didn't admit it, Gu Jingcheng would not do anything to her.

"I didn't do it, it must be that bitch Mo Lan who framed me, Jing Cheng, you believe me, you know me, I have been in the company for so many years, I have never done anything to be sorry for the company, I will not do that .”

Gu Jingcheng snorted coldly, "Don't talk like a slut, Mo Lan is no worse than you, what right do you have to insult others like this. Where is your upbringing?"

Gu Jingcheng was very calm, "You have indeed been in the company for a long time, and this is your disguise, isn't it. No one would think that you are the one who betrayed the company, so even if you did, no one would suspect you , which is why you initiated an investigation."

Gu Jingcheng was very disappointed. No matter how many problems Ye Wan had, she had worked in the company for many years. Gu Jingcheng regarded her as a very capable subordinate.

"Ye Wan, if I were you, I wouldn't be struggling. I wouldn't do anything unprepared. Now the evidence is in my drawer. If you want to see it, I can take it out."

Ye Wan shook her head and backed away, "No, it's not true, it's fake, and someone else must have framed me."

Gu Jingcheng was speechless, and it was useless for Ye Wan to really say, "Ye Wan, do you still remember what you said? If you find a betrayer in the company, those who have a big impact will be handed over to the law, and those who have a light impact will leave the company."

"I leave it to you to choose the same method. Do you leave the company voluntarily, or do I fire you? Ye Wan, you have been in the company for many years, and many people have a good relationship with you. I don't think you want them to know what you do."

Ye Wan didn't speak, she didn't believe she lost, it was impossible, absolutely impossible, what kind of thing was Mo Lan, how could she lose to Mo Lan.

Gu Jingcheng sat on the seat, "Think about it. The Ye Group is well-known in the industry. How disappointed Mr. Ye must be if you did such a thing."

Ye Wan's eyes were full of despair, she knew she had done something wrong, but Gu Jingcheng didn't allow even a little exception?
"You really want me to leave, even though I've been in Gu's for so many years?" Ye Wan wanted to make sure for the last time.

Gu Jingcheng nodded, "I will punish anyone who does something detrimental to the company, and you are just an employee to me."

"What if it's Mo Lan? She must have a goal. She can't really love you. If she does something wrong to the company, what will you do?"

Gu Jingcheng's expression was very serious, "If Mo Lan wants Gu Shi, then I will hold her with both hands. Whether she wants to destroy it or recreate it, I will help her."

The last gleam of light in Ye Wan's eyes also disappeared, she nodded, "Ah, so that's the case, so I've never been special to you."

Ye Wan looked at Gu Jingcheng, "I resign, and the resignation letter will be handed over to you in a while."

After Ye Wan left, Gu Jingcheng briefly talked about Ye Wan's behavior inside the company, and then proved Mo Lan's innocence.

Gu's bid failed, and his influence was questioned to a certain extent.

Mo Lan drove Ye Wan, who regarded herself as a thorn in the side, out of the Gu family.

As for Mrs. Ye, her face was also damaged because of the dismissal of the eldest lady, and her cooperation with Mrs. Gu was also affected to a certain extent.

Killing three birds with one stone, Mo Lan's plan went smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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